Tuesday, August 31, 2010

John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.


When I was a child, the stated goals of the public school I attended were summarized as the "3 Rs." It was the goal of the administrator and teachers that we learn reading, writing and 'rithmetic. These were not the only subjects we were to learn, but the foundation of a solid education.

It is certainly important that our children learn to read, write and understand mathematics. But as Christian parents called by God to be the primary Christian educators of our children, we should understand the goals of Christian education established by God.

What is to be the goal of a godly education founded upon the Word of God?

The goal of Christian education, whether it be of adults or children, is simply stated by the Apostle John here, that every soul come to know the only true God, and the Savior Jesus Christ whom He sent. The attainment of this goal leads not merely to a smooth integration into society, but eternal life apart from sin and eternal death.

Now there were times in public school when I felt like I was just a number and that the teachers weren't really concerned that I really learned.

As Christian parents and Christian educators, we should not be satisfied merely that our children know about Jesus. We will do all we can and pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit lodge faith in our children's hearts. We don't just want them to know that Jesus died on the cross, but to know and rejoice that He died for them to make them His own.

This is a true and lasting education. God grant that we all come to this knowledge!