Friday, March 4, 2011

Matthew 17:4 Peter said to Jesus, "Lord it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three tents -- one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah."


Peter is not so different from us, is he? We also want good times to continue. We also think that we can do something to "make it last." Or perhaps Peter wasn't really trying to make it last. Maybe he was trying to figure out why Jesus had brought them along. Maybe he was just wanting to contribute something. We can relate to that, can't we? How often hasn't God blessed us in some way, and along with the blessing came the responsibility of taking care of it. We had to change the oil ... or the diaper.

But when it comes to the Exodus that Moses and Elijah are discussing with Jesus, it is obvious that Peter, James and John are merely spectators and beneficiaries. No tent or shrine that they might fashion is needed; no organ, no colored glass, no candles could possibly add to the splendor that is before them. Nor could that glorious Exodus be accomplished on the mountain, whether He was viewing all the kingdoms of the world (Matthew 4:8ff) or talking with Moses and Elijah. It would be finished on a cross, as yet a mystery to Peter.

Yes, there are times when we speak for Him, give a cup of cold water for Him, or otherwise act as His messengers, and when we do, it is He who works in us to will and to act according to His good purpose. But when the Son of Man sought and saved us who were lost, He did it alone.

Is it not amazing then that even when the Christ was facing this huge task, in a moment when He was glorified -- like a flash of lightning -- Peter was so sure of His friendship that he could still talk to Him, and bring his projects before Him? Thank God, so can we!

Before we taste of death,
We see Thy kingdom come;
We fain would hold the vision bright
And make this hill our home.