The Steering Committee met in March and approved plans for a somewhat different approach to joint Pesach services (see accompanying note). We hope this will foster mutual appreciation of our different minyanim. We also discussed plans to occasionally provide some alternative prayers for the end of the Torah service (prayers for the government, Israel, and peace). The Communication Committee is now active, with Sandra Braun as chair providing liaison with synagogue-wide events and publicity, and Susan Laemmle helping compile the minyan monthly. Minutes of the meeting are published on our web site here.
Several initiatives for 2014 are going well. The lecture series on Tough Questions was much appreciated. If you missed a lecture, some text and notes can be found on our web site here (still being assembled). Our Social Action initiative was active during Purim, and several more events are coming up soon. And look for our drash series on social justice starting right after Pesach. Shabbat services have been enlivened by Torah Club youth participants, with another instance planned for April 19.
As we prepare for Pesach, I encourage everyone to remember spiritual cleansing as well as the physical. Consider using this time as a mid-year "booster shot" between High Holidays. Getting rid of chometz can include letting go of those resentments and hostile feelings that lurk in the shadows of one’s heart. Let’s wash them away by noticing the good intentions and caring actions that we are fortunate to see frequently in our community, and resolve to add our own goodness to the flow.
— Carl Sunshine
PB&J: Good with Milk, Great with Water, Even Better with Smile
On Erev Purim, streams of TBA participants of all ages spread PB&J sandwiches and packed them in bags with toothbrushes, toothpaste, granola bars, socks, disinfecting wipes, tissues, socks, gloves, hats and bottled water. In less than an hour, almost 100 sandwiches were made and bags were packaged for delivery the next day.
This effort was organized by Library Minyan Social Action subcommittee chair Dianne Shershow in conjunction with the Temple Beth Am Purim Committee and B’nai David Judea. Other shuls also participated by donating supplies and packaging bags for distribution.
On Purim day, cars full of shul members and bags met in downtown LA to distribute the food and supplies. Three of the people in my car had never done this before (including me), so we had no idea what to expect. It was a standout experience that I can't wait to repeat.
We stopped behind two other cars that were already surrounded by people. They did have their hands out — but they were very polite, gracious and genuinely grateful for what was given to them.
Ok, the food, supplies and the bags may be useful. But, face it, the amount we gave will last people a short time. Only government can provide the kind of physical relief they need. But we gave them something else. Merely by showing up, we showed that we care. And what we received in return was much more valuable than what we gave. Our little effort was received with an overwhelming gratitude that completely outsized our efforts
On Purim, we're told to experience joy. Today, I learned one way to find that joy in a holiday and to share it with others. Purim is a holiday that celebrates the redemption of a people who live in an alien culture and are treated as outcasts. We know what it's like to be on the outside.
Next year, please join in. Don't do it for Dianne or even for those less fortunate than you. Don't even do it because it's the right thing to do. Just do it for the joy it will bring to you and to those with whom you share the experience.
—Meyer Shwarzstein
DPL: Diaspora Potluck News
The erev Purim pot-luck lunch at the home of Abby and Larry Harris was filled to capacity with minyan members who schmoozed, ate, bentched, and even cleaned up together. A wonderful time was experienced by all as we got into the mood of Purim by sharing stories, advice, recipes, and Torah.
We owe a great big todah rabbah to Susan Grinel, who organized the lunch, reminded us what to bring, and made sure we all had enough to eat — which we certainly did!
Abby and Larry always graciously allow us to take over their house. Not only do they make each one of us feel welcome, they are happy we have joined them! Thank you!
There is unlimited space for the last DPL event of this year, so all members of TBA are invited to join us. The Shavuot (second day) picnic in La Cienega Park will take place, amazingly, on the second day of Shavuot (Thursday, June 5th). Information will be forthcoming.
—Val Goldstein
Post-Pesach Social Action Possibility
Now is the time to join TEAM TEMPLE BETH AM for the Jewish World Watch Walk to End Genocide on Sunday, April 27. Go to to sign up. Contact Dianne Shershow at for additional information.
Check out the Library Minyan Community Board to find out about more social action opportunities and advocacy actions.
—Dianne Shershow
Services: The plans for Pesach services have been developed jointly with the TBA ritual committee. Each of the main TBA minyanim will organize and lead one service — in a location other than its “home turf” in order to increase the joint feeling of each service. LM will lead first day in the main sanctuary. Shir Hadash and Bait Tefillah will lead second and seventh day services in the Dorff-Nelson Chapel. Each minyan will have its own eighth day service.
Seder Shadchen: If you wish to offer places at a seder, or to be invited to a seder, please contact Michelle Wolf: or 323-571-0999.
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035
Human Rights Drash Series Planned for Omer
For many of us, the phrase "Each one of us is to regard ourselves as having been redeemed from Egypt" recited during the Pesach Seder is not only a statement about appreciating the miracle of our deliverance from slavery. It is also a call to political and social activism—a call to share our blessings of freedom with others.
It is in this spirit that the Education Committee has scheduled a series of three drashot and one evening lecture on various aspects of Human Rights to occur during the Omer, the time period immediately following the celebration of Pesach and continuing until Shavout.
On Shabbat Morning April 26, Rabbi Miriyam Glazer will speak on "A Global Perspective on Human Rights.” On May 3, Michelle Wolf will speak on "People with Disabilities and Human Rights" and on May 10 guest darshan Rabbi Jonathan Klein from Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice will speak on "Human Rights - a Local Perspective.” The final speakers in our series will be Tom Holler, One LA organizer, and Rabbi Elliot Dorff, who will speak on the connection between Jewish ethics and community organizing on Wednesday evening, May 21.
Please plan ahead to join us for this coordinated series of talks on this critically important subject.
—Rachel Rubin Green