Issue 466 - Jim Marsden
  31 Dec 2021
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Jim Marsden. 1927 - 2021
It is with great regret that I have to end 2021 with the sad news of the death of Jim Marsden FRPS APAGB EFIAP, at home after a short illness, on 28 December aged 94.
Jim was the longest serving member of BPS, having joined in 1961. Since that time Jim, along with wife Elizabeth contributed greatly to the Society, but will probably be remembered mostly for having run the Bristol Salon for 12 years.
Listed below the posts that Jim held over the years:
1981 to 1983 Deputy Chairman
1983 to 1985 Chairman
1981 to 1987 WCPF Rep
1986 to 1991 President
1985 to 1988 Colour Group
1988 to 1991 Secretary with wife Elizabeth 
1989 to 2000 Ran the Bristol Salon with wife Elizabeth
Below are a few words from Pete McCloskey, Ashwin Chauhan and John Chamberlin who probably knew Jim for longer than any other member:
Jim Marsden - Pete McCloskey
Jim was our longest serving member and had a long and distinguished career in amateur photography. Early in my BPS membership I got to know Jim well, I remember that when I first joined the Society, he won the Annual Slide competition. It used to amaze me that at over 90, he would still drive to meetings from his home the other side of Bath, showing just how committed he was to the Society’s activities. He remained a very accomplished slide worker for many years, and he achieved the Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society for slides in the old Pictorial category: this was a rare achievement at the time, as very few photographers gained the Fellowship in slides, it was more usually gained with prints. He was proficient in producing derivative slides long before the days of Photoshop, I remember him saying to me that what use to take him all weekend now can be done far quicker using a keyboard rather than matts and colour separations.
Jim was a successful exhibitor in international exhibitions and in our own WCPF events and exhibitions. Additionally supporting the Society in inter-club events organised by the WCPF and PAGB. He also lectured and judged on behalf of the WCPF.
Jim led the Bristol Salon for a number of years in the pre digital days and we always had the often difficult and time-consuming task of trying to match slides with the packaging in which they were sent, ready for their return at the end of the exhibition. Often time was taken trying to find a missing slide, fortunately we don’t have this problem in today’s digital age.
Peter McCloskey FRPS APAGB
Jim Marsden - John Chamberlin
Jim Marsden, who sadly died just after Christmas, made an outstanding contribution to Bristol PS for some 60 years. He contributed both with his outstanding photography and also in his willingness to take on various administrative roles which helped the club to function so effectively.
When I joined the club in the late seventies, Jim was one of the most able slide workers of the period and had already obtained his ARPS. He was supportive both to me and several other newcomers and encouraged us to develop our photography and participate in the various competitions that existed.
During the eighties Jim formed the ' Colour Group' which met once a month to share images and ideas and to select images to represent the club in external competitions. He organised a stimulating programme and enthused all who attended. With the forming of the RPS Creative Group, Jim regularly attended national meetings held at Smethwick PS as well as regional meetings in the southwest.
As far as his own photography was concerned, Jim was successful both in the club competitions, where he was a frequent winner, and also in gaining awards and acceptances in International Salons. He was always willing to experiment and try new techniques and in particular enjoyed producing pictorial montages. He lectured and judged at many clubs in the region and beyond and did so with great enthusiasm and commitment.
Around 1990 he was delighted when he was awarded the Fellowship of the RPS with panel of 'tree images' submitted in the Applied section. His success in International Salons led to his being awarded an EFIAP and for his overall contribution to club photography he was made an associate of the PAGB.
Following the death of Fred Matthews, he willingly took over the running of the Bristol Salon which he chaired for a number of years ably assisted by his wife Elizabeth. It was a very successful period for the Salon and much of this was due to the efforts and enthusiasm of Jim. Over the years Jim also took on other roles within the society, serving as a competition secretary and also as club Chairman before serving as President for five years. Whenever he took on a task, he did so both with pride and great dedication.  This was recognised when he was made a Life Member.
When Jim retired, he and his wife moved to Atworth near Melksham where he was able to indulge in his love of gardening. I, along with others, wondered how much we would see of Jim at the club given the drive involved but Jim was a regular attendee right up to the time when meetings were shown via zoom. Until the last few weeks he also joined the weekly zoom meetings still very much enjoying the images that he saw.
I will always remember Jim as the person who encouraged me in my early photographic years and whose enthusiasm for photography remained right to the end. He was a kind, considerate man, very humble about his own talents but when there was a job to be done you knew that if Jim took it on it would be done both efficiently and without fuss.
John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP
Jim Marsden - Ashwin Chauhan

Sadly, we have lost the second ex-president of the BPS this year. When I first joined BPS in mid-seventies Jim was one of the members who welcomed me and became a friend and a mentor for life. I admired his style of photography, a leading creative photographer using slides long before the digital photography. He encouraged me to try for RPS distinction ARPS which he had at the time. Jokingly he explained how he got it - ARPS means A Red Patch Somewhere in your image. In those days I travelled to India frequently for family visits, which offered plenty of opportunities for colour photography and every time before I pressed the shutter button I would recap all that Jim taught me about what makes a good picture.

When I started the Digital Group in BPS around 1998 Jim was a regular supporter. He was quick to adapt to digital technology and continued his support to DI group until as recently as two months ago when he presented his digital images of Jane Austen Day in Bath. He also attended the Western Region RPS Digital group meetings near Taunton where he would drive himself there, taking an hour and half, which at his age of 90+ always amazed me and believed he would be our centenarian member in the coming years.

His contribution to BPS over the years has been extraordinary. Not only was he the chairman and the president but also managed Bristol Salon for over ten years with Elizabeth, his wife, in the days before internet which has now made it a lot easier. He spent a vast amount of his time on it and contributed large sums for the benefit of BPS. We all miss him greatly and I will also miss him as a good, kind and caring friend.

Ashwin Chauhan ARPS EFIAP
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
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