Intown's Newsletter

May 14-16
To see the full scedule of the holiday
Tuesday May 14 - 
 Tikun Leil Shavuot
Wednesday May 15 -
Reading of the 10 commandments from the Torah
Followed by a delicious dairy buffet
On this night it is customary to remain awake and study Torah until dawn.
The first part of the night, from 10:30PM to 12:30AM we will have an open discussion on the 10 Commandments.
We will have two groups one in English and one in French
French group
Présenté par:
1. Je suis l'eternel ton D'.
Eythan Herzberg
2. Tu n'auras pas d'autres dieu que moi.
3. Tu ne prononceras pas le nom de D' en vain.
Arnaud Sellem
4. Souviens-toi du jour du Chabath, pour le sanctifier.
Chmouel Hengoat
5. Honore ton père et ta mère.
Victoria Hengoat
6. Tu ne tueras pas.
Yohan Dahan
7. Tu ne commettras pas d'adultère.
Laura Seroussi
8. Tu ne voleras pas.
9. Tu ne mentiras pas contre ton prochain.
Nathaniel Farouz
10. Tu ne convoiteras pas la maison de ton prochain, ni sa femme, ni aucune chose qui est à ton prochain.
English Group
Presented by:
1. I am the Lord your G-d,  
2. You shall have no other gods before Me
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your G-d in vain
David Entes 
4. Remember the Shabbat Day, to keep it holy
Jeremy goren
5. Honor your father and mother
Doron Kalinko
6. You shall not murder
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
10. You shall not covet
We are looking for volunteers to give a 10 minute presentation on each one of the commandment.

Who, where, when, and what of the Giving of the Torah
G-d gave the Torah in the presence of all Israel - six hundred thousand male adults, aged 20 to 60, many more older men, and, of course, women and children, together with a multitude of other peoples (erev rav). In all there were several million living witnesses who saw the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai!
Present also were all the Jewish souls who were ever to come down to live upon this earth. Every one of us then solemnly proclaimed naaseh v'nishma - we shall do and learn. Each one of us was made a party to that sacred covenant between G-d and His people Israel
Desert: The Torah was given in a desert. A desert is a place owned by no one particular person, everyone has access to it. So too, the Torah is accessible to all; it is our spiritual inheritance of which we may all equally partake.
Mount Sinai: It was one of the humblest mountains (not outstanding in height, girth, beauty, etc.). The humility of a mountain comes to teach us people that humility is a precondition for serving G-d.
On a mountain, and not on flat lands: The reason is that to G-d it would not matter if the Torah would have been given in a meadow, but in order for the Torah to be honored by people, it was only proper that it be given in an impressive place like a mountain. Also, while we avoid personal pride, pride in spiritual matters essential. A mountain symbolizes tremendous and immovable strength. So too, the power of Torah should be constant and uncompromising.
The mountain grew flowers: With the introduction of Torah, the barren wasteland was converted into a lush garden filled with flowers. Thus, the dynamic transformative power of Torah was revealed to even a greater extent than it could have had it been given in an already established manifestation of blessing.
When (did we get the Torah?):
50 days after the Jews left Egypt:. In these days, we grew in holiness and character.
What did we get?
All of the 613 mitzvot were given on that day. Ten of them, the basic ten categories of the Commandments, were written on the Two Tablets. G-d did not give Moshe the Tablets - Luchot on Har Sinai, as many people mistakenly think. G-d only spoke the Aseres Hadibros - 10 commandments, and only later on, after 40 days of Moshe being in heaven, did Moshe bring the Luchos- tablets down from G-d. 

Shabbat Times for:
Shanghai, China
Torah Portion: Bamidbar
Friday, May 10,
Light Candles at 6:20 PM


Shabbat, May 11,
Shabbat Ends 7:19 PM
Tuesday, May 14,
Eve of First day of Shavuoth
Light Candles at 6:23 PM
Wednesday, May 15
Eve of second day of Shavuoth
Light  Holiday Candles after
7:22 PM
Thursday, May 16
Holiday Ends  7:22 PM


Kosher Mart

Da Marco Kosher Pizza
are still available at the Kosher Mart
(thin dought)
To order please call
6255 7770 or login to
New kinds of Potato chips and Rice chips are available



Intown Jewish Center