BPS Newsletter - Issue 144 17 June 2015 |
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
17 June we have a visit from Stephen Spraggon with his talk entitled - Somerset Landscapes. Stephen is a professional photographer based in the southwest of England and he specialises in landscapes, many examples of which are shown on his website.
Annual General Meeting 2015
Attached to this newsletter are the documents for the AGM on the 8th July 2015. The
following items are included in the attachment - 1. The Notification of
the AGM 2. Proxy Voting form 3. Council member Nomination Form 4. The
Annual Report of the Council of Management 5. The Abbreviated Financial
Statements Should you wish to have a copy of the full Financial
Statements contact The Secretary (John Hudson), or the Treasurer (Peter Smith) and it will be sent
out to you. If you wish to tender your apologies, please do so by email
to John. John Hudson Secretary secretary@bristolphoto.org.uk
Change Of Personal Details
If your photo honours or personal details
(address, telephone or email) have changed since the last AGM, please send them
to the membership secretary at membership@bristolphoto.org.uk
As you will be aware, we didn't hold this year's Salon show at QEH, preferring instead to present the show to BPS members at West Mall and to wait until the new premises were complete and to hold it "at home" for non BPS members. We have decided to have the show on Sunday 5 July and I have sent invitations to all the clubs in the Bristol area. Obviously these visitors won't be familiar with the location and I am looking for two volunteers to act as car park attendants on the afternoon. The job carries unmatchable benefits like a designer high visibilty jacket and free tea/coffee.
Please let me know if you'd like to help, by emailing me at chairman@bristolsalon.co.uk. No need to send a CV, just your name and an email saying that you'd love to help!
Annual Projected Image Competition
The Annual Projected Image Competition was held on 20 May and was judged by Leo Rich ARPS DPAGB APAGB EFIAP/g.
The results are shown below:
Intermediate |
Richard Kay |
Li River Fisherman |
1st |
Charlie West |
Fish |
2nd |
Steve Bevan |
Natural Patterns |
3rd |
David Alderson |
High & Dry |
HC |
David Alderson |
Left Behind |
HC |
Derek Ripper |
Above Deck |
HC |
Derek Ripper |
The Man in Charge |
HC |
Charlie West |
CocaCola Sofa |
HC |
Natural History |
Mary Pears |
Wild Female Kestrel with Prey |
1st |
Ann Mead |
Enoplognatha Guarding 5mm Egg Sac |
2nd |
Peter Smith |
Osprey With Fish |
3rd |
Richard Kay |
The Golden Eagle’s Arctic Meal |
HC |
Richard Kay |
The Red Kite Stoop |
HC |
Ann Mead |
Harlequin Ladybird eating Aphid |
HC |
Mary Pears |
Courting Grebes |
HC |
Steve Taylor |
Lichen Garden |
HC |
Advanced |
Barry Mead |
Flying Hooves |
1st & Best Overall |
Greg Duncan |
Working Together |
2nd |
Greg Duncan |
Horse in a Winter Blizzard |
3rd |
Val Duncan |
Bob Cat on the Run |
HC |
Val Duncan |
Lineout Saracens V Harlequins |
HC & Best Action |
Greg Duncan |
Old Monastery New Monk |
HC |
Greg Duncan |
Silk Dying Burma |
HC & Best Travel |
Maureen Gillet |
Eastbound |
HC |
Jeff Hargreaves |
Stage 4 Peloton |
HC |
Richard Harris |
Watching |
HC |
Neil McCoubrey |
Loch Arklet |
HC & Best Landscape |
Barry Mead |
Sea Horses |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Trumpets & Angels |
HC & Best Creative |
Sue O’Connell |
Gossips' Corner |
HC & Best People |
Sue O’Connell |
Hunters In a Frosty Landscape |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Faith |
HC & Best Mono |
Keith Wood |
Dell Park |
HC |
Some Of The Winning Images
Li River Fisherman
Richard Kay
Wild Female Kestrel with Prey
Mary Pears
Flying Hooves
Barry Mead
I know that many of you will have worked out where you can and cannot park on a Wednesday evening, but so as to not fall foul of our neighbours it is imperative that we only park in areas where the owners have agreed. On Wednesday last, cars appeared to be parked in what can only be described as a random fashion; it did not really matter too much this time as there was a relatively small number of cars, but on a week which is popular it is important that we maximise the space available and parking in regimented rows is one way to do this. Some members are still a little unsure of which areas they can park in, hopefully the birdseye view of the estate shown below should clarify it for all.
Basically the other occupants of the estate have kindly agreed that, on Wednesday evenings and on Sundays we can park on their forecourts. This is with the exception of Units 9, 10, 15 and the Plumb Centre - all shown shaded in red:
Please note:
These parking arrangements operate on evenings and Sundays only, at all other times please either park in front of Unit 13 or in Station Road.
Just to complete my sermon, please note that the area painted with yellow diagonal lines immediately in front of the clubrooms is specifically for visiting speakers.
Don't forget, you can always let the train take the strain as Montpelier Station is only 100 yds from the clubrooms. If you do fancy taking the train, you can check times to and from Montpelier by clicking on this link.
Following the success of last year’s studio competition, by popular demand, another studio competition will take place at the AGM this year with the task of wrestling the trophy away from Mike Bigger. The studio competition will be for images taken during any of the studio group meetings that have taken place between 1st June 2013 and 28th April 2015 and not entered in this competition in 2014. Full details and rules can be downloaded here.
BPS member, Graham Reeves has decided to take part in this year's Yorkshire
Three Peaks walk in July. He is doing this for a charity that is very close to
his heart, The Alzheimer's Society and I suggested that it might be a good idea
if I put a plea in the newsletter to ask if members would like to sponsor him.
The Challenge takes on the peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough,
usually in this order, and in under 12 hours. These peaks form part of the
Pennine range, and encircle the head of the valley of the River Ribble, in the
Yorkshire Dales National Park. The walk is just over 24 miles, which is not a
huge amount in 12 hours, but when you add in the fact that the total ascent
during those 12 miles is somewhere in the region of 1800m (or just over a mile!)
it takes on a whole new sense of achievement. If you would like to sponsor
Graham, please follow this link where you will be able to sign up to make your donation.
This year BPS represents the WCPF at the annual PAGB Interclub Projected Image Competition at Warwick on 11 July. It would be great to see a crowd of BPS members at the event to support the club at what is the Country's major interclub event. If you would like to support BPS and get tickets for this event, you can download an application form by following this link.
Download Issue 139 of the PAGB eNews here.
Fotospeed Summer Spectacular
Fotospeed are holding a Summer Spectacular in July. There will be twelve different talks over the two days covering a wide variety of subjects from wildlife of the UK to landscapes of Iceland. The Summer Spectacular will also include a print exhibition and trade stands with special weekend prices not to be missed.
For a full timetable and list of speakers, please follow this link.
Chalkie Davies: the NME years – National Museum Cardiff 9th May to 6th September 2015. Welsh-born Chalkie Davies joined the Rock’n’Roll Circus in ’73 after photographing David Bowie’s last night as Ziggy Stardust. He worked as a staff photographer at the NME (New Musical Express) from ’75-’79 shooting numerous covers and features on the most influential artists from that era, including Elvis Costello, Nick Lowe, Ian Dury, Debbie Harry, Paul McCartney, The Clash, The Ramones and The Rolling Stones. In ’80 he helped launch The Face magazine with his old NME editor Nick Logan, shooting many cover stories. During this period he also shot record covers for Thin Lizzy, Elvis Costello, The Pretenders, The Specials, Pete Townshend and David Bowie. He also made a series of formal portraits of many of the best musicians from this time. These unseen portraits and a large selection of his best work for the NME make up this Retrospective.
For further details, click here.
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue. |
Canon 70D body (black) with all accessories in original box. Hardly used, read the reviews on line and you will see what a bargain this is! Only £525.00 ono
Nikon D610 full frame DSLR body.
18 months old, with 6 months manufacturer's extended warranty remaining.
Camera is in excellent condition, boxed with all the original items
- £725.
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
Please let the newsletter editor know if/when any of the items listed are sold.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: membership@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE