Thank you to all those who keep the
information flowing. We've had a busy month with a lot
of housekeeping tasks been
successfully completed. First we have fixed the
issue with our online calendar's "current day"
displaying the wrong
date, plus given it a slight facelift by changing
the colour scheme to be similar to the
Newsletter. And, the online Offshore Photo Gallery
also progressed very well and I am please to say the first few
albums have
been setup and already have some photos added to them. You can see the
link below in the next section.
We also have a writer from the(Sydney)magazine, Sydney Morning
speaking with locals about island life, in preparation to doing an
article on Scotland
Island. The article should be out around March or April - so keep an
eye out for that.
Cartoon of
the Month
Energy Matters
Offshore Photo Gallery
Fire Brigade looking for equipment
Directory (POD) taking bookings
Note from the Kindy
Next Installment of Island Blues
The Fourth Way meetings
WOW Celebrates International Womens' Day
Creative Workshop
The month of February
Cooking Classes starting again
Sting Ray Sting - First Aid
Youth Choir on Island ?
You Asked...
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information

Energy Matters
Feed in tariff
petition - amazing results!
taken from Energy
Matters Newsletter
Late last week
we made a special announcement about the solar power feed in tariff
petition we had just launched. The response so far has been incredible,
with over 3,000 people signing the petition - even with the long
weekend in the way! Thank you all!
We're aiming for at least 10,000 signatures, so if you haven't signed
it as yet and you'd like to see a national uniform gross feed in tariff
established in Australia, show your support here - it only takes a
minute to do!
We've only just begun in getting the word out about the petition. Do
you know of friends, family or colleagues that may be interested? Do
you have contacts in the media? Let them all know! Perhaps you have a
web site, blog or social network profile? Please consider posting an
item about the petition!
Together we can shift the focus away from coal and onto clean,
renewable energy options for Australia's future! .......
.......Wow, what a week it's been! Over 4,000 signatures in just under
7 days... and we've only just begun!
Here's how the numbers stack up so far, state by state:
ACT: 89
New South Wales: 1029
Northern Territory: 41
Queensland: 812
South Australia: 286
Tasmania: 127
Victoria: 1377
Western Australia: 465
Thank you so much for showing your support of a national, uniform solar
power gross feed in tariff by signing the petition................
It is very appropriate to our offshore promotion of Solar PV electrical
systems to be helping to push governments to establish generous GROSS
feed-in tariffs. Therefore if you are interested in getting this
newsletter and signing the petition just go to the link above, fill out
the petition, and subscribe.
Matters Newsletter

Offshore Photo Gallery
up and running !
whole idea of
the online gallery is to
provide a facility
where readers can browse through everyday photographs which
depict this
amazing place we live in. The environment and lifestyle the offshore
community has is so unusual, so beautiful, so unique, and
envied by so many, that there needs to be a place where we can
showcase what we have. And, at the same time things never stay still -
the island is changing, our habitat is changing, our community is
changing and to have a record of what was; and to have an
accessible visual record of that, is very important.
are many of you who have spent years photographing and capturing
life as offshore dwellers - documenting
all sort of things; every day life, special events, people,
etc. But few
outside your immediate friends have the opportunity to see these
photos. So now here is the opportunity to contribute those
gems to the online photo gallery, and permit others to see
what it is that we love so dearly.
Just email me your photos (1000
pixels max - longest side) with captions and date on each
photo - your
preferred Album (if there is one) and I will do the rest. Of
particular interest are old photos of the area, events
and characters
that we so often hear stories about.
And now some
conditions; I do not promise to put
all photos
into the Gallery. It is assumed that photos of individuals have the
consent of the owners to have their images displayed
online. Your email containing photos will be deleted once photos have
been submitted to the
Gallery. Please be aware that online photos can be copied without
Finally I
would like to thank June, Fran and
Katrina for being the
first to submit images to the Offshore Gallery. I look forward to your
contributions (maybe someone has some photos of the Australia Day
Picnic Day ?) and,
I would also be happy to talk with anyone interested in
assisting with this project.
To go to the gallery either click the image above or click the link http://picasaweb.google.com/PONeditor/

Rural Fire Brigade
West-Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade are in search of 2 or 3 aluminium frame backpacks
to fit out as single person quick response units. This will allow
brigade members to grab the backpack (with hoses and fittings enclosed)
and a portable pump for quick response. Over the past month we have
trialled one unit and would now like to have this as standard on both
Lovett and Elvina tankers.
If you have an old backpack laying around that you could donate please
contact me.
For more information about West-Pittwater RFS go the to the following
Glenn Andrews
Equipment Officer
West-Pittwater RFS.
Mob 0412022477
Email: glenn.andrews@optus.com.au

Advertise in the Pittwater Offshore
Directory 2009
 We are now accepting
bookings for advertisements in the Pittwater Offshore Directory 2009.
The POD 2009 will be issued free to all offshore households on Scotland
Island, the Western Foreshores, Mackerel Beach and Coasters Retreat and
be available to new members of community as they move in. As in the
past, the directory has proved to be the essential point of reference
and information for all the offshore communities.
In addition to placing your advertisement we would be interested in
your suggestions and ideas. These along with requests for ad placements
can be emailed to Shar or Deryn at POD2009@live.com.
Refer to the
attached booking form for details of costs. The deadline for placing
the ads is 28th Feb
with a printing date in March.
So don’t miss out on this once in a four year chance to advertise your
business in the Pittwater Offshore Directory.
Click here
or the image above to download the form.

Note from the Kindy
Happy New Year and Welcome from
Scotland Island Children’s Centre for 2009
We are now into our second week of opening this year and would like to
thank all those parents/carers and volunteers who helped us out prior
to opening with some heavy duty maintenance and cleaning of the
Centre. We achieved most of the things on our priority list
couldn’t have done it without their help!
This year we see our Centre opening for longer hours from 7.30am to
5.30pm, Tuesday to Thursday to provide more flexible arrangements for
our parents. Along with this expansion we are also welcoming
new members of staff to our Centre, Marama Kake, Annabelle Wolfenden
and Marion van den Driesschen. They join our current team
Johnson, our acting supervisor, and Tamie Moodie. Like our
existing staff, our new staff members are from the local community and
each will be bringing their own talents and experience in education and
child care to our Centre.
In light of previous media issues in regard to the worry of families in
ABC Centres, we can appreciate how important to us that our centre is
an entirely not for profit service run by a committee of dedicated
parents and staff with the support of our community.
We encourage all of our community to become involved in our
Centre. Should you have something you wish to share
with us
please do not hesitate to talk to any of our staff or committee members.
SIOCS Committee
siocs@comcen.com.au or 9979 7856 Tuesday to Thursday

The next exciting Island Blues
"An Evening with

Click to download |
At the
Community Hall
Friday & Saturday Feb 20 & 21 at 7:30 pm
Friday & Saturday Feb 27 & 28 at 7:30 pm
$15 per head

The Fourth Way (Gurdjieff)
The Fourth Way (Gurdjieff Group) meetings have resumed.
At Anne Palmer’s House
7.45 pm to 9.00 pm
Every Tuesday from Tues 20th January onwards.
For information: 99795584

Women on Water (WOW)
Women's Day Celebration
Women on Water (WOW) are organising a breakfast to celebrate
International Women’s Day and the achievements of women.
Friday 6th March 2009
Bayview Kiosk
1714 Pittwater Road, Bayview - (near Gibson’s Marina and the
Green Pearl)
Speaker: Dr Robyn Iredale, Adjunct Associate Professor,
Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute, ANU, will speak
about the consequences of the Sex Discrimination Act, 25 years on.
Robyn worked at the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in
the late 1980s with Quentin Bryce, the then Sex Discrimination
7.30am – 9.00am
Adults $20 (to be collected at the door)
Children $9
Profits will
go to the United
Nations Fund for Women
Joy.Purvis@gmail.com (numbers are limited)
Phone Joy on
0431 660 416
Limited boat parking will be available. Car parking is also
Don’t miss this fabulous event !

on the internationally renowned “Artist’s Way”
by Julia Cameron
- Feel
- Unleash
your Imagination
- Increase
your productivity
- Build
- Overcome
- Eliminate
- Move past
- Eradicate
Limiting Beliefs
This course will be
Limited Seats Reserve Your Space Now! CALL - 0430 300 964 |

click to down load PDF |

The Roman month Februarius ("of Februa," whence the English February)
is named for the Februa/Februatio festival, which occurred on
the 15th day of the Roman month. The festival, which is
basically one of Spring washing or cleaning (associated also with the
raininess of this time of year) is old, and possibly of Sabine origin.
According to Ovid, Februare as a Latin word which refers to means of
purification (particularly with washing or water) derives from an
earlier Etruscan word referring to purging.
A later Roman god Februus personified
both the month and also purification, and is named for them. Thus, the
month is named for the festival and not for the god.
Middle English Februarius
Latin Februarius "of Februa"
Latin Februa(s) "Februa" + -arius "ary (pertaining to)"
Latin Februarius mensis "month of Februa"
Latin dies februatus "day of purification"
Februarius had 28 days, until circa 450 BC when it had 23 or 24 days
on every second year, until Julius when it had 29 days on
fourth year and 28 days otherwise.

Cooking Classes start Next Week..
Michele and
Nathalie's Kitchen cooking classes are starting again!
After a fabulous festive season and a lot of new recipes
prepared, the duo is ready to start again.
Mixed classes will now be
on: Wednesday night (from 7pm to 9pm)
day (from 11am to 1pm)
and the "Men only" class will be on: Thursday
night (from7pm to 9pm)
Get your taste buds and pencils ready again!!!
Book now as classes are filling up. Advanced payment of $35.00 per
class is appreciated.
Michele - 0418 533 701
Nathalie - 9999 4449

First Aid for Sting Ray Stings
My daughter recently was stung
on the top of her foot by a sting ray in the shallows at Lovett Bay.
She started screaming and crying uncontrollably as the pain is
apparently one of the worst you can experience. I, stupidly, had no
idea what first aid to administer and all I could think of was "Oh my
God, like Steve Irwin she's going to die." I sped to Mona Vale hospital
breaking the speed limit etc. The emergency department administered the
correct triage asap and the pain almost instantly subsided, although
the wound later had to be x-rayed to see if the barb was still in
there, anaesthetised, cleaned out and stitched.
For future
reference the first aid is:
Get a basin of boiling
water and add small cupfuls of cold water just until you
can just bear the heat.
Soak the affected body part (it is not always the foot) in the water
and pain will ease almost instantly.
patient to hospital emergency department asap to have it examined. You
will probably have to take antibiotics to prevent infection.
Thanks to Melinda Ham

Youth Choir on the Island !!!
"If the king
loves music there is little wrong in the land" Chinese proverb
are wanting to hear from children ten years old, to young adults, to be
part of a local choir which will be singing folk and classical songs.
If you are interested or know of someone who may be interested, please
Luisa (02) 9999.4885
As soon as we get a certain number of committed singers, we will start
rehearsals. The conductor is waiting for you. If you have any
questions, please contact us.

URGENT: We need
you to join us pumping out Poo
Is anyone else in the poo? Our septic tank is
overflowing and I am trying to gather together a group of islanders who
also need their septic pumping out urgently. I will organise the whole
procedure - I just need you to sign up so we can spread the cost.
Please contact me asap if you want to pump out your poo with us. We're
near Eastern.
Melinda Ham
9979 1321
0404 028 259
Family in Lovett Bay needs part-time childcare/nanny for 18 month old.
Flexible hours/days during the daytime/weekdays. Parents often work
from home. Suit gap year or uni student.
Call Jennifer at 9999-1003.
House Swap with
the UK
A family of three will be returning to Oz in the next few years and are
keen to experience living on Scotland Island, to see if we'll like it
as much as we think! So a house swap, for a few weeks
would be perfect. Our preference is for around Christmas, but we are
open to other times of the year too.
Details available here to
Please email karaegerton@btinternet.com if you'd like to know more.

For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put a
SINGLE line entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
1 x 14 foot tinny with a 15hp Yamaha outboard includes nav
lights, bilge and life jackets.
Also, sadly for sale is the MV
The MV Aldrich is Phillip Bond's old boat.
It is 21 foot and is made of Huon Pine.
It has a diesel inboard engine.
Contact Sue on 0417 423 564 for sale details.

The Local Guide
What's On
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar Click
Here |
Scotland Island
Traders - On-line shopping
from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact
Graeme on 0419460331 or click
here for full details |
Island Children's Centre,
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information please call 02 9979 7856 or email: siocs@comcen.com.au |

ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
Membership of SIRA,
Emergency Scotland Island Water Contacts and
Application for Water + Guidelines for water, in one document: click
here for information (while online) Download the
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' by clicking
here (while
SIRA You can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au
If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor by clicking here.
Type your short
contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
. To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)
