Thursday, June 14, 2018

Acts 21:13 (NIV84) Then Paul answered, "Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."


Paul wanted to get to Jerusalem by Pentecost, so he was hurrying along where he could, compelled by the Spirit (20:22). But in every city along the way, he was receiving warnings from that same Spirit that prison and hardships lay ahead (20:23). His friends tried to convince Paul to change his plans, but Paul answered with the words above.

As the Lord had once set His face toward Jerusalem to suffer hell for the human race, so the apostle now sets his face toward Jerusalem to proclaim forgiveness in Jesus' name. Now, we might be impressed by Paul's great courage. But even more impressive is the Name which Paul was carrying to Jerusalem, and to the nations. It was because the news was for all people and brought
rest to the laborer,
relief to the burdened,
the honor of God's own smiling face upon those ridiculed by the world,
protection to those in danger,
strength to the suffering,
freedom to those imprisoned,
healing to the wounded,
and a sure future to the dying-- it was because the Name of Jesus was so powerful and glorious that all danger and trouble were just incidents upon the journey.

And what if the Lord lets you know that the way ahead holds suffering? The purpose in letting us know about it is not always so that we can avoid the tribulation, but sometimes may be to teach us and those around us that true strength and joy are found on heavenly ground. That is where Paul found himself, and so may we all!