Saturday, September 15, 2018

Philippians 2:12 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.


This statement was overheard recently in a hospital. For the patient it seemed too soon after surgery to be getting out of bed and trying to walk up and down the hallway. He would have preferred to lie in bed a few more days.

The therapist, however, would have none of it. "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." A deterioration of strength, flexibility, and usefulness will occur if certain parts of the body are left unused. In prolonged cases, the tissue will atrophy and become useless.

But "use it or lose it" has everlasting consequences when it comes to matters of the soul. "Work out your own salvation . . . " Think of the words work out in this way -- to be actively and vigorously engaged in the work. So, make frequent and regular use of those things which will make your salvation a reality!

What are those things with which we are to busy ourselves and apprehend our salvation? It is the Means of Grace--the Gospel! Whether it be in Word or Sacrament, the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Through it faith is created, sins are removed, and righteousness imputed.

Neglecting the Means of Grace is a dangerous thing to do. It sets a vicious cycle in motion--the more we neglect it, the more we think we can go without it. The more we think we can get along without it, the more we neglect it.

The Gospel is truly a great treasure because it dispenses so many other treasures, the crown jewels of which are forgiveness, salvation, and life everlasting. May the Gospel renew our souls, so that we are sure to take the time to be busy with those things which make eternal life and salvation a reality for us. We never want to lose it, so let's use it!

-- From the "Lutheran Spokesman"