Featured Books
50 Favs of the '60s '70s '80s by Fred John Del Bianco, Jr.
Athena Parthenos/Promachus by Huck Fairman
Boy From Cuba, A by Peter H. Sust
Caesar, Cicero & Cleopatra by Arthur J. Paone
Classics by Fiza Pathan
Crossroads by F. R. Merrill
Grace and Grit by Fritzi Gros-Daillon 
Henry's Dragon Dream by Vroni Hovaguimian
Lives Interrupted by Jeanne G. Miller
One More Dance by Valentine Cardinale
Rising, Falling, All of Us by Thelma T. Reyna Ph.D
Seeking the Face of Love by Hadrian Bradley
Short Fiction for an Absurd World by Bronwyn Rodden
South of Good by Randall Reneau
Southern Winds A' Changing by Elizabeth Carroll Foster
Sun God is a Ham, The by Gene Hull
Upsizing in a Downsizing World by Jeannette Chau
First Chapter Reviews
On Earth As It Is In Hell by Cortina Jackson
Serene Maiden by James G. Skinner
Sweet Karoline by Catherine Astolfo
The Eric Hoffer Book Award: Righting the Wrongs
Years ago, I was at a dinner with publishing professionals, where I heard the story of a powerful editor, and chair of a national book award, who nominated her own author for this prestigious award. I’d already heard this story from another reliable industry source, but overall I wasn’t surprised. Years earlier, I’d worked in the space program and, during the Challenger disaster, was shocked to learn that internal corruption had contributed to the deaths of the astronauts. If you ever read Dickens, you realize that suspect dealings have been part of the human equation since the dawn of business. ...
Reviews for January 2015
Aliens in Wonderland by Ian Jefferson Matthews
Better Believe by Ruby Lee Tuesday
Brush with the Edge of Time and Profession by Chef Edward Nowakowski
Crossroads: A Memoir by Ellie Connelly
Curse of the Sultan's Treasure, The by B.R. Snyder
It All Started with a Bicycle by Plum McCauley
Legacy of Triaegis by Shawn Holladay
Manipulator, The by Daniel Carnahan
Maps of Seven and the Trinket of Iris, The by Eli Reed
Mr. Benny by R. W. Sarver
Oliver the Toaster by E. M. Olson
Political Bias Distortion, Based on Philosophical Agendas by Ernest Lawson, Jr.
Six-toed Cat Tale by Jenny Gulla
Spy in Me, The by J. S. Delaney
Sweetness of the Heart, Mind, and Soul by Pete Frierson
Revelations by Nick Mezins
Vietnam & Beyond by Jenny La Sala & Jim Markson
Women's Worth, Priceless by Troy McKenzie

Recommended Reviews
Athena Parthenos/Promachus by Huck Fairman
Caesar, Cicero & Cleopatra by Arthur J. Paone
Crossroads by F. R. Merrill
Kira's Keepers by Roseann T. Kurtz
Lives Interrupted by Jeanne G. Miller
Prometheus Rebound by R.L. Akers
Seeking the Face of Love by Hadrian Bradley
Sermon on the Mount, The by David S. Bell, MD
Southern Winds A' Changing by Elizabeth Carroll Foster
Suddenly Single by James Hulbert
Rising, Falling, All of Us by Thelma T. Reyna Ph.D
Throw a Nickel on the Grass by Norman Phillips
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