Monday, May 20, 2013

Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.


Something amazing happened yesterday! It was right on the ancient festival of Pentecost. As you know Pentecost had long been a harvest festival, the festival of the in-gathering, and was held fifty days after the Feast of the Passover. And in-gathering was exactly what happened on that Pentecost after the first Easter! It seemed as though God had been planning this for a long time, maybe since the founding of the world. Some might call it coincidence, but God's guiding hand is too apparent to miss.

In the first place when the day of Pentecost was come the disciples were all together in one place. Now, Jesus had only told them to stay in Jerusalem. Yet they assembled themselves together, and in those early days they were able to do it every day. That made them very happy. So when the day of Pentecost came, they already had a fellowship to share. The ingathering had already begun.

And where did this nucleus come from? Seven weeks ago they were running in all directions out of a garden called Gethsemane. They were cowering behind locked doors, and watching from a distance during the crucifixion of their Lord.

Then Jesus rose from the dead and called them together again. He breathed on them and gave them the Holy Spirit. He led them to understand that the Old Testament Scriptures had preached about all this. It had to happen. This was the way it was supposed to be.

So we see that this little fellowship, which would now serve as instruments of Christ to gather many others to Himself, this little fellowship was not man-made. It was drawn together by the Words and Promises of Jesus Christ ... and so are believers today.