Hello BodyBeats freaks!!
Here we are with another newsleter for YOU! While we didn't want to spam you with our newsletter last month we now have some more exciting new events we want to share with you!!
Scroll down to check them out!
Win win win!
To celebrate our freedom, we are giving away some goodies & tickets amongst our loyal newsletter subscribers ! All you have to do is reply to this newsletter with the answer to the following question ... At what time ZANIAS starts singing in this video!
A very innocent hand will draw 5 lucky goodie winners who's names will be published here!
BodyBeats ain't still dead yet! Stay healthy!
10.05.22 Bodies & Beats III feat. ZANIAS @ Fetish Café, Antwerp (New!) |
BodyBeats Productions & Festish Café present: ZANIAS (AUS)
BodyBeats and Fetish Café are proud to announce another exclusive and very limited performance by no less than Australian female electro artist ZANIAS. The well known head & heavenly voice of already legendary cult bands like LINEA ASPERA and KELUAR. This concert will take place in the very atmospheric dungeons of the Antwerp Fetish Café! Since this concert will take place on a regular weekday, TUESDAY 10 May, we will have no support band so we can start the concert at 21h00. This means our productive citizens can return home in good time for a decent night's rest. Fear not party people! DJ BORG will abuse the decks for your pleasure, spinning some of the finest and darkest waves & beats after her show until the early hours. Mind you! Our dungeons of pleasure have a very limited capacity so tickets are VERY LIMITED!!! Only 70 tickets will be available! Be fast or be sorry! ATTENTION! LAST 25 TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
www.bodybeats.be / Tickets / Check in on Facebook
13.05 DIVE + DJ BORG @ Out Of Line Weekender - Astra - Berlin - D |
BodyBeats Productions & Out Of Line present: DIVE + DJ BORG & many more ... OUT OF LINE WEEKENDER
The Out Of Line Weekender 2022 "Dark'n'Electro" Edition - Best of Industrial, Synth Pop, EBM and Dark Music! The Out Of Line Weekender takes place from May 12th - 14th, 2022 right in the heart of Berlin.
Day Schedule: Thursday, 12.05.2022 @Heimathafen Neukölln, Berlin Lizard Pool, Melotron, Leæther Strip + DJs & Afterparty
Friday, 13.05.2022 @Astra Kulturhaus, Berlin Auger, Eggvn, X-RX, Ashbury Heights, Dive, Solitary Experiments, Blutengel
Saturday, 14.05.2022 @Astra Kulturhaus, Berlin Haedzor, Corlyx, Signal Aout 42, Panzer AG, Rummelsnuff, Suicide Commando, Robert Görl & DAF + DJs & Afterparty
14.05 DJ BORG @ Contrast - Bastion V - Dendermonde - B |
BodyBeats Productions & NWC present: DJ BORG @ Contrast Bastion V - Dendermonde - B
A brand new dark underground concept night with lots of
beats & waves from past / present / future
not only hits & classics but also a lot more, expect the unexpected.
this is not a typical new-wave-classix party ...
this is a "contrast" party !
dj line-up:
dj alaintje vs moodsetter /
dj the master
/ dj filip delie
/ dj borg
/dj peter melis
/ dj boo-lee
25.05 Bodies & Beats IV feat. TRUE ZEBRA & PORNO KARAOKE (New!) |
BBodyBeats Productions & Festish Café present: BORG's Not So Private & Secret B-Day Feast! BODIES & BEATS IV @ Fetish Café - Antwerp - B with live performances by: TRUE ZERBA + PORNO KARAOKE
BodyBeats and Fetish Café are proud to announce another exclusive and exclusive night with performance by no less than: TRUE ZEBRA! This electronic einzelgänger is Pushing the boundaries of an edgy alternative view in the electronic rock & dance scene with tight-grooves, industrial-esque rhythms and spookish melodies with a nerve & PORNO KARAOKE: A wicked tribute trisome with industrial touch! Feat. Horny B (Voc), Kinky K (Perc) & Tall T (Synth). Shameless they will abuse and violate your favorite songs ... and you can't say no! DJ BORG will abuse the decks for your pleasure, spinning some of the finest and darkest waves & beats after her show until the early hours. Mind you! Our dungeons of pleasure have a very limited capacity so tickets are VERY LIMITED!!! Only 70 tickets will be available! Be fast or be sorry!
www.bodybeats.be / Tickets / Check in on Facebook
11.06 THE JUGGERNAUTS + WULF7 @ Barock - Bruges - B |
BodyBeats Productions & Barock present: THE JUGGERNAUTS + WULF7
On Saturday 11 June The Juggernauts will land in Bruges for the first time! After their stunning shows at Sinnerday 2020 (St-Truiden) and more recently at Magazine 4 (Brussels) and Porta Nirga (Aarschot) The Juggernauts will unleash their beats and syths into the Barock's caves... Supported by the every symphathetic EBM wolfs of Wulf7! EBM in Bruges! Because ... Yes we can!
19.08 DIE KRUPPS + FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY @ De Casino - St-Niklaas, B |
BodyBeats Productions & De Casino present:
BodyBeats Productions & De Casino are very proud to announce this double bill event featuring two of the most legendary electro-cross-over and EBM bands who have been around for over three decades and are still kicking ass today ... DIE KRUPPS + FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY!!! Support on this night will be german EBM band TENSION CONTROL! Afterparty beats will be provided by our resident DJ BORG!
26.08 PROJECT PITCHFORK @ De Casino - St-Niklaas, B |
BodyBeats Productions & De Casino proudly present:
PROJECT PITCHFORK TOUR 2022 Exclusive 2022 Belgian show!
Postponed twice, beyond our will, but never cancelled! After their stunning performance at the Casino in 2017 we are proud to announce yet another passage of Project Pitchfork Official at De Casino for a Belgian 2022 Exclusive show! Resident DJ BORG will provide the afterparty Electronic Body Music waves & beats!
Tickets, Info & Media / Check-in on Facebook & invite your friends!
05.11 Belgian Beats over Hannover (NEW DATE!!!) |
BodyBeats Productions & Subkultur proudly present: 05.02.22 @ SubKultur Belgian Beats over Hannover THE JUGGERNAUTS MILDREDA TRUE ZEBRA EUFORIC EXISTENCE
We are proud to say The Juggernauts are returning to the renowned Subkultur club, this time supported by solid Belgian Electro/EBM delegation. Those who were there in 2017 know this will be a party not to miss! Afterparty EBM beats will be spun by DJ LO-Renz!
15.03 VNV NATION - Electric Sun Tour 2023 @ De Casino (New!) |
BodyBeats Productions, Neuwerk & De Casino present: VNV NATION - Electric Sun Tour 2023 Support: Traitrs
We’re very excited to announce BodBeats Production will host VNV Nation with their “The Electric Sun Tour” . Once again they promise us an incredible live show of sound, light and passion. If you’ve seen VNV Nation live on tour or at a festival, you will know how full of energy and emotion the shows are. The audience and the band aim for unity, two halves building one live experience together, with everyone singing or dancing. VNV Nation will be joined on the tour by Traitrs, from Toronto, who’ve been gaining a strong following through their intense, ethereal and beat driven live shows across Europe and North America. VNV Nation’s next studio album “Electric Sun” will be a symphony of melodies and beats, orchestrating its sound to a level that listeners to VNV Nation haven’t yet experienced !
Afterparty beats will be provided by our resident DJ BORG!
??.?? Grausame Töchter + Porno Karaoke - POSTPONED - New date TBC! |
BODIES & BEATS III with live performances by GRAUSAME TÖCHTER (Bdsm electro-punk) + PORNO KARAOKE + (electro-industrial tribute project)
BodyBeats and Fetish Café are proud to announce another exclusive and very limited performance by no less than German Electro-punk fetish project GRAUSAME TÖCHTER in the very atmospheric dungeons of the Antwerp Fetish Café! As support Electro/Industrial tribute act PORNO KARAOKE will perform for the first time on Belgian/Eurpean soil, presenting us their interpretations of some of the finest club classic songs around. DJ BORG will abuse the decks for your pleasure, spinning some of the finest and darkest waves & beats on the after party! Mind you! Our dungeons of pleasure have a very limited capacity so tickets are VERY LIMITED!!! Only 70 tickets will be available! Be fast or be sorry!
Warning! These nights are strictly 18+ / Fetish/bdsm performance will occur!
Some more up-coming & BodyBeats powered events! |
14.05 DJ BORG & more @ Contrast @ Bastion V, Dendermonde, B (New!) 25.05 True Zebra + Porno Karaoke @ Fetish Café, Antwerp, B (New!) 29.05 Motor!k, La Muerte and more @ De Klinker, Aarschot, B26.06 Dive @ Sinner's Day Summer, Oostend, B29.07 Absolute Body Control @ E-Only, Leipzig, D19.08 Front Line Assembly + Die Krupps @ De Casino, St-Niklaas, B
02.12 BIMFEST XX - Day 1 - Line-up TBA @ De Casino, St. Niklaas, B (New!) 03.12 BIMFEST XX - Day 1 - Line-up TBA @ De Casino, St. Niklaas, B (New!) 25.12 Absolute Body Control Suicide Commando & more @ Darkstorm, Chemnitz, D 29.12 Absolute Body Control, Ash Code, She Past away, ... @ Stadhalle, Meschede, D ??.?? Grausame Töchter + Porno Karaoke @ Bodies & Beats III Postponed - Date TBA *2023* 14.01 DIVE, Leaether Strip & more - Schachtfrequenz Fest - Zwickau - D 15.03 VNV NATION - Electric Sun Tour 2023 + Traitrs @ De Casino, St. Niklaas, B (New!)
So, musical & party friends, that's it for now ... But there's is still more to come! Check our website www.bodybeats.be for more info and even more upcoming concerts!
Feel free to forward this newsletter or to all whom it might concern!
Thanks for your time and support!