Art Below takes it’s top off for BreakThrough Breast Cancer at the V&A
On Monday 13th December at London's V&A some of Art Below's most treasured artists unveiled works that were auctioned off in support of BreakThrough Breast Cancer.
This monumental occasion was the result of a collaboration between Art Below and the Sun Newspaper who challenged artists to produce works inspired from the nations favorite pin-ups in celebration of Page 3's 40th Anniversary.
To view pics and video clip from the event click here
Over the last few weeks there has been an interesting exchange going on between some of the Sun Newspaper's Page 3 glamor models and leading contemporary artists including Nasser Azam, Julie Verhoeven and Jon Burgerman who have specially produced works inspired by individual sittings with the models themselves.
In the build up to this event posters of the artworks were displayed in major stations across London - click here to view
Art Below | London | December 2010
Banksy does Art Below

Art Below Launch Gallery Space in Hoxton
For a long time now the first floor of the Macbeth has been not much more than a pathway to the smokers terrace, and a spot for Kirstie’s stalkers and fans to skulk.
We decided that it was worth much more than this, and an opportunity was being missed. A makeover was due, but this wasn’t going to be some sub-changing rooms style lame lick of paint, no this is the Macbeth, and a makeover is a chance to try something new.
So with this ethos in mind we decided to bring in the unparalleled talents of renowned graffiti writer and just artist in his own right Mike Ballard.
With a free reign on the space he decided to create what could be described as The Macbeths own contemporary Sistine Chapel. It really is something to behold.
To celebrate the unveiling of the Art Below Gallery, we held a private view of Mikes work and the work of Art Wars, with DJs Pierre Hangover (Real Gold), Ruby Doobey, and Mellé Modé and a free BBQ followed by an after party till 1am.
Click here to see pictures from the unforgettable night.
Charles Bronson does Art Below
Over the last five years Art Below has exhibited work by some leading contemporary artists from all over the world in London's finest underground stations.
This April we decided to display the work of a notorious British criminal in Angel Station. His name is Charles Bronson and is often referred to in the British press as the "most violent prisoner in Britain" In 1974 he was sentenced to 7 years in prison for the robbery of a post office during which he stole £26.18. Bronson has spent a total of just four months and nine days out of custody since 1974 and has served time in over 120 different prisons.
During that time he has developed an extensive protfolio of hand drawn pictures that depict his life and mental state within the confines of his solitary existence. See an exclusive interview with a close friend of his, David Taylor and discover how his artwork coupled with his physical training were his key to staying 'unbroken' by the prison system.
BBC News came down to Angel Station to do a television interview. Click Here to view
Art Below and Hospital Club competition:
First winner announced.
Hannah Biscombe is the winner of the first of a series of themed competitions by Art Below and the Hospital club and her work has been on display in an illuminated light box on the central line platform in Bond Street station since 26th April. The theme was 'escape' and we recieved an enourmous response and have compiled an assortment of entires which can be viewed here.

Turbocharged Neoclassicism at RIBA
'The Three Classicists' Ben Pentreath, George Saumarez Smith and Francis Terry have been having a good month of it, what with their well received exhibition at the RIBA and a sold-out lecture chaired by RIBAJ editor Hugh Pearman.
But they had one more trick up their well-tailored sleeves: rolling those sleeves up and making a giant collaborative wall drawing over the course of just one day.
Ben Moore of the ArtBelow initiative filmed the entire day, then cut it all into one five-minute superfast movie.
Soraia Almeida will be displaying her work with Art Below from the 24th May until the 7th June at London Bridge Station. Soraia has been selected to exhibit within the London Elephant Parade 2010, reported to be capital's largest ever public art exhibition. Elephant Parade is an innovative fundraising and public awareness campaign for the endangered Asian elephant and it embraces all that is excellent about London and highlights every green initiative of the capital's top businesses.
Art Below in Today's Evening Standard.
Art Below and the Sovereign Art Prize.
Art Below have selected Nicolas Ruston’s ‘Brave New World’ from this year’s Sovereign European Art Prize finalists to present at Bond Street tube station.
Ruston’s ‘Brave New World’ silicone painting will be reproduced as a poster, and on display at Bond Street tube station from the 7-21st June 2010.
This will coincide with the 2009-10. Sovereign European Art Prize finalists’ exhibition, where the actual piece and the rest of the finalists’ works can be seen at the Barbican Centre from the 9-20th June 2010.
Art Below / Art Barter Collaboration in Berlin
Art Below have launched their latest public art campaign in Berlin, this time in collaboration with the unique and revolutionary group Art Barter.
Revolutionary, resourceful and truly avant-garde in spirit, Art Barter and Art Below have, in each other, found their perfect playmate. Art Barter boasts a fresh, engaging approach to the sometime elitist art world, proving that Art can be a resource that money cannot buy.
On 24th June we kicked off with Art Barter’s exclusive Alexanderplatz launch party followed by Art Below’s 2 week long exhibition on 10 public pillars displaying Berlin’s hottest established and emerging artists, including Jonathan Monk, Jason Dodge and Uwe Henneken.
Co-inciding beautifully with Berlin’s 6th Biennale for Contemporary Art, this summer promises to only further establish the city’s reputation as a creative melting pot
Prophecy By Johan Andersson
Central Saint Martin's graduate Johan Andersson's, who was identified as one of the Independent's top 20 graduates of 2008, will be exhibiting his selected poster at Bond street station this July to co-inside with his London solo show at the new Gallery, 12a Vyner Street, London E2.
'Countless faces. Infinite eyes. Walking past. Unnoticed'
Art Below and City & Guilds of London Art School transform the 2 lifts at Kennington Tube into a public art gallery.
This month London’s commuters will be greeted with an unexpected surprise when they enter the lifts at Kennington Tube Station.
The 20 x A1 sized panels inside the 2 passenger lifts normally taken up by advertising are now dominated by the works of the 16 MA students at the City & Guilds of London Art School.
This unique public art display is being held especially to co-inside with the City and Guilds MA Fine Art Show , 9 - 12 September 2010, when the students will show their work in the Georgian surroundings of the school’s historic site on the edge of Cleaver Square just 2 minutes walk from Kennington Station.
Since 2005 We have set about changing the everyday travelling experience, transforming entire platforms and corridors using advertising space to display the works of emerging artistic talent. This is the first time that we have transformed a lift into an art gallery!

Art Below Announce 'Peace of Art'
Art Below are excited to announce a new public art campaign held in London's finest and most powerful position - Parliament Square, Westminster, London.
'Peace of Art' is brought to you by PeaceStrike who hold a continuous 24/7 365 day a year peace picket on Parliament Square..
"We are calling on artists globally to put their heads and hearts into creating art which reflects the notion of peace and / or ending war on the planet. We have an amazing exhibition space at the front of Parliament Square situated amongst some of the world's most iconic symbols including Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and the statue of Winston Churchill. What better place to exhibit art for peace but facing the seat of the British Government? "
Submissions will be judged by a panel of peace campaigners, and selected works will be displayed on large wooden plynths (see photo) in monthly periods until January 2012. There is no charge for entering or displaying your work in 'Peace of Art'
T.WAT and Leeks do Parliament Square
In the Build up to the Sun's Page 3 Charity Art Auction at the V&A a specially commissioned selection of artists works are displayed at major cental London stations with Art Below.
Thank you to all the artists who have taken part in Art Below in 2010.
Your Support is much appreciated.
If you have any news, events, listings or opportunities that you would like us to consider publishing in our next newsletter please email your entries to
Art Below continue to run internships for students and graduates. To apply please contact with covering letter and CV
Thank you for taking the time to read through our newsletter.
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Art Below Ltd. Registered in England No.05697608. Registered Office: Stanley Davis Group Limited, 41 Charlton Street, London, NW1 1JD