The salon was brought to us by Pete Howell, the Chairman of the Salon
and, after a few technical hitches, we were set for an evening of
quality photographs. The presentation started with the excitement of
water sports and the details created in spuming water followed by
beautifully edited mono portraits and on to misty landscapes, all with
appropriately selected music as background.
For those of us who
entered we have the awarded images projected to look at again in a
beautiful glossy magazine, with time to study in more detail. The first
half of the show gave us many of the accepted images from the 25% of the
total of over 9,600 from 59 countries and 940 photographers! Phenomenal
numbers to judge by the experienced and renowned photographers in their
field. The treat for us was to see the range of images, many well
processed but essentially ‘straight shots’ as well as the creative
styles with textured backgrounds, composites and combinations of the
two. Travel pictures could appear in the Open Category or the Mono as
well as Travel; similarly creative images appeared in Open or Mono so
the pace and interest of the presentation kept everyone involved
whatever their particular interest.
Inspirational is the word I
would use for all of the images. A feeling of ‘I must try harder’ or ‘I
can do better’. The thought of ‘I have a similar image to that , must go
look for it’. Can I process more successfully? For me as a travel
enthusiast ..’where can I go next?’ !!
Thank you to Bristol for
all the hard work put into the running of the salon and for the AV
presentation and its visits to the provinces!! We appreciate it!