Helen Arney news
January 2011
Well, doesn't this look all fancy and efficient? It's my new-look newsletter for 2011. It's both easier to read, and easier to unsubscribe if you decide that there's enough jazzy HTML in your life already. Let me know what you think, and hopefully see you at a thing soon. Apparently I'm one of the top stand-ups to catch in 2011. Dave said so.
Dates for your diary:
10 Jan - The Balconettes at Green Man, Riding House Street
26 + 27 Jan - Coffee Shop solo show at Hen & Chickens Theatre
02 Feb - Femmes by the Thames at Royal Vauxhall Tavern
Online any time - new video for "Never Built A Snowman"
Online any time - Geek Night In podcast: "A Geekmas Carol"
Tales of a Time Travelling Coffee Shop - last shows
Wed 26th & Thur 27th January, 9.30pm
Hen & Chickens Theatre, nr Highbury & Islington tube
Set the Baristotron to 1911 for a time-travelling tale of quantum physics and cappuccinos...
These are the last two "Work-In-Progress" dates for this show before I take it to Cambridge Science Festival and possibly the Edinburgh Fringe. It's a fiver plus £1.50 membership and it's rather silly and fun. Free croissant (offer valid last week only...)
Introducing... The Balconettes!
So, Danielle Ward, Rachel Parris and I have created an all-singing, all instrument-playing comedy girlband, called The Balconettes. Imagine Spinal Tap meets the Spice Girls 10 years on. Imagine 1.5x a female Flight of the Conchords. OK, now imagine something better than that. Well done, you're nearly there. |
Mon 10th January, 8pm, Green Man, Riding House Street
We're doing our first acoustic gig at the London Air-Accordion Society on 10th Jan, alongside a host of other stand-up, sketch and character comedians. You'll probably feel a bit daft if you miss this...
It really WAS an awkward Christmas, darling
Everything went rather spiffingly for the festive album that Paul Richards and I wrote back in, oh, must have been 2010 I think. Ages ago.
Tracks from "It's going to be an awkward Christmas, darling" was played on BBC 6 Music, tweeted about by Dave Gorman and raised a couple of hundred quid for Shelter and Cancer Research UK from all the copies sold before Boxing Day.
Even more excitingly, comedians Terry Saunders and Bec Hill both made awesome videos for the release! Another Mince Pie? was tackled by Terry, and my favourite track on the album Never Built A Snowman was beautifully stop-motion animated by Bec and Gavin.
You can still buy the album as a download on iTunes and Play.com, or get a physical CD from my website using PayPal. The whole thing is on Spotify for free as well, if that's more your bag.
Femmes by the Thames, and more shows around the UK
If you're free on Wednesday 2nd Feb in London, I'm part of a sassy all-female cabaret and comedy line-up at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, with Mae Martin, Rosie Wilby, the Segue Sisters and more.
I've also just updated my live show listings at helenarney.com, to include shows at:
- Leicester Comedy Festival in February
- Imagine Children's Festival at the South Bank in February, with James Campbell
- Edinburgh Science Festival in April
- Four more Festival of The Spoken Nerd dates in London with Matt Parker and Steve Mould!
If you like the sound of any of those, get your diaries out and compare them to the internet forthwith.
Online now - A Geekmas Carol podcast play
Perhaps you live the other side of the country, or the world, in which case yes it might be tricky to make it along to any of those shows.
Instead you could enjoy the last dregs of festive spirit and listen to Geek Night In impresario Richard Preston's version of A Christmas Carol on the aforementioned internet. I'm playing the Ghost of Geekmas Past, who happens to play the ukulele and sing a lot:
It's come out rather funny and lovely.
That's all for January. Quite enough to be getting on with, I think...
Thanks for reading, and do tell me your news. It doesn't have to be in a lurid shade of pink like this.
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