Greetings & Blessings to all,
Welcome to our Labor Day weekend edition. We hope it finds you and yours on the pig’s back and as fit as a fiddle. If this is your first issue, many thanks for joining us and if you enjoy our musings and meanderings, please feel free to share them with your family and friends.
Much has happened since last we wrote! We were on holiday for the first part of August and enjoyed a wonderful time on Cape Cod with family and friends. The Shields part of our tribe own a lovely home on a lake in Mashpee and Russ who is NOT into water sports of any kind astounded us all - especially Bridget - by actually trying his hand at tubing, i.e. being pulled by a power boat as you hold on for dear life to a large rubber tube attached to the back of the vessel. He did it on a dare and no-one knows for sure how many pints he’d had, but next year, he has promised to see what he can do on water skis!

Speaking of pints, we told Liam McGuire we would mention his great Irish pub and restaurant in our next missive and so here’s the good word: If you’re ever in Falmouth, be sure to visit Liam McGuire’s, especially on the nights when Liam and company are performing. We had a grand time, and Bridget, being the bold one (although chickening out on tubing) went up and talked to Liam at length. A lovely man, he’s also a bit of an imp as we were to find out when Bridget made several requests to which he sadly said he didn’t know any of them, but he’d do the best he could. As we learned later in the evening, he knew them all, including the relatively nrecent Galway Girl!
As you might imagine, we were reluctant to leave the Cape. Even more so when we got home because we had to say a bittersweet so long to our daughter, her partner and our granddaughter who moved to Massachusetts just a few days after our return. Our daughter has never forgiven us for leaving the East Coast and always said that if she ever got the opportunity to move back, she’d jump at the chance. Well, she did. While she and her partner are very happy, our granddaughter isn’t thrilled at all! Life under normal circumstances can be a challenge when you’re about to turn 13, but dealing with all of the massive changes she is going through has got to be incredibly difficult. That said, she did spend yesterday on a boat trip with family friends and the day before, they went to the beach. As is usually the case right after a hurricane blows through, the weather was gorgeous. We’re not saying it’s going to be an easy row to hoe as she makes the adjustment to a new school on top of everything else, but we think the advantages of living near the ocean and mountains will make it easier to take, Fingers crossed that is the case - we’ll keep you posted.
We mentioned the hurricane and intitially, we were very anxious for everyone we know - including readers - who live on the Atlantic and Eastern seaboards. The storm looked to be really dangerous, but prayers were answered and it appears to have come and gone without causing any major headaches.
Meanwhile, here in the Ohio Valley, it has been a jam-packed Labor day weekend for us what with back to back cookouts to attend as well as catching up on many sorely neglected web site and email demands; if you wrote during the past month and we still haven’t replied, please be patient. Then again, if you wrote more than a month or so ago, please send us another message as we may not have received the first one.
Enough of the blather - on with the update!
SPONSOR: Please help us keep your newsletter coming - visit our good friends at the Celtic Attic:
Whatever the occasion, stop by the Celtic Attic where you’ll find a wide array of ways to celebrate in authentic Celtic style, plus, take 5.00 off an order of $50 or more exclusively through Irish Culture & Customs. Just put the code IC01 in the add a gift card section!
Contact the Celtic Attic on line or by phone - and tell them Bridget & Russ said hello!
Tel: 1-360-286-2307
On line:
News: The County news for August was sent as a separate document
From the Mailbag
Quotes, Toasts, Curses & Blessings
Joke of The Week
A Bit of the Wit
Did You Know
Know Your Writers
The week That Is
Leave 'em Laughing
Doris Daly writes:
The Irish Club is looking for BAR & WAITRESSING STAFF
If any of you have sons, daughters, nieces, nephews who would like to work at the club and who have bar and waitressing experience, please pass a copy of their CV to, FAO of Mary. Thank you.
Isabel Horan writes:
I wonder if you can pass this message on to Rosemary McGuire Nagy, the story of her ancestors working in the mill is the same as two great aunts of mine that Ihave been unable to get any information on. I would love the opportunity to be put in touch with her to see if she could help with my research in any way.
ED. NOTE; rosemary is the author of an article on our site called Gathering The Threads. If you haven’t read it, here’s the URL:
And Rosemary, if you are reading this newsletter, please contact us so that we can put you in touch with Isabel.
Brígida Brisa sends greetings from Brazil and the following message:
Hi! I just want to thank you for the wonderful website and for not showing the bloody news disturbed people like to watch.
ED. NOTE: We appreciate all compliments, but especially like it when people notice our efforts to bring readers positive news.
Chris Byrne writes:
Thanks for the tip regarding the Celtic Attic. I DID, in fact, purchase a Celtic Warrior pendant, and am QUITE pleased with it, and with the service they provided.
ED. NOTE: We are always very happy to hear that a reader has received good service from one of our advertisers and likes what they bought. Wear the pendant in good halth, Chris!
Sean Page writes
At Last! Its A miracle! Praise the lord!The Roch Valley Radio site has been upgraded & is back in action again. My show is still going- the Irish segment is 8-9pm gmt on Tuesdays. I still continue to plug your site & am gratefull for all the info. Please tune in if you get the chance . To tune in, please click
Irish American Hall of Fame seeks nominations
The Irish American Hall of Fame has announced its first call for nominees. The organization, formed this year, will honor the achievements of outstanding Irish American individuals who have contributed to society in one or more of the areas of arts and humanities, business and industry, education, public service, religion, science and sports. To make a nomination, please click
A Journey Through Wicklow
Presented by broadcaster Siobhan O’Connor, this new DVD produced by Tourism Wicklow can be seen in segments on You Tube and gives an overview of what the county can offer the tourist.
Today’s Front Pages
Our friend Audrey sent us this fascinating link to current newspaper headlines from all over the world. These are front pages in their original, unedited form. We did a sort by region and country so that Ireland will come up.
In honor of Labor Day - Jim Larkin
He was the hero of Ireland’s working classes and this link will give you a bit of the history in slides, film and song. Please click:
See also The Ballad of Jim Larkin by Christy Moore - excellent!
Also in honour of Labor Day - Mother Jones
She was born Mary Harris in Cork Ireland and much has been written about her support of organized labour in the USA. Read a good article by Joe Gannon here:
Book Review: McAlpine’s Men - Stories from the Sites
On his deathbed Sir Robert McAlpine reputedly dictated the following edict: "If the men wish to honour my death, allow them two minutes' silence; but keep the big mixer going, and keep Paddy behind it." Arguably, one of the best testaments to the men who built Britain and Bridget’s dad was one of them; it’s taken a good many years to feel a sense of pride in the legacy he and so many of his countrymen left behind. To read the review, please click:
To purchase the book, please click
ED. NOTE: a A percentage of the profits from each copy sold will be donated to the IFGB’s Forgotten Irish Campaign.
The Irish Page: Tiocfaidh an Samhradh - Summer is Coming
The season may be coming to an end in the Northern Hemisphere but’s on it’s way in down under and elsewhere. In recognition of that,
Jack & Vivian Hennessy bring us a lovely song you can hear sung in the Irish. Please click
Please vote for the Irish Jewelry Company
One of our most supportive advertisers, this company is owned by Jennifer Derrig who has asked us to spread the word about the 2010 Start Up Nation Competition which recognizes and rewards America’s top 200 mom-owned business. If you’d like to find out more and then vote for Jennifer, please click:
A Taste of Ireland - In Vancouver
Emma Ross raises pure bred Irish Wolfhounds and also offers charming B & B accommodations in a tranquil setting reminiscent of Killarney. Take a look:
Cleaning for a Reason
Many thanks to Pamela Boyd who sent us the following:
If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE
housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a participating maid service in her zip code area arrange for the service.
Free Mammograms
Do you know of a woman who can't afford a mammogram? Here's how you can help. Go to the Breast Cancer site and click on their free mammogram link; if they get enough clicks , they'll be able to donate at least one free mammogram a day to underprivileged women. It takes just a minute and there's no cost involved:
ED. NOTE: Maria Eryaatz advises that free mammograms are also available in all states via the VNA (visiting nurses association).
Click on 'Find A VNA' for the your nearest location.
Free Pet Food!
Last but certainly not least - our ongoing gift to AG in California and all friends to animals, please click this link today and everyday. It only takes a second to feed an animal. Thanks!
Free People Food!
It only takes a second to feed hungry people, too:
“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”
Attributed to Oscar Wilde
Two Kerry factory workers were talking. "I think I'll take some time off " says Mick to Paddy "How do you think you'll do that?" asks Paddy. Mick climbs up to the rafters and hangs from them upside down. His supervisor walks in, sees Mick hanging from the rafters , and asks him what on earth he is doing. "I'm a light bulb," answers Mick. "I think you need some time off," says the supervisor. So, Mick jumps down and walks out of the factory. Paddy begins walking out, too. "Where do you think you're going?" demands the supervisor. Paddy answers "Home, yer honour, I can't work in the dark."
At Trinity Law School, the professor asked a student if he knew what the Roe vs. Wade decision was. He sat quietly, pondering this profound question. Finally, after giving it a lot of thought, he sighed and said, "I believe, sir, this was the decision George Washington made prior to crossing the Delaware."
1. By 1860 there were more than 4000 miles of canals in the United States, mostly dug by Irish immigrants?
2. The majority of workers on the Empire State Building were Irish? When they were required to wear hard hats and safety lines, they complained they were insults to a worker's skill.
3. Building Ameica’s railroads was hard, dangerous work, and a common expression of the day was that an Irishman was buried under every tie.
First off, the answers to our current quiz:
1. De Valera in America: The Rebel President and the Making of Irish Independence - Dave Hannigan
2. Eamon de Valera: The man who was Ireland - Tim Pat Coogan
3. De Valera and His Times - John P. O'Carroll and John A. Murphy, eds.
A round of pints and a tip of the hat to the following Irish bibliophiles:
Hartson Dowd
We had a baby born into the Dowd clan so we found these two sites of interest in choosing names: -
Helen Dowd
Helen has also gracioulsy nominated our site. We in turn, nominate hers. Please take a look and if you enjoy your visit, please vote to make her the number one site on the the top Christian web sites. She is currently in second place. Thanks!
Phil Ventura
Phil didn’t nominae a site, so we found one we thought might be of interest to him and to you:
The National Archives holds a wide variety of records, many of which are relevant to Irish genealogy and local history.
And now for our next trio of titles:
1. The Irish Hedge School and Its Books, 1695-1831
2. Dare You Ripple My Pond: The Autobiography of an Irish School Boy
3. Compulsory Irish: Language and Education in Ireland, 1870s-1970s
Please send your answers to Bridget at
It’s been so long, does anyone even remember what our last mind mangler was? Here it is:
King Tut died 120 years after King Eros was born. Their
combined ages when they died was 100 years. King Eros died in
the year 40 B.C.
Q. In what year was King Tut born?
A. 20 B.C.
As always, we had a slew of entries, both right and wrong, but first in with the correct answer was Carole McGinley. Well done, Carole!
And now for our next head banger:
In marble walls as white as milk, lined with skin as soft as silk,
Within a fountain crystal clear, a golden apple does appear.
No doors are there to this stronghold
Yet we can break in and take the gold.
Q. What is this everyday item?
Please send your answers to Bridget at
It would be helpful if you put riddle answer in the subject line. Thanks!
SPONSOR: Please help us keep your newsletter coming - visit our good friends at Lollysmith:
As always, they have been busy adding new gift items in response to customer requests including the cleverly designed Ingrid Walking Stick Spike. The latest message tokens have arrived along with a range of unique rosaries in support of the military, police and firefighters. Please stop by their online shop and have a look around. Happy browsing and shopping !
1. Search Function Have you tried it out? You can find the search box in the banner on the left-hand side. Simply key in whatever word or words you wish and if they’re on the site, Google will find them!
2. Shopping Section:
Please keep in mind that every purchase through our shop links helps support our efforts. Many thanks in advance.
3. Article: Making a match in Lisdoonvarna
4. Article: Counties of Ireland: Antrim
5. Article: Ireland Genealogy: An Expert’s Adventure
6. Article: A Step Back in Time - My Trip to The Great Blasket Island
7. The Irish Kitchen: Irish Farmhouse Potatoes
8. Poetry Corner : Louis McNeice
9. Basic Irish: Back to School
10. Kids’ Ireland: Learning Through Film
11. Music Review: Our resident reviewer William Ramoutar offers a review of both a book & CD entitled “agus rud eile de - and another thing” - a collaboration by poet Louis de Paor and uilleann piper Ronan Browne
12. September Trivia Contest. All entries must be in by midnight, September 30, no matter what time zone you live in
Our winner for July/August was was Stephanie Esponoza. Congratulations Stephanie and we commend your choice of prize - The Celtic Warrior Pendant generously provided by our friends at the celtic Attic.
13. The Daily News: We publish headlines for seven different stories from a variety of Irish newspapers - and we make a valiant effort to find material relevant to Irish culture and customs.
14. Circle of Prayer: The second Novena in this cycle began on Septenber 5th and continues through September 13th . A new listing for the dates of all Novenas has been posted on our Cirlce of Prayer page on the web site.
Since last we wrote, we heard that our dear friend Hartson was in the hospital for treatment of a very stubborn infection in his leg. He is now home recovering and back on line TG! Whatever your spiritual leanings, please keep him in your thoughts as well as little Isabella who is recovering from a bone marrow transplant, Mickey, Tara H, Patricia's daughter Heather, the family and friends of the McTiernans, and so many others, especially our military personnel serving their countries at home and abroad. Dear Heavenly Father, please keep them safe from all harm and bring those away from home back to their loved ones soon.
SPONSOR: Please help us keep your newsletter coming - visit our good friends at the Irish Lottery:
In operation since 1988, it's one of the oldest online sites in the world. With subscribers in 89 countries it is also among the most reliable. Jackpots are never lower than US $1,500,000 and are frequently worth in excess of US$5,000,000 Here's the best part - you don't have to live in Ireland to play and all winnings are Tax Free! It’s always been a fantasy of ours that one of readers would scoop the big prize, but you can’t win it if you’re not in it. Play from the comfort of home here: - and the best of Irish luck to you!
So that’s the long and the short of it until we write again at the beginning of next month. Meanwhile, a VERY late pinch punch, first day of the month, white rabbit - and if you were married in September or perhaps tying the knot this month, here is your special verse:
Marry in September’s shine
Your living will be rich and fine.
If you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event between now nd when we write again, , we hope it's an occasion filled with joy and happiness. We also wish all the dads in Australia & New Zealand Happy Father’s Day, a Happy Grandparents Day next Sunday to Nana & Bumpas everywhere, and a Happy Rosh Hashanah to all of our Jewish readers.
We’ll ’ll take our leave with this lovely old blessing:
May you enjoy the four greatest blessings:
Honest work for your hands to do.
A hearty appetite to nourish you.
A good man or woman to give you love
And a wink from God himself above.
And, as they say in Ireland, mind yourself.
Slan agus beannacht,
Bridget & Russ
Get down on your knees and thank God you're still on your feet!
Celtic Blessing - sung by the St. Coca's Choir, from Kilcock, Co. Kildare
And this is for our dear friend Mary O’Hara who asked us to bring this phrase back:
May you be seven times better, a year from today!!
in the Irish
Go mba seacht bhfearr a bheas tu bliain o inniu!!
Help us keep our newsletter and the web site free; please send whatever you can to Bridget or Russ Haggerty. Our snail mail address is 5814 Blue Spruce, Cincinnati OH, 45224. Or you can send a donation via PayPal. The Url is:
and our account is this email address:
Many thanks in advance for your kindness.
NOTE: We have just received these green ribbon bookmarks with a small brass colored shamrock charm attached. We will be happy to send one of these to people who donate $5.00 or more.
Subscribe for FREE!
Send an e-mail to:
or click on this link:
Please check with the Wild Geese - they have a huge listing of events and we don't want to duplicate their efforts:
Irish Abroad also has a comprehensive listing:
If we receive a unique event not mentioned there, we will be happy to list it here.
Cincinnati Oh - September 8
The Irish Session (or Seisiún) is a long-standing tradition in Irish communities. On Wednesday, Sept 8th, The Irish Heritage Center, 3905 Eastern Avenue, Columbia-Tusculum, (in the former McKinley Elementary School) will resume their monthly "Session Night", featuring both an instrumental session and traditional singing session in two separate rooms from 7:30-11pm. Plenty of free parking behind the building. Come with your talents, tunes and stories. The bar will be open and there will be room for respectful listeners as well. This will be a regular session, second Wed. of each month with underwriting from the Riley School of Irish Music. For details, please contact:
Or Cindy at
Cincinnati, OH - Silver Arm in September
For 20 years, Silver Arm has engaged audiences with their energetic instrumentals, haunting ballads and spirited performances. For details on upcoming events, please visit their web site:
CARIBBEAN - February 27
Come join Patrick O'Flaherty and the rest of us as we set sail aboard the Norwegian Spirit on an 8-day, 7-night Cruise to the Caribbean, leaving from New Orleans on February 27, 2011. Join us as we make our way to the ports of Costa Maya, Belize, Isla Roatan and Cozumel! Surely, the highlight of the week at sea will be O'Houligan's Ball, where General Livingston and his wife Sara will reign over the festivities as the 2011 King and Queen. Visit or contact Susie Denman at 1-800-427-8473 ext. 7808 for more information.
Stay up to date with all the upcoming events and click here:
Or call 754-281-7202 / 954-432-8292
The Irish Club is adjacent to St. Brides Church, the Journalists Church off Fleet Street. the construction of which gave us the standard wedding cake shape and is reputed to have been founded by St. Bridget herself alongside a St. Bridget's Well. To learn more about the club and upcomoming events, please visit their web site:
Los Alamitos, California -1st Tuesday of every month
Friends of Ireland of Southern California Monthly Breakfast. Events are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month. Please call in RSVP to one of the contacts below one day in advance so we can accommodate you.
Barbara Walsh (714) 739-4195 Kathy Wisdom (714) 572-8277
Tom Kennedy (562) 425-2636 Jim O'Dea (626) 965-0307
Portland, Oregon - 1st Friday of the month
Ceili of the Valley Society - First Friday of the month Céilís and ongoing Tuesday night Céilí and Sean Nós dance classes. Our season runs from October through June and next season we may be moving the dances to Saturday rather than Friday nights. For more details, please click
It’s back to school, college, and university (or may be just starting same for many). We wish all of you well in the coming year and hope current attendees and/or alumni of any school mentioned in the following will take it in light-hearted fun:
How many Trinity students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. One – he holds the bulb and the world revolves around him
Q. How many Athlone students does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. None – Westmeath looks better in the dark.
The Galway student was going to give the Dublin student a nasty look but he already had one.
Strange Trinity Laws: In Trinity college students can demand a glass of wine at any time during an exam, provided they are wearing their sword.
It is illegal for a student to walk through Trinity College without a sword.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan was strolling along St. James Street one day when he happened to meet two scions of nobility. "I say, Sherry," commented one of them, "we have just been discussing which you were - a knave or a fool. What is your opinion?" Sheridan took each of them by the arm and replied: "You might say I am between the two!"
Dublin University contains the cream of Ireland - rich and thick.
Samuel Beckett
Silly Rhyme
There was an old fellow at Trinity
Who solved the square root of infinity.
But it gave him such fidgets
To count up the digits
That he dropped Math and took up Divinity.