Greetings and blessings to all,
Céad Míle Fáilte to our September Edition - Part Two:
So here we are back again with the rest of the intro we didn’t have time to get done before our time ran out last Sunday; we should explain what we mean by that. For what we pay our newsletter host per month, we are “allowed” two emails to our subscriber list. So, we would be wasting 50% of that fee if we don’t send out two mailings. We can also accrue “credits” so, for October, we plan on sending out three mailings , God willing - and fingers crossed you don’t think it’s one too many!
Speaking of one too many
That's become a euphemism for Arthur's Day which took place last Thursday. Did you bend your elbow in a toast to the memory of Arthur Guinness at precisely 5:59 pm? Or do you think it's just a contrived celebration to sell more of the black stuff? We put up a poll on our nephew's web site and we'd be really curious as to see what your opinion is. Here's the URL:
ED. NOTE: 1759 was when Arthur signed the 1,000 year lease on St. James Gate. It becomes 5:59pm on the 24 hour clock.
A long time reader Kieran Ames writes:
I would like to take issue with your recommendations on scam emails. Sometimes, scammers just make dictionary attacks against email addresses. Sometimes, they utilize BOTS to send out mail. In my opinion, replying just serves as a confirmation that an email address exists. That information can be used in an attack down the road. The best tactic in dealing with such scams is to just delete the message. (And, if your email client supports it, not even open the message so that any images are loaded. This can be tracked back to the recipient as well once they are presented on the screen.) I think, in the big picture, if someone is looking for money, there are more legitimate avenues to approach this than by email.
ED. NOTE: We agree with Kieran 100% and, in retrospect, we are surprised that what we consider a trusted source didn’t make the same recommendation. So, just hit the delete button! And Go raibh maith agat, Kieran!
We were totally blown away by the number of responses we received to our query about keeping the County News and the Trivia Contest; we haven't replied to individual messages yet, but will try to get to them all as soon as we can. Meanwhile, the ayes to both features out-numbered the nays, so they will stay. And thanks to all of you who took the time to write. 
We are continuing to collect those pithy gems that identify man, woman and childer as being uniquely Irish. Mary Ellen told us of one that Herself remembers...
"Thanking the bus driver brought back memories from years ago. Also, genuflecting when you enter a row at the movie theater while blessing yourself!! I thought I was the only one who did that until a class reunion. Many of us sat around after the dinner & program sharing memories of grade & high school. When I related my doing the theater bit on occasion, there was almost a unanimous OMG!! Everyone had done it on occasion."
ED NOTE: We plan on posting whatever we've found in the Leave 'Em Laughing segment of our regular newsletter; if you have anything you'd like to add, please don't hesitate to send it in.
September began with temperatures in the 90s and ended with a nose dive into the mid 30s. The change of seasons has once again arrived on cue in our Ohio Valley - but we still have the possibility of a brief respite from colder temperatures if we get our usual Indian Summer. Fingers crossed we will - we are NOT looking forward to winter! Whatever the weather in your neck of the woods, we hope you are enjoying either a lovely spring in the southern hemisphere or a balmy Autumn in the opposite.
Enough of the blather...On with the update:
What ever the celebration, you will find the perfect gift at the Celtic Attic. Come browse and buy- PLUS, exclusively for our readers, take 10% off your order and get FREE shipping on orders over $50! The discount will be removed after you place your order. Just put the code IC01 in the ‘add a gift card’ section!
Contact the Celtic Attic on line or by phone - and tell them Bridget & Russ said hello!
Tel: 1-360-286-2307
On line:
Since last we wrote, we've put up a new home page, new Culture Corners, and the Trivia Contest for October - you'll find the contest here:
And we have a winner for September!
Congratulations to Molly McManus who selected the Irish Whistle package from Lollysmith for her prize.
To see Lollysmith's whistles, please click:
ED. NOTE: Pictured is the daughter of Owen and Candy at Lollysmith. She is an expert whistle player.

So that's the the short of it until we send out our regular newsletter at the end of the month. We’ll take our leave with these lovely words adapted from a blessing by Fr. Andrew Greeley:
"May autumn color paint your dreams
May the silver moon make you wiser yet
May you never be with yourself content.
May Jesus and Mary keep you young
Full of life and laughter and an Irish song."
And as they say in Ireland, mind yourself!
Slan agus beannacht leat!
Bridget & Russ
Get down on your knees and thank God you’re still on your feet.
Téigh ar do ghlúine is bí buíoch le Dia go bhfuil tú fós ar do chosa.
And for your listening pleasure: May The Road Rise To Meet You sung by The Priests at Armagh Cathedral

PS. Before we forget...if this is your first newsletter or update since joining us, many thanks for subscribing - and please feel free to share our musings and meanderings with your family & friends.