This past month I had a personal reminder of the value of community, and how bad things can renew our awareness of our blessings. Just before Pesach my wife, Tove, contracted a serious infection that wound up requiring hospitalization. My son and I held our first seder in her hospital room, thankful for the electric candles and seder plate provided by Cedars-Sinai. It had to be somewhat abbreviated, but we were glad for what we could do. After visiting hours, Nathan and I were able to continue the seder with understanding friends.
Throughout her treatment and recovery we received the good wishes and prayers for healing of our community, as well as more physical sustenance in the form of great meals. This made the worry and the difficulties easier to bear.
We are fortunate to normally lead lives of good health and comfort in the company of family and friends. When something goes wrong, it can make us more mindful of how fortunate we are that things usually go quite well. The modim prayer reminds us of "God's miracles which are with us every day," one of which is the intricate and smooth functioning of our bodies amidst the fantastic complexity of our biosphere. Let us be grateful for our blessings, thankful that we live in a community where help is offered, and rededicated to helping others along life's path.
— Carl Sunshine
It was wonderful to participate with over 100 Temple Beth Am members of all ages at the Los Angeles Walk to End Genocide. I found the experience particularly poignant after hearing Rabbi Glazer’s drash on Shabbat the day before, which highlighted the many atrocities happening throughout the world and called on the kahal to take action. Sherri, Rebecca, Josh and I decided to participate in the Jewish World Watch Walk as a family.
At the event, it was so nice for each of us to encounter contemporaries and friends from TBA who were also participating. We felt the strength and commitment from the large Temple Beth Am crowd as we walked together in solidarity against the genocide in Darfur. It was also rewarding to support the important work of JWW by donating time and funds to the organization.
A huge yasher koach to our own Dianne Shershow for her leadership in the planning of the Walk and for her dedicated commitment toward ensuring that Temple Beth Am be well represented. It was a morning filled with memories and reminders of much work that needs to be done to create peace and security throughout the world.
—Mike Cohn
The Library Minyan business card earned its printing on Shabbat Chol Ha-Moed Pesach when I gave one to a newcomer introduced to me by Annette Berman. I had written my name and contact info on the back, as provided for. I urged the young lady to send me an email after Shabbat — and she did! It turned out she’s new to LA, and was eager to share remaining Pesach and also Shabbat meals with folks.
Time being tight, I invited her to our home for the eighth night. I also sent an email to a few people who live in walking distance, and a Shabbat dinner invitation at Norm and Rachel Green’s resulted. Our daughter visiting from Oakland, John and I greatly enjoyed getting to know the newcomer, who brought enthusiasm and sweetness to our holiday table on the final evening of chag.
Much anecdotal evidence supports the importance of home hospitality in forging a welcoming Jewish community. Plus, of course, chachnasat orchim is a major mitzvah. The LM Membership Committee created the business cards to aid in this process. Please pull those in your possession out of wherever they’re hiding — or pick a few up at the Chapel entrance table; then add you name and contact info to the back side, and put them in your tallit bag or other foolproof location. When you notice someone new or they introduce themselves, make the effort to go over and give them a word of good cheer plus the card. If they follow through by contacting you, invite them yourself if you can and/or send their info to me for follow-up.
—Susan Laemmle
Post-Pesach Social Action Opportunities
Big Sunday weekend is close at hand, with a range of projects to make a difference. Suggested activities to partake in with other TBA members and the greater community are:
- #178 - A continuation of our beautification work at Carthay Elementary School.
- #192 - Help Chai Lifetime put together special goodies for ill children.
- #277 - Prepare food for the homeless and battered women.
- #298 - Assist kids in activities at Kidspace Museum in Pasadena.
Where: The New Metro Pantry
1140 N. LaBrea Avenue
West Hollywood, 90038
When: Sunday June 8
8:00 AM - noon
Job: help package food for clients
Need: 10 volunteers at least 12 years old
We are very excited to celebrate the achievements of TBA's middle school and high school graduates in the library minyan. The High School Graduation Shabbat will be celebrated on May 31st and the Middle School Graduation Shabbat will be celebrated on June 7th.
To participate in or contribute to the Middle School Graduation Shabbat, please contact Gary Hirschhorn at
Please join us in wishing a big yasher koach to all of the graduates!
—Sandra Lepson
Human Rights Drash Series Continues
By now, TBA members should know that the Library Minyan's Education Committee has scheduled a series of three drashot and one evening lecture on various aspects of Human Rights to occur during the Omer.
The series got off to a very strong start on April 26, when Rabbi Miriyam Glazer spoke eloquently and passionately on "A Global Perspective on Human Rights.” (It should be posted soon if you missed it.) Rabbi Glazer talked abut the human rights activities promoted by American Jewish World Service; for more information on their work, go to
The series continues on May 3, when Michelle Wolf will speak on "People with Disabilities and Human Rights" and on May 10 as guest darshan Rabbi Jonathan Klein from Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice will speak on "Human Rights — a Local Perspective.”
The final speakers in the series will be Tom Holler, One LA organizer, and Rabbi Elliot Dorff, who will speak on the connection between Jewish ethics and community organizing on Wednesday evening, May 21.
Don't miss these upcoming presentations.
—Rachel Rubin Green
Start looking forward to the shul-wide Second Day Shavuot Picnic, immediately following t'fillot on Thursday, June 5th, in La Cienega Park (east side of La Cienega). Bring your own (dairy) lunch, blanket on which to sit, drinks, and, if you like, cheesecake, and/or sports equipment to share. Childcare is available.
We will eat, shmooze, sing a bit, hear a story, play some sports (only if you want!), and enjoy the holiday together. Everyone is invited!
Also check the Upcoming Events list on the Library Minyan website for other occasions coming up.
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035