Animal Holidays for April
Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Month National Pet First Aid Awareness Month National Pet Month (for the UK)
Be Kind to Animals Week - Week 2 National Pet ID Week--April 15-21
April 11 - National Pet Day. April 13 - 19th is Animal Control Appreciation Week. April 18 - Pet Owner's Day April 24 - Sylvester the Cat's Birthday April 26 - National Kids And Pets Day! April 27 - Hairball Awareness Day! April 27 - Free Feral Cat Spay Day April 30 - National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day April 30 - National Tabby Day
Worried about pet food safety? Report Problems to the FDA!
Email: hipaws @ felinehelpline @ catsgalore4 @
I no longer use the mskitty email address due to hacking.
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Disaster preparedness tips:My disaster preparedness page for animals and people:
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About the Newsletter:
Published once a month on the 7th. Submissions and suggestions are welcome.
felinehelpline @
Welcome to April!
Off to a difficult start, I'm sorry this is a day late. Enjoy this month's articles and be sure to let me know what you'd like to see next month.
Here's an excellent site to explore: (pronounced We Are Cats.) This site is dedicated to sharing stories, videos, photos and anything else about our fabulous furry feline friends. Feel free to check out their many stories, share ideas and stories and ask questions about your cat.
On a sad note, we now have another species extinction:
The Eastern Puma Has Officially Been Pronounced Extinct
In a tragic wildlife development, the majestic Eastern Puma has been officially declared extinct by U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), as of January 22.
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Health and Behavior
Animal nutrition: Excess phosphorus damages kidneys According to a new study carried out by veterinarians at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich, high phosphorus intake, comparable to the average level provided by prepared cat food, can be deleterious to kidney function in healthy cats. Read More - to Promote Endocrine Balance for Your Spayed or Neutered PetThis article promotes a product, but that doesn't mean you have to buy it. Just learn what you can from what is written.
In the wild, animals generally go for the "guts" first when they kill their prey. They instinctively know where the best nutrition is.
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L-lysine isn't all it's been cracked up to be either. This supplement has often been touted as a beneficial supplement to control herpesvirus in cats, but this has now been proven to be purely anecdotal, without basis in science. Read More -

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