Hello dear music freaks!!
First of all we like to thank every single one of you who came out to see Project Pitchfork & The Juggernauts @ De Casino last month! What a party it was! Also a lot of kudo's to this year's Dark Demons visitors and candidates, all bands gave a hell of a show!
We are also delighted to announce a brand new festival! The renowned DAFT FEST returns with amazing line-up! Read more below!
More exciting BodyBeats events will be announced soon!
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Good luck and happy reading!
30.06 Covenant - The Blinding Dark Tour + Mildreda @ Zappa - Antwerp |
BodyBeats Productions & Zappa present: COVENANT
The Blinding Dark Tour 2017 support: MILDREDA
It has been almost over 5 years since Covenant played Belgium at the Rewind Festival in Ghent, but now they are back with a new album and new tour for an Belgian Exclusive Clubshow at Zappa, Antwerp, B. So finally, for the Belgian fans, the wait to see them perform live is over. And this time we don’t even have to travel abroad! MILDREADA is the Darkish and hars electro/EBM the project of Jan Dewulf (Diskonnekted, Your Life On Hold, ...). A project which successfully rebooted earlier this year with a new album and fantastic Skinny Puppy support show! Afterparty waves & Beats will be provide by DJ BORG.
Tickets & Info / Covenant FB / www.covenant.se / Mildreda FBDon't forget to check-in on our Facebook event here!
25.08 Die Krupps + Front Line Assembly @ De Casino, St Niklaas, B |
BodyBeats Productions & De Casino present: DIE KRUPPS + FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY support: Der Rest
Yes, indeed! We are very proud to announce you our double bill event featuring two of the most legendary electro-cross-over and EBM bands who both have been around for three decades now and are still kicking ass today! DIE KRUPPS (D) are one of those early pioneers of Electronic and Industrial music who have inspired bands like FRONT 242, NITZER EBB and many more! FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY was also one of those influential Electro-Industrial pioneer bands, formed in Canada by Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber after Leeb left Skinny Puppy. Support for this night is DER REST, a post-punk/avant-garde band from Germany
Afterparty waves & Beats with resident DJ BORG.
Tickets & Info / Don't forget to check-in on our Facebook event here!
20 + 21.10 DAFT / MINIMAL MAXIMAL FEST @ Oude Badhuis - Antwerp |
Yes! DAFT FEST is back! And what a great international line-up we must say!
Besides the Belgian delegation with Cult band A Split-Second, Industrial/EBM slammer DIVE, Minimal Wave pioneers Vita Noctis and new comers Knk we also invited our neighbors from the Dutch cult electro/EBM band The Force Dimension, UK EBM pioneers Portion Control and the Swiss industrial Art-Girl-Power act Gertrud Stein. To put the cherry on the cake Spanish industrialists Esplendor Geometrico will close this two day festival! Both days will be followed by an eclectic Industrial/Wave/EBM afterparty hosted by DJ BORG & DJ Skullscraper!
15 + 16.12 BIMFEST XVI @ De Casino, St Niklaas, B |
BodyBeats Productions & De Casino present:
It is with great pleasure that we can announce the 16th line-up of our Belgian Independent Music Festival 2017 edition XVI After last year’s 100% Belgian and 15th anniversary bill, we went looking abroad again this year. Also, because there’s no BIMFEST without at least a few quality homegrown products like this year, for instance, IMPLANT (with a brand new album!) and cult act PARADE GROUND. Loyal BIMFEST-goers will immediately spot a couple of returning BIMFEST acquaintances like NO MORE (D), THE INVINCIBLE SPIRIT (D) and PSYCHE (CAN) on the poster but also some less obvious names (to Belgian standards) such as rhythmic and industrial act XOTOX from Germany or the Techno / EBM crossover project of the NYC electro producer and performer Oliver Chesler, THE HORRORIST (LIVE!). We also succeeded to get KIRLIAN CAMERA, from warm but dark and industrial Southern Italy, fronted by the stunning and charismatic Elena Alice Fossi, who will undoubtedly bring the temperature in the front rows to boiling point. Also THE CASSANDRA COMPLEX (UK) will easily get the crowd moving and warmed-up with beautiful songs like 'One Millionth Happy Customer', 'Second Shot' or 'March 89'. The main catch of BIMFEST 2017 is undoubtedly the pleasant deranged British Electro combo BLANCMANGE, who almost everyone should know from their 80s mega-hits like "Don't Tell Me," "Blind Vision ',' Feel Me 'and' Game Above My Head '... to name but a few!
Swedish EBM act ELM and Electro Industrial Noise combo ALVAR are the two opening acts selected by the Dark Demons Night 2017 audience.
The pre-sale of the extremely limited Early-Bird BIMFEST combination tickets (2 days) has already started, so hurry if you want to save some money!
Some more and up-coming & BodyBeats powered events! |
24.02 International E.B.M Day - Line-up & location TBA - B
So, musical & party friends, that's it for now ... But there's is still more to come!
Check our website www.bodybeats.be for more info and even more upcoming concerts!
Feel free to forward this newsletter to all who it might concern!
Thanks for your time and support!