Part IV: 1975 - 1985
Roy Baker
Drawing principally on
Scotland Island News (SI News) archives, Part IV looks
at issues around water supply and old trucks.

Land Rover and tanker trailer that served the
brigade from about 1976 until 1982.
The old fire shed (by Tennis Wharf) is in the
background. Photo: June Lahm
Founded in 1955, the brigade's early history is marked by
a struggle for resources. By the mid-1970s the island had
a fire truck and a fire boat. But such equipment is
useless without water, and the island had no reticulated
water supply.

Duff, captain, 1971-78, photographed in 1975,
alongside some of the dance group that used
the old fire shed for practice. |
In 1967 residents had voted 22 to six against mains water.
The absence of city water on the island meant that a dry
period could leave islanders’ tanks perilously low, giving
the brigade little or no firefighting capacity. Even today
it is essential to the island’s fire defences that
householders keep their tanks well topped up.
As late as 1973 Warringah’s failure to provide the island
with an emergency water supply was a source of rancour for
residents. But then, sometime during the late 1970s, a
water tank was installed just above Bells wharf.
Fed by a pipe from the mainland, the tank was intended for
the sole use of the brigade. But it rapidly became
apparent that locals were helping themselves.
Things came to a head around the time of the 1980/81 fire
season. At the time Sydney was experiencing the worst
drought in living memory, and the summer saw an abnormally
high number of Total Fire Ban (TOBAN) days. In the absence
of a viable alternative, islanders were tapping the
brigade storage tank. And, complained SI News,
they were doing so ‘to a critical degree’. ‘Water
raiders can threaten fire-fighting’, ran the headline. Yet
the brigade appears to have been quite magnanimous,
tolerating the taking of some water for household
purposes, provided the reserve was never left more than
half empty.
Lane, the brigade's longest-serving captain
photo was taken towards the end of his
Even so, the brigade was evidently worried. ‘Someday the
whole bloody island could burn down’, opined one member.
Indeed, the previous season had seen numerous illegal
burns on the island, including one at the top of the
island which consumed around half an acre. Fortunately the
brigade was at the scene within eight minutes. Even
Leicester Warburton, then editor of this august journal,
had a close escape when a pot belly stove flue set fire to
his roof.
Adding to its problems, the brigade was having to make do
with a 1960s Land Rover, towing a 900-litre tanker trailer
which took 15 minutes to fill from the Bells tank. By 1982
the Land Rover was experiencing more and more mechanical
problems and the time had come for a new truck.
But how to fund it? The brigade’s answer was to enter a
competition, run by Channel 7, which was offering two Land
Rovers to the brigades making the most persuasive
submission for assistance. Unfortunately the island lost
out to Lake Munmorah and Brooklyn brigades who, it
transpired, didn’t have any mobile equipment at all.

International Harvester AB160 truck
arrived on the island in 1985.
Fortunately help was to hand. In 1982 SI News
announced the imminent arrival of a new Toyota Land
Cruiser. What’s more, in March 1985 long-serving fire
captain Bruce Lane announced the arrival of a 2,300-litre
But it seems that this didn’t last long, because in
November of the same year SI News reported that it
had been exchanged for an ‘upgraded AB160 tanker with a
crew cabin’.
The AB160 was a truck manufactured by International
Harvester and which had gone into production in Australia
in 1961. The age of the model supplied to Scotland Island
is unknown but, according to John Travers, equipment
officer at the time, it wasn’t the best of trucks.
‘I’m not sure it had any brakes’, he recalls. What’s more,
according to John, it had problems starting. Apparently
the brigade’s answer was to always park the Toyota Land
Cruiser behind it, so that the Toyota could give the
larger truck a good shove, should it be needed.

Land Cruiser, alongside the AB160.

hall during construction, 1981-2 |
17 July 2022 will mark the
40th anniversary of the official opening of the Scotland
Island Community Hall. This was built using volunteer
labour supplied by residents.
In order to mark the event, the PON, in association with
Oneill Photographics and the Scotland Island Recreation
Club, is preparing an oral history of the island. The
idea is to photograph and interview current residents
who were around at the time of the hall’s construction.
Each interviewee will be invited to sit for a
professional portrait photograph (free of charge). At
the same time a short interview (sound only) will be
recorded (approx 15 minutes).
The interview will focus on
the part the community hall has played in island life
over the last 40 years, as well as how the island and
community have changed and how they have remained the
same. The photos and interviews will be used as part of
the celebration of the hall’s anniversary.
To be considered for interview you must:
- have been living on or regularly visiting Scotland
Island in 1982 (eg as a weekender or holidaymaker),
- be currently living on (or regularly visiting) the
It does not matter if you were not involved in or do not
remember the building of the hall (eg you were a child
on the island at the time), or if you moved away from
the island for some of the intervening 40 years, as long
as you live on (or regularly visit) the island today.
If you feel that you qualify for interview and are
interested in taking part, please email me at Interviews will be
conducted during the coming months.
Roy Baker

On 26 December we reported
the sad news that Greg Roberts has died. Greg, along
with his widow Louise, had lived on Scotland Island for
27 years and throughout that period contributed
significantly to the offshore community.
Greg’s family has asked me to announce that there will
be a family service for Greg on Friday, 7 January at
11.30 am. The numbers attending will be limited, but a
Zoom link will be available closer to the date for
anyone who would like to join in online. The Zoom link
will be published on the PON’s Facebook site once it is
known: click here.
The service will also be recorded and a link to the
video will be made available as soon as possible, via
the Facebook site as well as a subsequent edition of the
A celebration of Greg’s life is planned for Sunday, 30
January at 2 pm, to be held at the Royal Prince Alfred
Yacht Club. There is also a planned procession of boats
around Scotland Island, to be held the same morning. The
family would like to invite anyone interested to join in
the procession. Details concerning the celebration and
the procession will be announced via the PON once they
are known.
If anyone has a fairly large boat that could be used to
lead the procession and carry the family then that would
be appreciated. Please contact Megan Sadler, Greg’s
daughter-in-law, at
Roy Baker

Roy Baker
A few months ago I
suggested a tenuous link between Scotland Island and the
South Pole: Catherine Bouffier, who gave her name to
Catherine Park, was the aunt of Frank Hurley, the
photographer on the ill-fated 1914 Shackleton
trans-Antarctic expedition. But for quite some time
there was a much stronger connection: a sign on
Antarctica pointing towards our island.
The sign was put there by Mariano Martinez, better known
as Mario. He lived just above Carols Wharf between 1987
and 1999. An enthusiastic sportsman, Mario will be
remembered by many islanders as the man who organised
quadrathlons that involved kayaking to the Basin and
cycling to Mona Vale.

showing Davis Station on Antarctica
But in 1997 Mario spent 12 months at Davis Antarctic
Station, one of three permanent bases and research
outposts managed by the Australian Antarctic Division.
It was during his stay there that Mario erected the sign
pointing to Pittwater.
Mario, who worked at the Davis base as a senior
electrical technician, describes his time on Antarctica
as a ‘great adventure’. Certainly it’s not for the
faint-hearted. Mario was dropped off by ship in the
summer, when temperatures at the base hover around
freezing point. But by August Davis temperatures
typically range between minus 14 and minus 20, and can
drop as low as minus 42. Added to that, the station
experiences virtually no sunshine in June and July.
‘They spend more time preparing you psychologically than
they do physically: that tells you something about what
it’s like’, says Mario. He was stationed with three
women and 15 men. ‘Maintaining good relations in
conditions like that can be a challenge’, he explains.
Fortunately Mario, who has a great love for the
outdoors, bonded with those with a similar taste for
adventure. For instance, he and a colleague once set off
across the sea ice to see how far they could go. But he
couldn’t have made it to any of the neighbouring
stations, the nearest being several hundred kilometres

Station, November 2005
Besides psychological training, Mario also had to learn
how to survive away from base. For instance, part of a
survival course required living in a ‘coffin-sized’ hole
in the snow for two days.
But back at Davis, life was surprisingly comfortable.
‘We had a movie theatre, great food and plenty of good
wine’, he recalls. ‘There wasn’t much suffering!’
These days Mario lives with his wife Marika in Mona
Vale. Marika works in real estate and has recently
handled the purchase of properties on the island, while
Mario keeps in touch with a number of island friends.

Catherine Park
Sunday 9 January, 10 - 12
Sunday 23 January, 10 - 2
Scotland Island Community
Most Saturdays, 3 - 5 pm
Table tennis sessions have
recommenced. Groups meet most Saturdays. Anyone over 12
is welcome, subject to prevailing COVID rules. Please
bring a mask to wear indoors, although it may be removed
during physical exercise.
64 Darley St, Mona Vale
Saturday 15 January, 10 am
- 2 pm
Scotland Island
Recreation Centre
Sunday 23 January, 2 - 4
Scotland Island
Recreation Centre
Thursday 20 January, 6 -
9 pm
Scotland Island
Community Hall
Sunday 23 January, 2 - 4
For tickets, click here. The Two Catherines café
will remain open until 2pm.
Scotland Island Community
Saturday 29 January, 7 - 9
Is there a cat lover out
there who might like to rehouse my lovely black cat
He is a softy, a gentle
scaredy-cat who stays mostly indoors and sleeps a lot
but does like people, sitting on knees and being
stroked. He is 12 and despite living all his life with
his tabby cat brother, he is now taking a lot of stress
as the tabby is spending more time indoors and re-zoning
his territory, which puts Zeus under strain. The vet
says he is physically healthy but emotionally living in
fear with the constant threat that he will be attacked.
It is affecting his behaviour and his health.
If you would like to meet
him and have a chat I’d be delighted. He needs a quiet
home, no other pets and probably not children.
Please call Gail 0412767687
I’m an experienced, fully qualified teacher and education
support worker (primary school) offering tutoring in all
aspects of literacy over the summer holidays.
If you think your child would benefit from one-on-one
tuition in reading, writing or general language skills and
could do with a boost to their confidence before starting
the new school year, please contact me for further
Helen Webster
Mobile: 0406347061
Missed out on a previous
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June 2021
Festival of Making,
April 2021
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)