This October Art Below are showcasing the work of 20 international artists across billboard space at Regent's Park underground station. This will be the fifth year running that we host 'Art Below Regent's Park' which coincides with Frieze Art Fair situated right beside Regent's Park tube.
The artists work will also be on show at London's Gallery Different, located in the heart of Fitzrovia, just off Tottenham Court Road.
Private view: Thursday 8th October (6-9pm)
The exhibition will be open to the public until Sunday 19th October (11am - 5pm).
Gallery Different, 14 Percy St, London W1T 1DR
'Blue Newt Pond'
'Temple Woman'
'Melita Red'
'Between one and another'
'Ministry of Justice'
'The ostrich feather fan'
'Spectrum of the shard'
'Samsara in the City'
'Empire' by Jonathan Wright
'Fit or Fat'
'Can do no wrong'
'Venetian Bottles' by Susan Kay
Art Below will be representing artist James Mylne at The Other Art Fair at East London's Truman Brewery, 15 -18th October. He has spent the last 11 weeks creating 'Samsara in the City' which will be the centre piece of his exhibition space at the fair.
'Samsara in the City' will also be on display as a billboard poster at Regent's Park underground station in time to meet the crowds of art lovers attending Frieze.
'Samsara in the City' 2015 James Mylne
James talks about 'Samsara in the City':
I created this over the course of 11 weeks (total of 178 hours) 10 weeks of that was drawing the city in ballpoint pen and fine marker. The 2nd longest I've spent on a work ever but also the first time I've combined photo-realistic pen drawing with abstract paintwork (at the top which obviously represents heaven).
More information after the detail image below.  The tired and burnt out Buggs Bunny just serves as a subject representing anyone/everyone running around during life getting stressed out over things that have no real meaning, whilst the things that really hold meaning tend to get neglected. That meaning is represented by the infinite sky which blends into heaven. The Sky is the focus for a whole genre of my artworks which is called The Sky Series which you can browse here.  Check out a stylish short film about this drawing/painting and me as an artist on YouTube here (film by Adam Palmer).
This artwork will be the main piece I will be exhibiting at The Other Art Fair in mid October (East London). Also expect to see this as a large poster on the platform at Regents Park underground tube station next month.
Art Below Ltd.

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