Dear fans, friends and musicians, 
I am selling my 100 watt 1995 Fender Twin Reverb.
And yes, I have dropped the price I had in mind yet again.
I am more than willing to entertain a best offer scenario.
E-mail me at and let's start some dialogie on this fine amp!
I'm selling the amp b/c these are typically the thinnest months financially for songwriting/troubadours who depend on touring for income. This year has already been a trying one here, as we focused on recording, mixing and producing the new album, Lands & Peoples.
(Ms. Muriah Rose's new album, "Beneath The Clay," is our next project.)
The Skinny:
This remarkable Fender Twin Reverb is in excellent condition.
I bought this amp for the "Blister Soul" Tour. After that tour, it's pretty much stayed in studio environments for studio projects.
It was good decision. The amp is in pristine condition.
What to expect:
This 100 Watt Fender Twin is a joy. Always responsive.
it packs plenty of clean, even "head-room," so you can go from Mark Knofler-esque honey-tones, to a Tom Petty jangle to roaring power pop solos.
That's a beautiful palate of tone for any guitarist to have!
Truth: The Fender Twin's equilibrium of warm tones from lows to highs is what makes it one the most perfect guitar amps ever created.
Personal testimony: I fell in love with the Twin b/c "it plays well with others." The character of every guitar I've ever plugged into it is perfectly reproduced by without the amp coloring it in any way.
THAT's the beauty of the Fender Twin. Clean, warm, powerful & faithful in it's rendering & output. 
Although this Fender Twin Reverb is 20 years old, it's in excellent condition. ("She" lives" in her stage quality road case when not appearing on almost every major studio record from 1996's Slow Dark Train to present.) ...and she has, as they say, "a past."
SO, if you are interested, E-mail me here for a quote and we can start some dialogue!
Like I said: I do have a price in mind but I will definitely consider any "Best Offer" option.
"Let's move this thing!"
That's all for now...
Grace & Peace,
~ Bill Mallonee