IAHF Flying to DC Today....On Edge of Codex Cliff.....Canon House Office Bldg......How You Can Help!
IAHF List:
An original song by guitarist Bob Lansing titled "Codex Alimentarius" needs to be on the MP3 players of every congressional aide on Capital Hill..... hear it below.... I'll be listening to it as I walk the halls of congress, and on the plane later today- together we CAN defend health freedom if you follow the easy action step below to support my efforts on the Hill!!
See "Coalition Mobilizes Lawmakers- Targets Grassroots" http://stopspp.com/stopspp/?p=43
My friend Jerry Corsi just held a huge press conference at the National Press Club which makes the threat of a North American Union far more a part of the national debate leading up to the election on November 7th. Its up to all of us now to demand to know each candidates stance on this issue, and I hope you all will support my efforts on Capital hill by making the calls listed below- because it DOES make a difference! Either our congressmen and their challengers are FOR AMERICA, or they're FOR THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION (& CODEX) but they can't have it both ways and we must FORCE them to declare where they stand! H.Con Res 487 which opposes the N.American Union (see below) is a powerful tool for us to use!
Its official, and from now on no member of congress, and no congressional aide can hope to get away with trying to slide away from our questions about Codex or about the planned North American Union- Never again will they be able to our concerns are just "conspiracy theory":While we were busy..... some in our GOVERNMENT WERE BUSY TOO: http://www.stopspp.com/
See H.Con Res 487:
Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.
In a few hours I'll be driving down to Seattle to fly all night to DC, arriving early tomorrow morning for a 10 day health freedom lobbying trip. With your help to back me up we'll be urging the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee to turn up the heat on the FDA regarding their illegal Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada & Mexico.
By taking the specific actions listed below, you can help make the planned destruction of America (Canada and Mexico) part of the national debate leading up to this congressional election. Jerry Corsi and Jim Gilchrist have just launched this new website which will help us expose this scam: http://stopspp.com/ On the site they have a great deal of information about the "Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America" and how this scam is being implemented by the US Department of Commerce for the purpose of scuttling our country and forcing us into a North American Union patterened after the EU Dictatorship.
Corsi and Gilchrist have pdf files about the planned North American Union that they got via the Freedom of Information Act. In July I filed my own FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Request with the FDA regarding their Trilateral Cooperation Charter With Canada & Mexico as this ties in with the SPP.
Not surprisingly, the FDA is dragging their feet in responding to my request, just as they also have failed to respond to the letter Congressmen Paul, De Fazio, Goode, Davis (VA), and Burton sent in July (via our urging). Since none of the people on the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee had the courage to sign our letter in July when I met with them, on THIS trip I'll up the ante and will very STRONGLY request that they sign, and I'll be showing them our petition which nearly 6,000 people have signed http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body (with your help we'll top the 6,000 signature mark while I'm on Capital Hill!! Tell your friends to support our trip!)
I need you to call the Congressmen in the Oversight & Investigations Subcommitee
(see list here http://energycommerce.house.gov/108/subcommittees/Oversight_and_Investigations.htm )
Call via Capital Switchboard 202-225-3121 (get friends and family to help):
Tell them "I have just read H.Con Res 487: (which is: Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canadahttp://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.CON.RES.487: (Tell them:
"I need to know what you intend to do to stop the Department of Commerce and the FDA from their non transparent efforts to destroy America and to force us into this planned N.American Union?"
"Please tell me straight up if you will support an oversight hearing re the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter With Canada & Mexico?"
" I support International Advocates for Health Freedom's efforts to get the FDA to respond to the letter sent to Acting Commissioner Von Echenbach in July, and demand an answer from the FDA regarding their illegal actions under the Trilateral Cooperation Charter. I am outraged by the FDA's unwillingness to obey US law. Nearly 6,000 of us have signed a petition against what the FDA is doing and we need your help to stop them: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body Will you and Congressman Whitfield help us rein in the FDA with an oversight hearing?"
Also discuss the threat of the planned N.American Union with your own congressman and Senators by calling via 202-225-3121. Inform them of H.Con Res 487 (see above)
Guitarist Bob Lansing has just launched a zinger against the Pharma Cartel with his original song "Codex Alimentarius" which you may listen to if you have Quicktime Player (free download) loaded on your computer. (Get Quicktime Player here http://www.softwarepatch.com/internet/quicktime.html)
Download the song here: http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/f/Codex_Pre_Final_001.MP3
It Don't Take High Math- No Chinese Abacus-
No Finger Count to Figure Out Your Codex Ali-men-tarius
My baby said- my baby- cause your makin' me flat- when you open your mouth- the dog be-comes a cat
You position yourself as being truthful and frank- but your politics are really takin' you to the bank
Don't want your Codex Alimentarius--------- Cause its not for us.......more-------->
This trip to DC won't be cheap and it will have to be followed up at the end of the month with another trip. Please donate to IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 USA Someone will be in my office to deposit checks in my absence.
Additionally you may donate via Paypal at http://www.iahf.com (paypal link is on the scrollbar inside the site.) Thanks for all of your help, and please forward this widely!
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