Friday, December 15, 2006

1 John 3:8 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.


According to this passage, Jesus has come to earth for the purpose of destruction. When we think of the reasons why Jesus came to earth, "for destruction" is usually not the first one that pops into our heads. Rather we might think of how He came to bring forgiveness and eternal life to sinners. However, destruction is a very real part of the process by which He brings forgiveness and eternal life to sinners.

First of all, it is important to remember that because of our sins, the powerful Son of God could have rightfully destroyed us human beings. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, left God's side and joined the devil's team when they chose to disobey God's Word and listen to the devil's words instead. By their sin, they were no longer God's friends, but they had now become God's enemies along with Satan. By their very sinful natures, they passed along this inborn sinfulness to every other human being, including you and me. And we must confess, our sinfulness is not only that which is inherited from our sinful parents and ancestors; sinfulness has permeated the thoughts, words, and actions that are all our own.

It is not surprising that the Son of God came to this world for the purpose of destruction, because this world is sinful and full of His sinful enemies. What is surprising is that, according to God's loving plan, He came to save men, through the forgiveness of sins, while reserving His destruction for His enemy, the devil, and for His sinful workings.

The Lord Jesus has come for destruction, however this is not a destruction intended for mankind. Instead, He came to this earth and went to the cross to destroy the works of the devil, even the work of death, so that by this destruction we might have eternal life through faith in Him.