June - Adopt a Cat Month
 Top 5 cat injuries
 Photo contest
 Petfood research
 Pet treats discontinued at Petco
 Shelter feed links
Good news! Petco will stop carrying China-made dog and cat treats at its more than 1,300 store locations nationwide, including Unleashed by Petco stores and online at, by the end of 2014.
Shelter feed links:  (Answer a trivia question...
even a wrong answer gives a donation.)

Latest Video On Site
Don't forget to drop by to see the latest video. This week it's How to Draw Simon's Cat.
Thought for the day:

"If you yell at a cat, you're the one who is making a fool of yourself." - Unknown

Web Sites you might find useful:
Thanks to everyone who made the switch this month to this newsletter service. I hope you enjoy the new format. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me!
Roberta, the Happy Cat Lady
                                      June 7, 2014
Adopt a Cat Month
June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month and, with kitten season upon us, there are more cats in need than ever. If you can't adopt a cat, read for information on how you can help:
Top 5 Cat Injuries

According to Veterinary Pet Insurance, the following 5 injuries constitute the most common injuries to cats and the average cost for each:
    Soft-tissue trauma, such as bruises ($169)
    Cuts and bite wounds ($237)
    Eye injuries ($135)
    Mouth trauma or broken tooth ($185)
    Superficial wounds ($103)

How can you avoid all this? The very best way is to keep your cat indoors. Read more:

Don't forget the Calendar Photo Contest!

World of Animals Calendar Contest: There is still time to enter, but hurry! The deadline is June 15. Your photo of wildlife or a companion animal could be featured in IFAW’s 2015 World of Animals Calendar. Read IFAW Photo Contest Rules:

Four year study reveals cats' eating habits.

It only took four years to do this study and I'm not sure they are finished. They just discovered that cats eat more in the winter and less during summer. Owners should give their pets more food in winter, researchers said, because they need more calories to maintain body temperature. They ate about 15% less during summer, apparently because they tend to rest more. Sounds pretty complicated, eh?
How to Help Animals

Always remember to check with your local shelter
to see what they need. Your donation will go directly
to the animals, in sharp contrast to some of the large
national groups, whose donation income goes toward
large administrative salaries and other expenses, not
necessarily for animals.

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