Tuesday, April 29

We’re on the way!!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that we made it out of Denver on time, made our transfer in Minneapolis in plenty of time (that was a nice change from the March trip!), walked what seemed like 6 or 7 miles to make our transfer in Amsterdam, and are now resting comfortably in Dubai!

It’s now just after midnight Dubai time (2 p.m. Denver time) and we’re all a little woozy from exhaustion, but also fired up eager to jump on that last flight at 6 a.m. into Kabul.

We’ll head to our departure terminal at 3 a.m. so there’s really not much time to rest, but Toby, Michelle, Margaret, and April are trying to catch a few winks (between incriminating snap shots that we’ll share later ).  Gary, Pat, and Bill have a mean game of Cribbage going and Nicole, Jordan, and I are using our free time diligently and tirelessly working on a cure for cancer.  (OK… we’re checking email.)

We arrive in Kabul in about 12 hours and I’ll write again tomorrow night to let you know we arrived safely.

The entire team sends their thanks for all your prayers and support!


The April Team (all except Jordan who shot the picture) camping out at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.  Yes… Toby has had WAAAY too much caffeine.