N E W   R E L E A S E :  N O W   A VA I L A B L E

T H E   W I S H I N G   T O M B
                 by  AMANDA AUCHTER

Winner of the 2012 Perugia Press Prize
for a first or second book of poetry by a woman

The Wishing Tomb is a love letter to New Orleans, that quintessential city of jazz and yellow fevers, of hurricanes and Creole cuisine. The poems show how we all are connected to our homes, how history sometimes escapes us, and how even in our tragedies, we can be made whole again by rebuilding and moving forward. The collection creates a portrait of America’s cultural, urban, and historical landscape, and Auchter finds those moments in a long history that magnify irony and wonder to create a morally serious whole. The writing has momentum, formal attention, and is obsessive in the best way.

"AMANDA AUCHTER romances the grit, the rampant spice, the twang, the mystery, the brick, the swelter, and the insistent hallelujah conjured by the Crescent City."                   —Patricia Smith
Amanda Auchter is the founding editor of Pebble Lake Review and the author of The Glass Crib, winner of the 2010 Zone 3 Press First Book Award, and of the chapbook, Light Under Skin.  She holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars and teaches creative writing and literature at Lone Star College in Houston, Texas.
Read a sample poem and order the book now.
Click here.
M O R E   P E R U G I A   O F F E R I N G S

P e r u g i a   P r e s s   P r i z e
for a First or Second Book by a Woman

Prize: $1000 and publication
Entry must be submitted between August 1 and November 15, 2012.


Pulling It All Together:   
Preparing Your Poetry Manuscript for Publication
Personal Manuscript Reviews by Perugia Press Editor Susan Kan

“It’s the most helpful analysis I’ve ever had. I’ll be pondering it and looking at the poems
and the ordering of poems with a fresh eye. I am extremely grateful for your insights.”  —Ruth Thompson

Perugia Press  PO Box 60364  Florence, MA  01062