Farm Fresh News - January 2017
Dear Friends,
The days and first weeks after the winter solstice are one of my favorite times of the year. It represents the transition from a period of turning inward, reflecting, being grateful for all that I/we have, and a dramatic shift in the energy, the opportunity to begin anew. 
This time of rebirth, renewal, is one of the strongest and most powerful of all celebrations. 
It is the time for planning, setting goals, taking steps that can allow us to fulfill our potential. As the days grow longer, the sun showers the world with increasing energy, filling us and everything around us with life force. By preparing our mindset and being ready to push in a positive direction, we can achieve our goals and take steps that carry us forward on a spiritual path.
It is a time to let go of doubt. Doubt weakens you, robbing you of power, because you are holding back your energy. Doubt is different than reflection. It lingers, endlessly questioning your decisions, setting you up for failure, a situation that you create when you do not give your all.
Get clear and affirm your decisions. Identify your short term and long term goals and devise a strategy. Follow through. Don’t hold back.
The way we combat the fear is by acknowledging the joy closest to us. The love we share at home becomes the love that fills the spaces all around and the circle grows larger.
Times of upheaval are the catalyst for change. Call upon your power, starting small, thinking big, to be the light that others may follow, join, and gain strength. This is how we will rise up to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
The Farm Experience Weekend Dates for 2017 – Register Now!
March 24-26 and October 20-22
The Power of Music
I was fortunate to discover the magic of music very early in life. As a young child, my dad started teaching me Navy songs and then had me sing them at family gatherings, recording these on a small reel to reel tape machine. When I got a bit older, he started buying me magazines with the lyrics to top 40 pop songs so I could learn and sing them. Both parents got me up out of bed in order to watch the first performance of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. This changed my life.
Next came guitar lessons, then electric guitars and rock and roll bands, a 12 string guitar and folk music, country and bluegrass…I loved it all. I was a natural and comfortable singer and performer, but I could see that a musician’s life was not to be my path. I intuitively understood that playing for money might cause me to become jaded, cynical, burned out and loose something precious. I could also see that even the highest levels of success produced a life of instability, always on the road, not conducive to family. I knew that my deeper calling was to be with nature, and to pursue a shared vision with my high school sweetheart, wife, life partner and soul mate.
Of course, my love for music never left or was put up on the shelf. It has always played a large role in my life, no matter where I’ve been. In the early years on The Farm, I provided the evening entertainment, jamming with other musicians at The Farm’s various communal households. Our band in Guatemala used rock and roll as a symbol of freedom. After the economic Changeover of the 80s, my friends and I relied on music to help our community weather those difficult years.

Early on, The Farm identified rock and roll as our church music, and recognized that live performances were our communion, a way to bring people together.

The Farm Band was used as a calling card for connecting with like-minded people around the country, attracting new members.

Regular community celebrations were like mini-festivals, with multiple bands and other forms of entertainment.

It was also clear that these music events had the ability to overwhelm and push aside personal differences.  

In no small way, music was part of the glue that held and still holds the community together.

We have also been fortunate to find that, in our community, music spreads across and connects all generations.

Kids, parents, and grandparents have always shared the dance floor or boogied together under the stars.

kid band at the farm
A kid band that I taught at The Farm School
Music and the Bigger Picture – Stating the Obvious
The love and appreciation of music is universal, found in every culture. The fascination and attraction can even border on obsession, turning singers and performers into celebrity gods. The pursuit of stardom channels the attention of millions through national singer talent contests, with similar TV shows now found in virtually every country in the world.
I believe this is because music is something that resonates down to our very core, programed in the womb by the rhythm of our mother’s heartbeat. Music goes still deeper, to the level of vibrations that are the direct connection and foundation to all existence.
Science recognizes that sound is the product of vibrations, be they resonant frequencies traveling down the wires of a speaker coil, the hairs inside our ear drums, or the thump of a drum beat against our chest.
The language of music carries double meanings, serving as a description of life, recognizing the value of harmony and the stress of discordance. We talk about being “out of sync” or “in tune” with those around us.
Music as a Tool for Happiness
It is fairly obvious that music is like a protein,  essential to our health and well-being. People will spend vast amounts of money in the pursuit of music and it often takes a top priority in our lives. We will travel great distances, endure physical hardships and discomfort, lose sleep, all in the quest for music that speaks to us on a personal level and to simultaneously bask in the pool of tonal vibrations created by a gathering of the masses, be it half a dozen singing songs around a campfire or the proverbial Woodstock.
Music is a tool. It can be used as a catalyst to set or change the mood, elevate us to elation, opening our hearts to convey our deepest emotions. Music has the power to heal our inner pain, and manifest the joy that can enhance the healing of our physical wounds.
Examine the role music has in your own life and consider the steps you can consciously take to make it work even more for you.
It can be as simple as adding a little music into your day. Find the spaces in your routine where music can come in, be it energizing your exercise or sending you into deep relaxation and meditation.

Consider how to bring more LIVE music into your life.

Being directly in the presence of sonic vibrations can take you to a deeper level, a full body experience.

Figure out what music works for you (no doubt you already know) and determine what you need to do or where you need to go to hear it live.

For some, it might be a major concert; for others, enjoying a band in a bar or club.

Find a family friendly venue, or you may prefer the more casual atmosphere of a festival or a simple get-together with friends who play music.

Again, it is about finding what carries your heart and your entire being to a new place.

The key is to make the effort, even if only occasionally, adding this element of magic to your emotional chemistry, a component that produces desired results.
Rising AppalachiaRising Appalachia, with Biko Casini in the center.
Biko was born on the Ireland Farm, but spent most of his life here in TN.
Biko traveled through Africa studying drum, and is one of the best percussionists you'll ever hear.
Be part of "The Farm Mafia" (we are everywhere).
Go to one of their concerts, and let them know you heard about the band through Farm Fresh.
Everything so far has been about deep listening, what some might call passive appreciation, which is great, but you can take it to another level with active participation. Not everyone can be a singer, but I believe everyone can sing. There are types of music where everyone adds their voice, blending into the whole. A great example can be found in church hymns, but there are other options to be found, like singalongs and karaoke.
Lots of people who can’t sing a note find expression through a musical instrument. Learning an instrument takes determination, will, and lots of practice. The rewards come later, but are well worth the effort, and can last a lifetime.
I believe the ability to play or sing is a gift, what some might call a talent. To me, a gift is something that is part of you naturally, like an aptitude. However, even a natural gift may need to be developed and polished in order to shine.  You can waste, neglect, or perhaps never discover or identify your gifts. Pay attention to where you find your joy.
If you are lucky enough to have music as one of your gifts, remember that it comes not just from you, but through you. Be grateful, appreciative, and share, bring it to those who do not have this gift, but find pleasure in the warmth music creates.
That sharing can include following your dream and making music your chosen profession. You understand that your role onstage is to give back, to channel the energy and bring everyone on board. Use caution on this journey and be wary of the pitfalls, the distractions, and the ego.
What is Kirtan?
I would like to introduce you to a form of live music that I have recently come to know, called Kirtan. It is a form of chanting from India, and before you think this is too way out there for you, hear me out.
In Kirtan, groups of people sing together, repeating simple phrases in unison, gliding along on easy and interesting melodies. In this way, Kirtan welcomes all voices. Many cities and towns will have Kirtan groups that meet and sing on a regular basis. There is probably one in your area.
A benefit I have found in singing the Sanskrit words of traditional Indian Kirtan, is that it lets me to put less focus and thought into the meanings, allowing me instead to use the music as an active mediation, a delightful ride to no mind. I know enough of the meaning in the words to understand I am repeating names and praises for God or Gods, all in all an expression of exultation. I am able to play with the alliteration of the words and phrases and the tone of my voice, going round and round in a vocal dance.
The group energy creates a space with intention that produces uplifting energy. The Kirtan becomes a gentle whirlpool, swirling around each person, as it wraps us in a shared moment, lifting all present to a higher place.
One of the primary instruments for the musical accompaniment of Kirtan is the harmonium, an acoustic organ. Air is forced passed vibrating reeds by squeezing a bellows with one hand, playing notes with the other.
The harmonium was originally developed in England, and is now considered a traditional instrument that is both played and made in India.
When I began learning and appreciating the music of Kirtan, I thought back to the music of my youth, when the Beatles began introducing us all to the melodies and rhythms of India.
Wrapped within these songs were spiritual teachings, a blend of the old, as our generation discovered the wisdom of Eastern philosophy, and the new, our own psychedelic experience.
I began experimenting with three Beatles songs on harmonium that captured this sound and consciousness. I hope you enjoy my simple recording and are able to experience some of the pleasure this music has brought to me.

"When you see beyond yourself then you may find peace of mind is waiting there."

Watch and listen to my Beatles Kirtan Medley on YouTube!

 "With our love, we can change the world!"
 Meet your host at GreenLife Retreats: Douglas Stevenson
A big thanks to everyone who has become a patron of Farm Fresh!
When you become a subscriber, your contribution helps spread the word about the work at Standing Rock and other important projects and causes. Take this one small step to be part of the solution!

Click here to make a one time donation.

Click here to take the survey.    I look forward to hearing from you.
I hope you'll make the effort to take a firsthand look at The Farm during one of my GreenLife Retreat Weekends, and that it will inspire you to pursue your dreams and find your chosen path! 
The 2017 GreenLife Retreats Calendar
March 24-26  Farm Experience Weekend 
Inspiration is a key element of personal transformation. Farm Experience Weekends open you up to new possibilities and give you the courage to take the next step in living your life to the fullest! This weekend gives you the best overview of life in community, exploring green building and solar technology, organic gardening, midwifery, alternative education, starting a small business, and so much more. Learn how community can leverage your ability to live true to your ideals and make a difference in the world. Watch the video. / Farm Experience in Photos
Surviving a Trump Presidency:The Conference on Community and Sustainability May 26-28
Co-sponsored by the Fellowship of Intentional Communities (FIC), this weekend is an immersion in all things community and achieving a lifestyle in line with the values of sustainability. One of our most popular events that promises to be even greater in the coming year!
I like to give each conference a theme or point of focus, and as I had to personally come to terms with how a Trump presidency would affect our future, I found inspiration in the many voices of resistance coming from all corners of our country. 
It was important for me to acknowledge with a definite sense of gratitude that those of us living in community are in many ways better prepared and able to maintain a buffer of sanity inside our bubble. The Farm was born during Nixon, survived Reaganomics, and endured through Bush 1 and Bush 2. We will keep on keepin' on and remain true to our path and recognize that our ability to maintain a sense of joy in the midst of turmoil will be beause of our life together in community.
Folks here and there started saying to me, "You should call your Community and Sustainability: Surviving the Trump Presidency.
It made sense to me. This May 26-28
 we will plot a strategy for the years ahead.
In a bit of astounding synchronicity, I am in contact with a group of students and faculty from a class called "Sustainability and the Apocolypse," who are making plans to attend.
Let's work together to make this a truly dynamic event! I hope to see you here!

Out to Change the World and The Farm Then and Now
Order both for just $33 including shipping!
Order both and save!
An Incredible NEW BOOK!
Following 7 years of research, Farm Community member Thomas Hupp uncovers the subtle forces that presently affect Politics, Economics and Your Health.
  • There is Economic Warfare going on and You are the target!
  • This Assault is being waged by a Power we cannot see.
  • Tracking Mr. Global educates citizens about  how the world is presently being controlled.
Only $15 plus $5 for shipping!
June TBA The Organic Gardening Intensive 
Right now I have not made a decision about this event for 2017. Contact me if you are interested.
5 Days of hands-on gardening and immersion in permaculture, as well as garden tours on and off-The Farm to visit permaculture homesteads, a bamboo nursery, the nearby Amish community, and more.
organic gardening intensive
July TBA  The Summer Retreat
Right now I have not made a decision about this event for 2017. Contact me if you are interested.
Like a Farm Experience but with more time to go swimming, hiking, plus kid activities, workshops and always GREAT FOOD! Fun for the entire family. Watch the video.
Oct 20-22 Farm Experience Weekend
Fall Colors and a Fire Circle: Always a jam packed weekend. A time of reflection and introspection.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - the Web Site
www.awakening - The Podcast 
Our new birth resource web site is up. The Awakening Birth podcast is now available on iTunes.
Please spread the word to anyone in your circle who is thinking of having a baby, expecting, your favorite midwife, or care provider.
Please like us and give us a good review on iTunes. It helps!
Midwifery Workshops:
Swan Trust Activities & Hikes   Contact:
Permaculture Apprenticeships: Learn straw, cob, earthbag, turf roofs, bamboo, thatch, clay plaster, adobe, alis, and food self-reliance at The Farm Community.

Spiral Ridge Permaculture - Workshops and Classes at a permaculture homestead down the road
Green Life Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office 931-626-4035 cell