Dear Friends,

BDS South Africa together with the Coalition for a Free Palestine and others have called for a national week of action (19-25 November) in protest of Israel's recent attacks on the Gaza Strip. As part of this, on Wednesday the 21st of November there will be a 24 hour vigil outside South Africa's Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO):
STARTS: 06h00 Wednesday, 21 November
ENDS: 06h00 Thursday, 22 November
WHERE: SA Department of International Relations and Cooperation
(460 Soutpansberg Road, Pretoria/Tshwane)
For more info on this event and other actions:
Last week, on Wednesday the 14th of November, in clear violation of a truce that had just been agreed to, Israel carried out an extra-jurisdictional assassination of Palestinian political activist and member of Hamas, Ahmed Jabari. Only hours before his death, Jabari intended and was in the process of finalizing a long-term ceasefire peace agreement with Israel.

Since Wednesday and the illegal assassination of Jabari, Israel has subsequently embarked on a full-scale military offensive on the Gaza Strip killing over 72 people, including 16 children and a pregnant woman with her unborn twins. In addition, over 520 civilians have been wounded. Yesterday (Sunday the 18th of October), marking the deadliest single Israeli attack, 10 members of one family were killed in an Israeli air-strike on the Palestinian home of the Al-Dula family. The dead include 4 children (who were 2 to 5 years ), their mother, an aunt, a cousin, an 81 year old grandmother as well as two neighbors. (Find a Los Angeles Times news report here: )
Even at the height of Apartheid in SA we didn't have F16 fighter-jets, military tanks or ground incursions on the scale that the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are currently experiencing. These sort of Israeli attacks tragically confirm the position of the ANC chairperson, Baleka Mbete, who said at the October ANC International Solidarity Conference that the situation of the Palestinians is "far worse" than the conditions were under apartheid. The recent ANC National Policy Conference at Gallagher Estate was also very clear that the "ANC is unequivocal in its support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for self-determination, and unapologetic in its view that the Palestinians are the victims and the oppressed in the conflict with Israel." In line with this ANC position and in protest of Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip, we are calling on the South African government to: A) Immediately recall the South African ambassador from Tel Aviv; B) Expel the Israeli ambassador from Pretoria; and, C) Impose broad-based boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel until it ends its violence against the Palestinian people, abides to international law and respects human rights.

1. Organize a protest, picket or rally: Organize outside your local, provincial or national government in protest against the Israeli attacks on Gaza and in support of the three demands that BDS South Africa has made to government. Be in touch with us if you would like to have a BDS South Africa or other Palestine solidarity activist speak at your protest, picket or rally.

2. Arrange an event: Arrange a movie screening, poetry reading, discussion or other event in your community. Be in touch with us for other ideas or if you would like a relevant DVD film that can be screened to be mailed to you.

3. Raise awareness: With other members of your family or community distribute fliers, stick-up posters, paint graffiti or hang-up banners in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza and against the Israeli attacks. Wits University students in Johannesburg recently hung large banners over bridges that were located on peak-traffic roads and highways!

4. Take to social media: Join us on FaceBook ( or Twitter ( and remember to use the hashtags #GazaUnderAttack, #BoycottIsrael and #ExpelIsraeliAmbassador.

5. Sign this Avaaz petition: The international website campaign,, with over 16 million members in 194 countries has launched this emergency petition calling the UN Security Council, the European Union, the Arab League and the USA to immediately take action against the recent Israeli "rampage":

6. Write to DIRCO: Join us in calling on our government, in protest of the Israeli attacks on Gaza, to: a) Immediately recall the South African ambassador from Tel Aviv; b) Expel the Israeli ambassador from Pretoria; and c) Impose broad-based boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel until it ends its violence against the Palestinian people, abides to international law and respects human rights. Find relevant contact details here: and remember to send us a copy of your letter/email, which we will also have delivered for you.
Finally, please consider making a contribution towards the work of BDS South Africa and the organizing of this national week of action in protest against Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip. You can donate here:
Office 915 | 9th Floor | Khotso House | 62 Marshall Street | Johannesburg
PO Box 2318 | Houghton | 2041 | Johannesburg
T: +27 (0) 11 492 2414 | F: +27 (0) 86 650 4836
W: | E: |

BDS South Africa is a registered Non-Profit Organization. NPO NUMBER: 084 306 NPO
BDS South Africa is a registered Public Benefit Organisation with Section 18A status. PBO NUMBER: 930 037 446