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October 2014  IN THIS ISSUE:
 In the next series of  newsletters, we will continue to focus on Business Presentations…common errors and how to remedy or even avoid them so you can Talk your way to the Top!
  •      Series 2: Closings of business presentations
  •      Amazon's #1 Best Seller: 'World Class Speaking in Action' available! Only 6 copies left in my own stock of my educational resource store! (see below for more info)
 If you  are still wondering about whether or not to attend the Free to Fee Speaking Workshop this Sat. 9:30-1:30pm, email me or call me 416 489 6603. 2/3 more attendees can be accommodated.


Quotations of the month:
 “To talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.”
 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
"Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending."  
 - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow     
Business Presentations: Impactful Closings!
Let me ask you this: Do you spend as much time on the closing of a presentation as you do on your opening? If we're truly honest, it's likely that we do not.
The Law of Primacy states that people remember what they hear first but the Law of Recency states that people also emember what they hear last!  That said, let's look at both weak and strong closings.
Weak Closings:  have you ever closed in any of these ways?
  • having Q&A at the end is a recipe for disaster (may have questions that take them on a different tangent or may have negative person openly airing negative reactions) So have a Q&A , then signal you’re going to close
  • introducing new information at close…i.e. “Oh, by the way here is another…”
  • running out of time and rushing the ending
  • stating no clear next step or too many next steps
Strong Closings: Since last words linger-
  • summarize and callback to your main points, characters, stories, activities, etc
  • have them discuss with a partner 1 or 2 ideas they got from the presentation; then have them debrief the idea by shouting them out; great way to raise their energy, make them feel validated, have them buy into your message more readily and have them  retain more of it
  • state the negative, painful, even devastating consequences if your recommendation is not acted upon
  • return to the opening thoughts, ideas, and the rewards of the benefits if they buy into your proposal
  • close with your encouraging, takeaway message of hope and positivity
  • state a clear call to action
  •  provide a challenge in the form of a statement or question
I invite you to join me again next month; we continue discussing Business Presentations.
The topic next month will be: Business Closings: common errors and remedies
Until then, happy speaking!   Wink

PS  Thrilled to be a contributing author to an Amazon Best Seller!
The contents of this book is only for SERIOUS STUDENTS of SPEAKING!
 If you wish to enhance your speaking TENFOLD, this 386 page book written by 50 Certified   World Class Speaking Coaches is for you! It will shorten your learning curve and teach you tools that are invaluable in taking you from good to GREAT!
I will also forward the bonus accompanying audios for ONLY $26.00!!
Local to Toronto? Save on no shipping!
  Only 6 left!!
Individual Speech Coaching or Group Instruction
  • if you're a toastmaster wanting a competitive edge over average speakers
  • if you wish your group to be more effective presenters to successfully sell their services, products or ideas and increase profit margin
  • if you're in business and need to confidently and competently address a group with a powerful, professional presentation but don't know how to plan its structure, its compelling content and then, dynamically deliver it  
416 489 6603 (Toronto)
Let's first discuss your needs and/or those of your group
 (no fee for consultation) 
Kathryn MacKenzie, M.Ed. DTM
Presentation Skills Instructor / 
  Keynote Speaker/Coach

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