11-18-2010 11:16 pm - John W. Wallace

The following is a list of U.S Senators and the Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that these Senators received from Special Interest Groups to either support or oppose S.510 - The FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act. Money received by elected officials from Special Interest groups to vote a certain way on a bill or bills is nothing less than Bribery. I have listed the names of the Senators, the Party and State, and the amount of Special Interest Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that they received thus far:
Name of Senator - Party & State - Bribe For S.510 or Bribe Against S.510
Daniel Akaka - D HI - Bribe For: $27,690 - Against: $700
Lamar Alexander - R TN - Bribe For: $190,421 - Against: $4,850
John Barrasso - R WY - Bribe For: $31,350 - Against: $27,500
Max Baucus - D MT - Bribe for: $123,803 - Against: $55,980
Evan Bayh - D IN - Bribe For: $45,200 - Against: 8,250
Mark Begich - D AK - Bribe For: $23,050 - Against: $2,000
Michael Bennet - D CO - Bribe For: $38,509 - Against: $22,050
Robert Bennett - R UT - Bribe For: $105,530 - Against: $10,000
Jeff Bingaman - D NM - Bribe For: $31,498 - Against: $8,450
Christopher Bond - R MO - Bribe For: $49,550 - Against: $5,200
Barbara Boxer - D CA - Bribe For: $120,000 - Against: $13,650
Sherrod Brown - D OH - Bribe For: $57,800 - Against: $6,600
Samuel Brownback - R KS - Bribe For: $20,950 - Against: $13,500
Jim Bunning - R KY - Brobe For: $20,700 - Against: $2,000
Richard Burr - R NC - Bribe For: $328,086 - Against: $32,292
Roland Burris - D IL - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
Maria Cantwell - D WA - Bribe For: $93,541 - Against: $2,750
Benjamin Cardin - D MD - Bribe For: $72,200 - Against: $0
Thomas Carper - D DE - Bribe For: $83,150 - Against: $0
Robert Casey - D PA - Bribe For: $80,576 - Against: $4,600
Saxby Chambliss - R GA - Bribe For: $557,694 - Against: $108,041
Thomas Coburn R OK - Bribe For: $64,400 - Against: $14,200
Thad Cochran - R MS - Bribe For: $50,144 - Against: $22,000
Susan Collins - R ME - Bribe For: $157,438 - Against: $7,800
Kent Conrad - D ND - Bribe For: $41,650 - Against: $29,612
Bob Corker - R TN - Bribe For: $298,639 - Against: $8,850
John Cornyn - R TX - Bribe For: $286,648 - Against: $254,730
Michael Crapo - R ID - Bribe For: $64,199 - Against: $14,350
Jim DeMint - R SC - Bribe For: $149,935 - Against: $5,000
Christopher Dodd - D CT - Bribe For: $36,400 - Against: $4,500
Byron Dorgan - D ND - Bribe For: $28,200 - Against: $6,000
Richard Durbin - D IL - Bribe For: $151,050 - Against: $19,000
John Ensign - R NV - Bribe For: $76,297 - Against: $10,500
Michael Enzi - R WY - Bribe For: $87,394 - Against: $21,450
Russell Feingold - D WI - Bribe For: $53,854 - Against: $2,200
Dianne Feinstein - D CA - Bribe For: $168,189 - Against: 25,314
Kirsten Gillibrand - D NY - Bribe For: $98,210 - Against: $10,650
Lindsey Graham - R SC - Bribe For: $101,272 - Against: $5,700
Charles Grassley - R IA - Bribe For: $112,150 - Against: $25,500
Judd Gregg - R NH - Bribe For: $26,000 - Against: $0
Kay Hagan - D NC - Bribe For: $36,250 - Against: $3,500
Thomas Harkin - D IA - Bribe For: $138,135 - Against: $40,600
Orrin Hatch - R UT - Bribe For: $102,215 - Against: $11,600
(See comment received from Senator Hatch's Office below)
Kay Hutchison - R TX - Bribe For: $127,811 - Against: $103,386
James Inhofe - R OK - Bribe For: $66,744 - Against: $36,430
Daniel Inouye - D HI - Bribe For: $26,350 - Against: $11,200
John Isakson - R GA - Bribe For: $280,995 - Against: $10,100
Mike Johanns - R NE - Bribe For: $159,259 - Against: $59,785
Tim Johnson - D SD - Bribe For: $26,850 - Against: $15,000
Edward Kaufman - D DE - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
John Kerry - D MA - Bribe For: $14,406 - Against: $250
Amy Klobuchar - D MN - Bribe For: $149,778 - Against: $16,250
Herbert Kohl - D WI - Bribe For: $300 - Against: $0
Jon Kyl - R AZ - Bribe For: $363,660 - Against: $58,906
Mary Landrieu - D LA - Bribe For: $73,622 - Against: $2,250
Frank Lautenberg - D NJ - Bribe For: $37,883 - Agqinst: $3,550
Patrick Leahy - D VT - Bribe For: $13,800 - Against: $2,750
Carl Levin - D MI - Bribe For: $49,900 - Against: $2,000
Joseph Lieberman - I CT - Bribe For: $121,075 - Against: $0
Blanche Lincoln - D AR - Bribe For: $347,526 - Against: $125,297
Richard Lugar - R IN - Bribe For: $153,579 - Against: $21,000
John McCain - R AZ - Bribe For: $118,070 - Against: $21,525
Claire McCaskill - D MO - Bribe For: $48,950 - Against: $7,650
Mitch McConnell - R KY - Bribe For: $439,593 - Against: $42,244
Robert Menéndez - D NJ - Bribe For: $183,850 - Against: $250
Jeff Merkley - D OR - Bribe For: $27,350 - Against; $3,300
Barbara Mikulski - D MD - Bribe For: $52,165 - Against: $1,000
Lisa Murkowski - R AK - Bribe For: $164,713 - Against: $5,800
Patty Murray - D WA - Bribe For: $136,500 - Against: $3,150
Ben Nelson - D NE - Bribe For: $254,906 - Against: $44,950
Bill Nelson - D FL - Bribe For: $205,471 - Against: $35,748
Mark Pryor - D AR - Bribe For: $115,550 - Against: $16,565
John Reed - D RI - Bribe For: $29,350 - Against: $0
Harry Reid - D NV - Bribe For: $133,985 - Against: $10,000
James Risch - R ID - Bribe For: $56,750 - Against; $36,050
Pat Roberts - R KS - Bribe For: $167,294 - Against: $65,186
John Rockefeller - D WV - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $1,000
Bernard Sanders - I VT - Bribe For: $7,800 - Against: $4,200
Charles Schumer - D NY - Bribe For: $175,185 - Against: $14,200
Jefferson Sessions - R AL - Bribe For: $65,303 - Against: $16,800
Jeanne Shaheen - D NH - Bribe For: $17,090 - Against: $7,300
Richard Shelby - R AL - Bribe For: $73,616 - Against: $10,000
Olympia Snowe - R ME - Bribe For: $78,136 - Against: $2,000
Arlen Specter - D PA - Bribe For: $209,124 - Against: $9,400
Debbie Ann Stabenow - D MI - Bribe For: $84,941 - Against: $14,482
Jon Tester - D MT - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $61,550
John Thune - R SD - Bribe For: $218,900 - Against: $55,625
Mark Udall - D CO - Bribe For: $34,435 - Against: $45,050
Tom Udall - D NM - Bribe For: $27,102 - Against: $51,900
David Vitter - R LA - Bribe For: $188,225 - Against: $8,500
George Voinovich - R OH - Bribe For: $103,850 - Against: $185
Mark Warner - D VA - Bribe For: $116,450 - Against: $8,600
Jim Webb - D VA - Bribe For: $25,300 - Against: $7,700
Sheldon Whitehouse- D RI - Bribe For: $27,025 - Against: $1,500
Roger Wicker - R MS - Bribe For: $147,650 - Against: $16,250
Ron Wyden - D OR - Bribe For: $58,700 - Against: $4,900
Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that support S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Restaurants & drinking establishments $3,217,767
Food and kindred products manufacturing $1,753,503
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Food stores $1,473,532
Beverages (non-alcoholic) $744,551
Vegetables, fruits and tree nut $709,238
American Veterinarian Medical Association $551,750
Beverage bottling & distribution $289,725
Food wholesalers $284,900
Food & Beverage Products and Services $281,137
Fishing $277,984
Chambers of commerce $219,234
Manufacturing $207,740
Food catering & food services $171,835
Confectionery processors & manufacturers $96,438
Consumer groups $6,100
Farm bureaus $0
Here's a list of Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that sopposed S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Livestock $1,561,207
Farm organizations & cooperatives $412,976
Consumer groups $6,100
Farmers, crop unspecified $0
We should pay close attention to how the Senators vote when the bill reaches the floor of the Senate for a final Yes or No vote. Will those Senators who received a significant amount of money from Special Interest groups that support this anti-Liberty bill, vote Yes? We will find out shortly.
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11-20-2010 11:42 pm - Comment by Randall
I hope the bill fails. I see we have the best government money can buy. It came to no surprise that the two communists from arkansas voted for the bill.
11-21-2010 6:08 pm - Comment by johnw
Andrew Coonce
Mesa Arizona
Wow good work on tracking down all the bribes. You got one thing wrong tho. Not all 'Veterinarians' support it. I'm a veterinarian and I know I sure as hell do not. You meant to say that the American Veterinary Medical Association supports it. Which they do. I sent the AVMA an email the other day telling them how sorely disappointed I am that they should support this latest fetid peice of fascist legislation. Of course, no response. The American Veterinary Medical Association does not represent it's members at all. They are a snobbish,unionish, fascist orgaization that cajoles it's 'members' into continuing their memberships because that's the cheapest way of obtaining malpractice insurance. (Their malpractice insurance requires membership). The only other benefit to membership is their (essentially worthless) journal, which every veterinarian that I know just tosses in the trash upon recieving. So please don't say that veterinarians support S 510. This one emphati
cally does not. (Hey, I have a garden- and so do lots of my clients!!)
11-22-2010 9:28 pm - Comment by johnw
Liberty News online - Inquiry
Jessica Fawson
Washington DC
You posted in this article http://www.libertynewsonline.com/article_301_29693.php that Senator Hatch was voting for S 510- the food safety bill and had been "bought off".
First of all he voted against the bill twice last week and continues to remain against the bill, so he obviously hasn't been bought off for the bill. You can check the record but his stance is clear, you can also view his statement against the bill here, http://hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.Detail&PressRelease_id=65fb793a-1b78-be3e-e031-79b91e3aa9e4. I hope that you'd correct your posting about Senator Hatch's stance.
Anyways if you'd like to discuss this you are welcome to call me at 202-228-3095 or email me back. Thanks for your time.
11-23-2010 4:43 pm - Comment by johnw
That is very interesting about Hatch, as I complained about SB 510 a couple of weeks ago and he sent me a letter, stating he had supported it and voted for it in committee. This was already known by me. Sounds like he has had a change of heart because too many patriots have voiced opposition. There is always hope. DON\\\'T BE AFRAID TO VOICE YOUR CONCERNS. YOU ARE HEARD.
Paul Chappell
Lyman, Ut