Media Release 
Monday April 16th 2018 
Just.equal spokesperson, Ivan Hinton-Teoh has called on supporters of LGBTI equality in the Victorian Liberal Party to speak out against branch motions at the upcoming Liberal state conference that demean and diminish LGBTI people. 
Mr Hinton-Teoh welcomed an intervention by Victorian Liberal state president, Michael Kroger, which has seen the removal of a motion endorsing so-called LGBTI "conversion therapy". 
But Mr Hinton-Teoh said there are are other anti-LGBTI motions set to be debated, including one stripping away discrimination protections for LGBTI people in federal law. 
"LGBTI community allies in the Liberal Party need to walk the walk by making a strong case for LGBTI dignity and equality." 
"Marriage equality was not 'mission accomplished' because there is still much work to be done to remove discrimination and prejudice." 
"It's not enough for our allies in the Liberal Party to be seen marching in pride parades when there are still members of a major political party who want to roll back LGBTI human rights." 
Mr Hinton-Teoh said he is concerned by reports that Victorian Liberal MPs may not speak out against anti-LGBTI prejudice because they fear they may not pre-selected if they do. 
"There is a fierce debate currently in Australia around free speech and it appears that only those opposing the dignity of LGBTI Australians within the Liberal Party are using this freedom." 
“Right now we need our Liberal supporters to speak freely about the challenges facing LGBTI Australians, advocating for our dignity and self determination and the importance of a society that respects diversity." 
For a copy of this statement on the web, click here.
For more information contact Ivan Hinton-Teoh on 0419 124 826.