Wednesday, August 4, 2010
John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth.
When I was probably 5 or 6 years old I remember very clearly a particular lesson I learned at a church service. I didn't really want to be sitting there anymore and thought that a "bathroom break" would help pass the time. So I whispered to my father that I had to use the bathroom badly. He hesitated, but allowed me to go with a look of "OK, but hurry up." Since my main thought wasn't using the bathroom in the first place, I was happy to see one of my friends come out too. We spent the next 5 to 10 minutes sneaking and giggling outside of church trying not to get caught. But we did. My father, should we say, was not happy, and had a few words about my behavior and attitude in church.
"In spirit and truth" means reverence (or respect) for the house of God. My father carefully reminded me of that important lesson at a young age. Jesus spoke these words in John 4:24 to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. He taught her that it didn't matter where or how the true God was worshipped, as long as it was done in spirit and in truth. "In spirit," means flowing from a heart filled with faith and being sincere and genuine, not a fake. "In truth," means to follow all the teachings of God's Word and not worship anyone or anything other than the one True God.
The lessons I have learned from life (like from my father) and from my Savior (like this passage) teach me respect for my Redeemer's house. I am still reminded today of the value of what's heard and spoken when believers gather to worship Him on a regular basis. I remind myself of this "regular basis," because that too shows my respect and my need for God's Word in my life. Everything that is done at God's house or in my own home ought to always be a way of glorifying Him for His love, His kindness and His work of forgiveness for me. I still sometimes forget, but it has taken me years to learn that what happens at God's house isn't ever worth missing, even to "use the bathroom."
-- Adapted from the Vacation Bible School series "A Day in the Courts of the LORD"