Saturday, April 14, 2018

Revelation 14:13 Blessed are the dead which die in the LORD.


Some years ago a TV movie was shown, entitled "Death Takes A Holiday." In this film Death, which was personified, felt that people simply did not understand the wonderful purpose it served. Seeing no other recourse, Death decided to "take a holiday," to remove himself from the world for a period of 24 hours. Disasters and tragic accidents occurred, grave illnesses ravaged bodies and filled hospital ICUs, and the elderly continued their decline -- but no one died. Suddenly, people began to realize that death is a vital part of life, that the world desperately needs it. The movie ended on a positive note with Death explaining how he stood for deliverance from all pain and unpleasantries.

The message of this film reflects the only possible explanation and comfort a godless world can draw from death -- the end of earthly troubles.

And yet, as Scripture clearly teaches and even natural man senses, death is not the end. There is "something" beyond the grave; and that "something" involves facing some kind of divine tribunal who will judge them and their lives. Death is not a vital part of life. It is a dreaded enemy that leads to judgment.

How wonderful is the Easter message! It says to us that Death Takes An Eternal Holiday! Because of the crucified and risen Christ, death has been overcome and obliterated and it shall never return. To be sure physical "death" still awaits us as a sin-residual. Yet in Christ it becomes the passageway to life eternal. Death's sting is gone for all who believe in Christ as their Savior. Today man still seeks his own ways of co-existing, coping, and being comfortable with death. Yet without Christ, death must always remain that one last, great, mysterious, undeniable, and inescapable reality that simply will not go away. There is an eternally better way -- found in Him who is risen, who lives, and who promises His believing followers: "Because I live, you also shall live!"

Thanks be to God, who has given death an eternal holiday!

-- From the "Lutheran Spokesman”