Thursday, March 31, 2005

Matthew 28:6 "For He is risen as He said."


Some years ago, in the middle of a bitter cold Dakota Winter, my family and I spent a wonderful week in sunny Arizona visiting my wife's parents. But, soon enough, it was time to make the 1200 mile trip back home. It was a trip we won't soon forget.

First we stopped off at the Grand Canyon, where the weather was cold and windy, and where our youngest decided to vomit all over the hotel room. Later the next evening we were crossing the New Mexico border into Colorado when we were struck by an unexpected and vicious snow storm. The storm hit as we were heading through the Raton mountain pass -- nearly 8000 feet up -- at night! We'd been through that pass in the day time and so we knew how steep and deep some of the drop offs are. We didn't want to think what might happen if we veered off the road. With an average speed of 20 miles/hour we nosed our way into the next town, only to find out there was no room for us in the Inn -- the Holiday Inn that is. No rooms available, in fact, in the whole town. The interstate was closed going north, and we sure didn't feel like driving back through the pass. So we spent a restless night sleeping on the floor of the hotel hobby. The next day there was more snow and more rain to make the driving difficult for tired minds and eyes. The children -- while great travelers over all -- were getting restless. "Are we home yet?" After three days in the car, the youngest was sick of Mom and Dad's attempts to keep him happy! His toys, like well-aimed missiles, took flight, one after the other from the back seat into the front! Each projectile was accompanied by a loud: "Let me out of here!"

But then finally ... HOME! SWEET HOME! We were so happy as we pulled in the driveway that even the snow looked good! We were back! Back to safety! Shelter! Rest!

Easter is the promise of safety, shelter, and rest at the end of a dangerous and often tedious road. Easter is the promise that God has done everything to assure us that we're going to make it home! Easter is the thrill of knowing that when we get to our destination we can throw away the glasses, the crutches, the canes, the wheel chairs ... that we can say 'adios' to all our backaches, our headaches, our heartaches ... to all the woes of an often difficult journey! Easter drives us onward, instilling in us an unconquerable joy as we face life's weariness with an unconquerable Savior! LORD, GIVE US AN EASTER FAITH! IN THE RISEN SAVIOR'S NAME. AMEN!