Friday, August 3, 2018

Acts 26:29 Short time or long-- I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am...


Given the chance to defend himself before King Agrippa, of what does Paul speak? He tells about how outside Damascus a voice identified itself as Jesus. Jesus, whom Paul knew for a fact to be crucified, was alive, talking to him!

It was the resurrection of Jesus that made all the difference! We see it in Paul's last words before the king rose and left the room with Festus and Bernice, and all their entourage. Agrippa had said, "You think you can persuade me in such a short time?"

Paul's reply: "Short time or long-- I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am..." (Acts 26:29). The resurrection is the one gift that truly fits everybody. Not just Agrippa, but all who are listening would be benefitted by forgiveness, peace, joy, love, and life. Paul wishes that all could have the blessings that he has. They more than outweigh every trouble and sorrow. He wishes that all may become what he is, and then he adds: "except for these chains!"

Now, we may easily take those words for granted, but they are not the natural response of the downtrodden. When we are down, our flesh would like to trade places with the rich and famous. We'd like to see them walk in our shoes for a while. We'd like to see that person who hurt us know what it feels like. But not Paul. He is so wealthy in Christ, possessing as he does all the riches of heaven, he wishes only the best -- even for the people who are responsible for his present plight.

The resurrection! Is it working? Is it ever! Works for me. And it works for you, too!