Dear Dutch Learner,
Yes, it’s February already! What about your New
Year’s Resolutions? Still working on your Dutch? More importantly: Still using your Dutch?
Here is a ready-to-use activity on how to make a
poem. Try it, and if you like the result, send it to me! The 3 funniest poems with this lay-out
will be published on my site, and the 3 poets will receive a nice award
The subject of your poem, e.g.
2 adjectives to describe your subject
3 verbs to describe the subject
A thought that comes up
A sentence to describe your subject
Het weer
Koud, ijskoud
Bibberen, rillen, niet te voorspellen
We drinken samen warme chocomel
Wanneer komt het voorjaar weer?
Have fun!
Please keep sending me
those e-mails with what tips/advice/activities you would like to read about
next newsletter!