February, 2015
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Behrentin Communication - the brand stylists
What Clients Say About Us
View Dieter Behrentin's profile on LinkedIn
70 years of Capri pants by Sonja De Lennart
2015 will be the 70th anniversary of the world famous Capri pants, invented by fashion icon
Sonja De Lennart
We celebrate a legend
July 16. 2015
Staatliches Textilmuseum ( TIM )
Augsburg / Germany
Contact us for details:
Phone: +49-6593-2677088
Fax: +49-6593-2677089
Behrentin Communication joins Fashion Contest Jury in Georgia/Tbilisi
Join us in Tbilisi/Georgia to select the best int. newcomer in the following:
- Best  int. Designer
- Best  int. Model
Designers and Models can apply for contest
Final will be held in Tbilisi on May 1. and 2. , 2015
Contact us for details:
Phone: +49-6593-2677088
Fax: +49-6593-2677089
Store Development / Assambling
We build the Stores across Europe
If you are looking for an international store development and assambling company, please contact us.
Our reference clients/stores incl.
Karl Lagerfeld
Tommy Hilfiger
Tom Tailor
Deutsche Bahn
and private clients for luxury appartment development / refurbishment
Phone: +49-6593-2677088
Fax: +49-6593-2677089
Behrentin Communication goes Istanbul
 Behrentin Communication to continue talks regarding business opportunities in Istanbul from March 17 to March 19, 2015
Phone: +49-6593-2677088
Fax: +49-6593-2677089
Buyer's Lounge
Event Production
You are looking for an experienced Event Company to produce your next big show?
You are planning your next event in hot spots such as Paris, Milan, Ibiza, Cannes, London or Berlin?
Phone: +49-6593-2677088
Fax: +49-6593-2677089 
Thank You
Behrentin Communication - the brand stylists
 Cologne / Gerolstein - Germany