FREE! Thursday, Jan 10, Think Inside the Box
6:30-8:00pm Sponsored by the West Carrollton Library
300 E Central Ave., West Carrollton, OH 45449
The phone number was given incorrectly in my December newsletter. Please call the West Carrollton branch at 496-8962.
Think Inside the Box: Organizing Your Home
Your home is the hub of your life. Whether entertaining or relaxing, your home should be a haven—not a headache. In this realistic seminar, you’ll discover how to:
- Prioritize your prime areas for best use
- Utilize a labeler as an organization tool
- Keep your kitchen functional and recipes organized
- Create a calm oasis in your bedroom
- Organize your jewelry
- Establish clutter-free closets with extra space
- Perfect a time-saving bathroom routine
- Purge and organize your garage
Your home will never be the same again—and you’ll love it!