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Two band shows coming up! One in Philly, one in the Pittsburgh area! 
Junebug ArtsFest
Metuchen, NJ 

Jefferson Square Park
Philly [details]

 The Fire (BAND SHOW)
Philly [facebook]

JULY 4 - Escape to the Lake
Williams Bay, WI  [details]

JULY 16 - Ladybug Music Fest
Wilmington, DE  [facebook]

JULY 17 - 4th Street Cafe -
Morgantown, PA

JULY 24 - Chatham College Summer Series (BAND SHOW)
 Gibsonia, PA [details]

JULY 25 - Wigle Whiskey ESPWA Benefit Concert Pittsburgh, PA (details TBA)

full calendar + details:

Track Joy so you never miss a show in your city.

Hey Music lovers :)
Welcome to the June newsletter and thank you in advance for reading. Im thanking you first as incentive to make you read the whole thing. Its so tempting to skim, isnt it? *wink*
Well, its not summer yet, but I didnt get the memo, because Ive been going to as many art festivals as possible. I also hit up an amusement park, saw Avengers twice, and did very little in the way of productivity...except film a music video (more on that below). Even still, this is a very useful newsletter with useful updates, new events added to the calendar, and yes...even an awkward request for a cute Asian couple!  (read on)
I know...this is a long time coming! I promised you footage from my DR trip with Food for the Hungry and here it is! If youve been to any show in the last year, you know Ive been working with and talking about FH and the work they are doing across the world to fight poverty. Ive been so honored to be part of the process this past year and excited to have many of you sponsor a kid at my merch table after shows! I shared tons of photos with you back in February when I returned from the trip, but this video will give you a better look into my experience visiting several of the communities FH is working in, learning about what they do and how they do it, and meeting Angela, the little girl I sponsor :)  

'TIME' MUSIC VIDEO SHOOT (and cute Asian couple?)
The video is coming! In late May we shot the 1st half of the music video for Time! I have so much to say about the making of the project, but I will hold my excitement until the release date nears. The video was supposed to release at the end of this month but will be postponed b/c weve run into a hiccup. We thought it would be much easier to find a couple to be in the video but this has been an incredibly difficult task :( So Im asking in this newsletter. Do you know a cute Asian couple (Philly area) that might be willing to be part of this video? Nothing cheesy...I promise! Why Asian? Well...I had a vision and thats what I saw when we were brainstorming the shoot :) Anyhow, please let me know...and stay tuned as I should hopefully have a release date for you in next months newsletter.
Honestly, every season is house concert season :) Indoors. Outdoors. Rooftops, living rooms. Summer. Winter. Whatevs! As I stay close to home this summer, I am booking house concerts in the Greater Philly area, central, PA, NJ, Baltimore, DC, Deleware, Lancaster, and areas w/in a 2-hour radius (give or take). If you‘re interested in knowing more, just ask me. Or hit up my house concert FAQ page!  
(photo: Bazer house concert - Raleigh, NC)
And with that, I shall leave you!
Thank you for reading and happy almost first day of summer :)