We're also trying out a couple of podcasts at Kings Place in Kings Cross (and I have a HUGE guest pencilled in, but don't know which show they will end up on, so BOOK NOW).
23rd March Birmingham Town Hall SOLD OUT
No guest booked as yet, but as it's sold out I might keep this as a surprise
April 3rd Brighton - The 8.30pm show is SOLD OUT, but we're adding another one with a different guest at 6.30pm. Book here
And you'll be getting an email pretty soon with loads more dates around the UK! PLus I have a slot at the New Town Theatre throught August at the Edinburgh Fringe. Will let you know when tickets become available.
RHLSTP as a podcast
We're about to make a switch over to Acast - it should come next week. It will mean there will be some ads in the podcast, but we'll be using the revenue to help towards filming and making other projects. You will be able to get ad free podcasts by becoming a monthly badger - more on that later
At the moment we're releasing the specials I did at the Bristol Slapstick Festival. Tim Vine has gone up this week (if audio isn't there yet, it will be soon. Next week is Damon Beesley and Joe Thomas from the Inbetweeners and in audio only (due to a misunderstanding at the Festival) the next week will be the Goodies!
Monthly Badgers
In an attempt to finally unite the biggest divide in the UK in recent times, we are attempting to bring together Badgers and Dripsters in one place and have set up a website at
http://rhlstp.co.uk (if you own rhlstp.com please get in touch)
It's still under construction, but when finished will be full of info on the show and house all the extras, emails with guest names in advance, backstage interviews, advertless podcasts, entry into monthly prize draw and more for those who make a monthly donation.
We are raising the minimum monthly badge donation to £3 BUT if you have joined before the switch you will get full access for whatever you are currently paying.
So sign up now to get all this stuff for £1 a month (feel free to pay more if you like)
You can still become a
Dripster if you prefer and if you think the badge/drip gulf can never be breached.
Really appreciate all the positive comments about this. We'll be back for series 3 in 2020, with a full SIX episodes. Shit, I've got to write them.
In less good news, the TV script I was writing for Tim from the Office was not deemed of sufficient quality and is being written by someone else now.
I am not sure if this means I am good or bad at writing, but thanks to Relativity I am going to give this thing one last try before accepting I am bad.
EQ book
And we're back to selling the old copies too if you just want one of them.