tel:  512-280-1192                                         Friday, May 11, 2012
              Nursery Notes: Mother's Day sale now in progress. Knock-out
              roses - beauties in full bloom!  reg $24.99 - sale price $19.99.
              Colorful hanging baskets -  petunias, impatiens, purslane, vinca,
              geranium, begonia - reg. $14.99, on sale for $12.99! Pottery +
              water features 15% off. Gift certificates also available.
                          3 Easy Gifts for Mom-the-Gardener:

              Mixed plantings of culinary herbs  Pick a beautiful ceramic pot or
              hanging basket.  Fill with potting soil, and then plant four 4” potted
              herbs. Pick some that will cascade from the top of the pot. Herbs like
              thyme, oregano and rosemary can be mixed with popular, upright
              herbs like parsley, sage and chives. Tie a bow around the top of the pot. 
              A European basket  Place potted flowering herbs and tropical plants
             inside a nice woven basket with a handle. Add some packets of flower
             seed, a hand trowel, and some colorful gardening gloves, some ribbon,
             and a card.
             A living rose bush  Some magnificent roses still available that
             bloom all year and require little attention. Look for the knock-out
             series (on sale, see above) and home run.
             Lecture notes: Susan Wittig Albert's handouts from her lecture
             available here:  The Secret Life of Herbs |  Thank you Patrick Van
             Haren for last Sunday's fascinating talk about  new directions in
            Hill Country Retreat with the Greenest Little Pool House in Texas.
            Architect Murray Legge echoes the surrounding hills in this imagin-
            ative living roof for ranch outfitter James Cavender. From the May
            issue of Garden & Gun magazine: rooftop oasis
     Central Texas Gardener (KLRU-TV): A focus on gourds with 
     special guest Suzanne Haffey from the Texas Gourd Society and
     Charlotte Yeisley from Diamond Y Farm. On tour, Hutto gardeners
     create a healing garden at their historic home. Sat. noon or 4 p.m. or
     Sun: 9 a.m.

              Zinnias brighten up any landsape

                Ten Activities for May
                           by Chris Winslow
1.Plant flowers: This is a perfect time for flowering annuals and
perennials. Begonias, zinnias, marigolds, moss-roses, purslanes and
vinca are all good choices. Perennials? Lantanas, salvias, verbenas.
2 Vegetable garden care: Water deeply to encourage a deep, drought-
tolerant root system, especially after last year’s heatwave. Still time
to add a few warm season crops: sweet and hot peppers, green beans,
okra, eggplant and black-eyed peas. Fertilize tomatoes.
3. Mulch: Place around all plants to conserve water and keep the
temperature around the plant roots comfortable. Mixing some compost
with the mulch will help replace nutrients as the plants grow.
4.Care of  roses:  Dead-head spring flowering roses to encourage a
new flush of flowers. Apply fertilizer to produce new flowers. Watch
for powdery mildew, black spot and western flower thrip. Treat with
organic sprays: Neem oil and wettable-sulphur.
5 .Move houseplants outside: Put them out for a spring breather.
Move them slowly towards their new light exposure. Too much sun
too fast will burn the leaves. This is also a good time for transplanting. 
6. Insect control: All the new spring growth is attractive to every
kind of critter imaginable. Be nice to the environment (and to your-
self) and only use organic sprays. If you have larvae (caterpillars)
eating holes in your plants and trees, look for products that have B.T.
as the main ingredient. If sucking insects like aphids, spider mites,
whitefly, scale and mealy bug are the problem, use Neem oil or Spinosad.
7. Maintain irrigation: If you own an automatic sprinkler system, it
would save water and money to have it tuned up. Set the controller
for deep, infrequent watering to encourage a deep, drought-resistant
root system. Install rain sensor.
8. Fertilize lawn: Use an organic blend with a 3-1-2 ratio. Ten pounds
per 1,000 square feet of turf area should be adequate.
9. Feed the birds: With lots of new birds in the area, keep those feeders
10. Grow basil: The top herb for the summer months is basil. With the
nights getting warmer, this wonderful herb should finally have the temp-
eratures it needs to take off.    
              Happy Mother's Day... and Happy Gardening Everyone!
               Visit the website: 
Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, Texas 78748 