Monday, March 27, 2017

John 18:37 Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. . . . . Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."


Jesus admitted it. "As you say! I am a king." And yet He stands alone, with no earthly kingdom. All His followers have forsaken Him and run away. He is poor, a member of a downtrodden people, and even among them He has nowhere to lay His head. Yet He admits to having followers in another "world." In that kingdom His followers would fight any encroachment of His power. And that is really what they are doing right now, in the spiritual realm.

Why did He not stay in His own realm? He was born and He has come into this world for one purpose: to testify to the truth.

Why is the truth so important? Isn't it all relative? The truth of Jesus' innocence did not settle the issue for Pilate. He thought more like: "Whatever works for one, whatever gets and keeps the wealth, honor, power, and position, that’s good enough to be truth for him?"

Of course, Jesus came to say that it is not! Like day old bakery, the wealth and power of this world is every hour closer to decay and destruction. The truth is that all of us will one day stand before the judgment seat of God and answer for how we have used our authority.

But our King came to be with us, with no worldly kingdom, power, wealth, honor, or soldiers. He who knew no sin, was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in connection with Him. He will stand with us before the throne of God, and He will be our truth, and righteousness, and salvation!