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Issue 589
  27 June 2024
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
What's in this issue:
Click the link to be taken to article.
Wednesday 3 July
Next week is the holding of the annual President's Cup and Garmston Bowl competitions, when the judge will be Pete McCloskey FRPS. We are grateful to Pete who has stepped in at the last minute to replace the previously booked judge who has had to pull out through illness.
Pete is a well-recognised international and national exhibition judge, so we should be in for a great evening.
Login details:
  • Wednesday 3 July @ 19.30hrs
  • Login: Click HERE
  • Meeting ID: 846 9403 6592
  • Password: 683041 
DI Group
The next Digital Imaging Group Meeting will be on Monday 8 July at 7.30pm.
These meetings are informal and take place at the clubhouse and via zoom, it is a great opportunity to share your work with other members or simply to gain some inspiration.
If you would like some advice, to share a project you have been working on or simply want to share some of your images outside the competition environment, please send your images to by 5.00pm on Saturday 6 July so they can me included
Please number your images in the order you would like them to be viewed and resize to the usual competition size, not essential but helps to keep the file size to a manageable size.
We will also be starting to look at possible subjects for the Kingswood Salver which is a panel of five individual prints from five different authors on a related subject.  This competition is run by the Western Counties Photographic Federation WCPF. Not as easy as it sounds! Click on the link to see last year’s winners came third last year but we are looking for 1st this year…… 
Last month we were privileged to look at and share some diverse and interesting images from the following members.
John Hudson treated us to a selection of images both taken with his drone giving us some unusual perspectives on familiar landmarks and some spectacular dance images.
Sian Jones shared some of her artistic ICM images of Clevedon Pier showing a familiar view in quite a different way.  Also how she has progressed with her frozen flowers project sharing hints and tips on obtaining the best results. 
Steve Taylor shared a project he has been working on for circa 25 years and that is to see and photograph every British species of butterfly which he has now completed.  We were treated to some wonderful images including some from his next project butterflies in flight.
Jon Richer showed how he is staring to enhance some of his images in post processing, including some of his wonderful lightning shots which need very little editing….
Linda Meaton shared another of her degree course modules which was to produce a creative advertising photograph that had to include a live model. She chose The Great Gatsby. The result speaks for itself see below: 
Paul Kirby shared a project he has been working on to photograph all the bridges from Hanham to Avonmouth showing some unusual perspectives. He also produced a book using the same images, great ideas and wonderful images. The company he used was for those interested in doing something similar.  A very good website with helpful videos to get the best results from your images.
Rachel Domleo shared some collections and panels using images taken on a recent holiday to Spain, including ICM wave and beach shots.  Not a record shot in sight!
Rachel Domleo
Ashwin Chauhan
DI Challenge
DI Challenge – July 2024 
About a month ago I had indicated at the DI meeting that I will set a challenge to ALL BPS members to use their expertise to take an unedited image and to improve it as best as they can. They can take the challenge further to make a creative image if they wish.
Click on the following link to download the instructions and images:
Click on the word ‘Download‘ at the top left corner of the screen to download the whole folder ‘DI Challenge Folder 24 v2’ which has a pdf file of instructions and images in both jpg and raw formats onto your computer.
The intention is to not only to test your skills but also to share with others what works, how easy or difficult the techniques are. This challenge may also serve as an indicator on the level of interest within the members for practical workshops in the new season of BPS programme when DI meetings will be bimonthly leaving every other month free for practical work if there is sufficient interest. Although at the DIG meetings the members share their work and knowledge, practical hands-on work is often the best way to further improve your skills.
I look forward to members taking up the challenge and also send me comments on the challenge as well as the interest in hands-on workshops.
Ashwin Chauhan
Distinctions Advisory Group
To all members - a date for your diary.

The next meeting of the Distinctions Advisory Group will be held at the Clubrooms at 7.30pm on Monday 22 July, when advice will be given by Pete McCloskey FRPS, Andrew Marker FRPS and Ralph Snook ARPS to anyone wishing to, or in the process of, applying for photographic distinctions. 
These evenings are primarily aimed at those aiming for RPS or PAGB distinctions, but anyone aiming for a photographic distinction is welcome.
Studio Session
Studio session – SATURDAY 6 JULY
You’ve all seen her before in various competitions, well Elle Regan is coming back Smile
There will be two sessions, 10am – 12:30pm and 1pm - 3:30pm, each session for the bargain price of £25, inclusive of Mike Martin and Steve Field being on hand to assist as necessary.  Mike and Steve have already planned some of the looks, but if there is anything specific you’d like to shoot, please discuss with either of them.
To book your place, please contact Mike ( stating your preference for Morning, Afternoon or Either.  Mike will then allocate and confirm places. 
Exhibitions To Enter
Winchester National Exhibition 2024 (BPE)
Open - Now
Closing - 14 July
Beyond Group National Exhibition 2024 (BPE)
Click on image for further details
NEW - Download Issue 358 PAGB eNews HERE.
Download Issue 115 of Photography News HERE.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Well done to Ramesh Chauhan on gaining his AFIAP distinction. Ramesh is one of our distance members, living in Ottawa (Canada) who joined us during Covid.
Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
BPS Programme
Members can download a pdf copy of the upcoming BPS programme by clicking on this link
FREE – Infrared Filter 62mm
Ever fancied a go at IR photography, but without investing in having a camera body converted? You can achieve the same effect by placing a filter on the front of the lens to block out the visible light and only allow the IR light through. However, it won’t work on all cameras as all have filters in front of the sensor to also block the IR. Whether it works depends upon the effectiveness of that filter; what you need is the IR light that ‘leaks’ through to the sensor. This means that you need a slow shutter speed and/or high ISO.

If you fancy having a go, Mike Martin has a 62mm thread IR filter going free. 

Here’s an image straight out of camera – 6 seconds, ISO 1000, f2.8 showing the characteristic range of red/pinks before processing.
If you're interested, then contact Mike at:
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to   
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!  
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following: Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you  
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE