BPS Newsletter - Issue 80 12 March 2014
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
No expense spared, next week we have our own Patsy Southwell ARPS EFIAP - with her talk entitled Still learning. This evenimg will take us on a trip to show a very part-time photographer progressing from getting an LRPS to an ARPS and quite a few salon and award pictures, so hopefully to encourage others to take this journey.
There will be studio events on Thursday 27th March and Tuesday 1st April both at 7pm. They will be based around fashion.
The first will be based around knitwear with a post-apocalyptic/survivor theme so should be some interesting images for you Photoshoppers out there. The second will be a collection of coats, skirts and tops for a varied look.
There will be a limit of 6 photographers on each evening so if you could indicate which your first and second choice is, Nick will do his best to make sure everyone is accommodated. As always, if there are too many people, please book anyway and you will be at the top of the list for the next event. Most importantly, when you book please could you add your email and telephone number in the comments box so Nick has these in case of emergencies.
The two links are below:
Print Competition - Round 3
Round 3 of the print Competition was held on 26 february and was judged by an old friend of BPS, John Tilsley, APAGB DPAGB ARPS from Dorchester.The results were as follows:
Photographer |
Image Title |
Award |
Andrew Wood |
If You go down to the Woods Today |
1 |
Barry Mead |
Crane Ice Dance |
2 |
Gordon Thomas |
Flood Water |
3 |
Margaret Collis |
Scallop Reflections |
HC |
Beryl Heaton |
Peregrine |
HC |
John Hudson |
Pallid Bat Having a Drink |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Apparitions |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Damien and Stan |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Dance Like there's No Tomorrow |
HC |
Gordon Thomas |
Mist and Rain - Cromer |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Empire of the Sun |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
The Sands of Berrow |
HC |
Paul Smith |
Tranquil Sunset |
1 |
Mike Bigger |
Clown |
2 |
Mike Bigger |
Eddie Three |
3 |
Gill Peeke |
Motorway Spray |
HC |
Paul Smith |
Cliftonwood Reflections |
HC |
Paul Smith |
Dawn Woman |
HC |
1st Place
If You go down to the Woods Today
Andrew Wood
A Date For Your Diary - Bristol Salon
This is advanced warning that there will be no meeting at the clubrooms on 26 March, instead the meeting will be at the QEH Theatre in Jacob Wells Rd, Clifton for the presentation of the 2014 Bristol Salon of International Photography. Entry for members will be free but you are invited to bring guests along (there will be a small charge of £4 for guests). This is one of the premier exhibitions in the UK and you can expect to see getting on for 900 of the top images in the world set to an appropriate musical background.
Following Wednesday's talk by John Bebbington, one or two people mentioned the problem of their macro lens not having a tripod collar. John has suggested looking in the SRB Griturn catalogue; the link below takes you straight to their 'tripod lens mount'. Alternatively look at P.23 of their catalogue which can be downloaded from their website.
Their website is www.srb-photographic.com, Tel: 01582 661878.
We have received the following from Margaret Salisbury at the 2014 London Salon
The London Salon of Photography has now been holding an Annual International Exhibition for more than 100 years and despite all the changes in photography still aims to show photography "which shows artistic feeling and appreciation", in other words "Pictorial Photography" but this, of course, includes and encourages the most "creative and up to date styles being practiced today" as well as the more traditional pictorial images. There are many exhibitions held annually but the LS is one of the few, purely PRINT exhibitions, which shows ALL the accepted prints at its first showing in London then in Smethwick and a large percentage in Edinburgh and Ireland. The exhibition is seen in all venues by a large number of people and the Openings are an opportunity for many photographers to enjoy the social aspect of these events.
Our last exhibition a Catalogue was produced with many of the accepted images reproduced (approx. 100) and a CD is also produced with a commentary which can be purchased for showing in Clubs or Groups.
Judged by approximately 20 of the Salon Members and although not easy to achieve enough votes for selection authors can be justly proud if their work is selected, especially if awarded a Salon Medal of which there are up to ten awarded each year.
This year we have TWO classes, MONO and COLOUR four prints may be entered in each section.
There is an on line entry system, further details see below or on attached poster which we would be very grateful if you could print and show in your Society etc. to help us to show the very best of photography in the world today.
All details of how to enter can be found on www.londonsalon.org
Thank you and kind regards
Margaret Salisbury - Publicity Secretary of the London Salon
Charity Event Looking For "Paid" Photographer
Beyond the Border is a charity which exists to promote and develop traditional oral storytelling across Wales and beyond. Their main activity is a three-day festival of stories and music from around the world, held every two years at the beautiful mediaeval castle of St Donats in the Vale of Glamorgan.
Beyond the Border would like to commission a photographer to document the 2014 festival with eye-catching images, which will be used to publicise future festivals and Beyond the Border as an organisation, both on our website and in promotional material.
The film-maker must be available from 4-6 July to attend the festival itself and at least some of the preparation time immediately beforehand (1-3 July).
The fee is £250, and the deadline for applications is 31 March. The photographer will be appointed in early May.
For full details, please download their leaflet by clicking here.
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixel
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: secretary@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH