Okay, okay... no lying to the kittycatz!
Viva Las Vegastamps! really IS offering
and when you're finished shopping,
View Cart and enter
as your Coupon Code
and Apply It
and when you get to
Shipping Method,
select Free Shipping!
Offer good through
April 30th, 2011 for
US and Canada Orders Only.
International Orders
will be credited the amount
of domestic shipping
towards their shipping cost.
Be sure to Follow us
on our Blog where
Terri Sproul
has organized a
wonderful Design Team
who will be posting
cards created with
our stamps for the next
six months and you
might even consider
applying for the next
Design Team.
Right now,
on our Blog
you can view
Terri's new Video
on Miracle Tape
ideas... just the first
of many more to come.
We'd welcome your
following Viva Las Vegastamps!
on our FaceBook page as well.
All 440 stamps
from the iconic
Yes! Pigs Can Fly
line which we purchased
are now online
and you can access
them by clicking on the above logo.

Someone in our store the other day said
I suppose all these stamps are
made in China... nope.
They're all hand made
right here in Las Vegas!
Stampo cuts and cushions
each and every piece of
rubber himself with scissors
and has the callouses and
arthritic fingers to prove it.
By popular demand,
our Miracle Tape
is now available
widths for
and other craft uses.
So we have SEVEN
convenient widths now!
Tips and Techniques
are now at
Tired of cute?
Into Alternative,
Grunge and Steampunk
stamping (formerly
known as weird... LOL)?
Come join the fun
at the StampArtForum
and share with other
like-minded stampers!
Please spread the word to any lists you're on
and to your stamping friends. Thanks.