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See us weekend 4th-5th November, Gem ‘n’ Bead Fair at Cheltenham Racecourse, GL50 4SH. Details here.
We have over 30 shows this year, all with a bigger display: all our 2017 beads fairs.
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Citrine & Topaz For November
Pearl Necklace For Christmas
Geometric Jewellery
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In medication it helps re-establish the link between your conscious and subconscious. If you’re feeling down, hold citrine to lift your spirit. It’s also good at healing the body and helping to communicate. Citrine has warm energy, promotes optimism, and attracts abundance.
Citrine removes negative energy and never requires cleansing. In ancient times it was carried as a protection against snake venom and evil thoughts. Known as a “merchants’ stone”, placed in the cash register to acquire and keep wealth. Citrine is the birthstone for November with corresponding signs of Gemini, Aries, Libra, and Leo.
Although the darker, orange colours of citrine, sometimes called Madeira citrine after the colour of the wine, has generally been the most valued colour, in modern times, many people prefer the bright lemony shades which mix better with pastel colours. Most citrine comes from Brazil.
Sometimes citrine is wrongly referred to as topaz quartz. In the past it referred to the colour, which is similar to topaz. Since topaz is a separate mineral, this type of name can be confusing. However, citrine is considered an alternative to topaz as the birthstone for November.
As long as citrine is protected from prolonged exposure to light or heat, it will last for years.
Topaz sometimes has the amber gold of fine cognac or the blush of a peach and all the beautiful warm browns and oranges. Some rare and exceptional topaz can be pink to sherry red.
Wear topaz only if you wish to be clear-sighted: legend has it that it dispels all enchantment and helps to improve eyesight as well!
The ancient Greeks believed that it could increase strength and make its wearer invisible in emergencies. Topaz was also said to change colour in the presence of poisoned food or drink. Its mystical curative powers waxed and waned with the phases of the moon: it was said to cure insomnia, asthma, and hemorrhages.
Brown, yellow, orange, sherry, red and pink topaz is found in Brazil and Sri Lanka. Pink topaz is found in Pakistan and Russia. Today we also have blue topaz, which has a pale to medium blue colour created by irradiation. Pale topaz which is enhanced to become blue is found in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and China.
In early 1998, a new type of enhanced topaz made its appearance, the surface-enhanced topaz, with colours described as blue to greenish-blue or emerald green. Topaz is a very hard gemstone but it can be split with a single blow, a trait it shares with diamond. As a result it should be protected from hard knocks.
To see all our citrine beads click
Of all the pieces of jewellery every woman wants most, is a pearl necklace – because it combines classic sophistication with timeless elegance. A string of pearls around the neck always looks expensive and graceful, and goes with casual clothes to formal evening wear.
You can sell a pearl necklace at a good price – because customers’ expect them to be expensive
Picture on the online newsletter is an add in a popular UK national newspaper during October 2017.
Pearl necklaces also make much-appreciated lasting gifts. Jewellery created with large pearls, especially black, make the wearer look like a movie-star. Adding confidence no other fashion accessory could. Even small children ooze class with light shades of white or coloured pearls.
Look online or in magazines for design inspiration. Some string four strands of pearls together for a necklace, others make the pearls go further by knotting and combining with different beads like lapis or turquoise and a catch. Sometimes just a simple choker is all you’re after.
For maximum profit sell matching sets: necklace, earrings and bracelet
You will normally need more than one string to make a necklace, except for a short choker with other beads added. Pearls are usually sold in 15-inch strings, and there will only be a few on the string the size quoted. A Choker necklace is 16-inches long, a Princess necklace 18-inches, and a Matinee necklace 24-inches. A bracelet is usually 7-inches and an anklet 9-inches long.
See our many pearl beads at or
Our mother-of-pearl and shell beads at
We have 100’s different findings & spacer beads:
Bold mathematical shapes show sophistication, add depth and dimension to an outfit, as well as looking modern and chic. They’re available in all materials, not just metal. And obviously in a huge range of shapes and sizes.
This season, many necklaces, bracelets and rings are already in fun geometric shapes like triangles, hexagons and rectangles. These two pictures are jewellery designed by Susan Wainwight. Susan uses a lot of geometric styles – see here.
Geometric shapes portray a unique and abstract appearance that stands out. Simple, yet eye-catching. Funky with bling: not flat or boring! See our cube, square, icicle and our geometric metal spacer beads.
Our icicle beads at
Cube & square beads:
Geometric spacer beads:
However, we’ll do our best to mail right up to the last minute. Then will be buying you the latest beads in China between January 4th to 18th – so orders will be delayed between these dates.
MrBead Bead Fairs
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