You are invited to our AGM 
Tuesday 26th March 7.00pm
Refreshments, wine and snacks provided
The Brighthelm Centre,
North Road, Brighton
Dear Plot Holders and Site Reps, 
Along with the usual AGM business our main discussion this year is;

The allotments service - is it broken?
Councillors and council officers responsible for the allotment service have been invited to hear your voice and answer your questions.
Agenda to follow shortly.

Cuts to local councils’ budgets have decimated many public services. But at last year’s AGM the council assured us the allotment service was back to full strength and that the historic issues would now be addressed. A year later and sadly things have gone from bad to worse.
  • The allotment service has not completed full inspections at any site for at least the past two years*.
    (Possibly four years if we include Covid lockdowns)
  • As a result the allotment service has not evicted a single tenant for not looking after their plot for at least two years*.
  • Many plots are now overgrown and unused.
  • The waiting list is at its longest ever (3000+) with people still signing up and paying £18 to join it.
  • Plot vacancies are at their highest level for 10 years despite the demand being at an all-time high.
  • Site Reps are being told they can’t let plots despite there being vacant plots ready to go.
  • Site Reps morale is at an all-time low. They complain of lack of support and training.
  • The 10 year Allotment Strategy has now finished with only 7 of the 83 recommendations completed*.
  • Hundreds of trees are growing on plots and some sites are reverting to woodland.
  • Fences, gates and haulage ways are not being maintained.
  • Emails are not being answered impacting Site Reps and tenants.
  • Last year all the bills were months late with some people waiting over 9 months to be billed.
*Data from council reports to the
Allotment Oversight Board
All of this paints a picture of a service which is now failing badly. 

For details, please visit our website;

Sadly, the time has come to sound the alarm. 
We look forward to hearing from senior Council Officers on how they propose to rehabilitate the service, address the failure to implement the Allotment Strategy and work with BHAF, site reps and tenants to create allotment sites that we can all be proud of.

The Brighton and Hove Allotment Federation (BHAF) is YOUR voice.
Funded from a small levy on your annual rent, BHAF represents tenants’ interests to the Council. Please see our website for details on what we do.
We need more volunteers. We need some new faces with enthusiasm, drive and relevant skills to join our existing small group of active committee members. There are some real opportunities to make a difference and help nurture and protect our precious allotments. 
So, this is a plea to you all to consider offering your services. We welcome new committee members from all backgrounds and with different skills.
We are particularly looking for individuals to fill the following role (can be split if required): 
•    BHAF Secretary. To replace the current Secretary who has had to stand down. Book, attend and take notes at 4 committee meetings a year, plus take on other tasks if willing. 
If you are interested and would like to nominate yourself to join the committee, or simply would like to find out more about opportunities to get involved, please email us with some information about your skills and interests.
If you would like to talk to the Chair about the role, please include your preferred phone contact details. 

Mark Carroll for BHAF Committee
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