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January 2018  IN THIS ISSUE:
  • Ten Terrific Talking Tips to use in your Stories!     
  •  DISCOUNTED Storytelling Course for you!
Are you ready to take your stories and speaking to a masterful level and welcome the rewards?
It's available for immediate download at a DISCOUNT
Apply the 121212 disount code before checking out!
If you want to move forward, then click on Craig Valentine's link and see what the final price for your investment would be:
  • Discover over 25 powerful secrets you could use to create world class unforgettable and spellbinding stories that will raise the bar of your speaking!
  •  Receive 22 FREE Bonuses
YOU have stories that only YOU can tell!
And others need to hear them so they can learn from you!
Quotations of the month:
  “Their story, yours and mine- it’s what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other to respect our stories and learn from them.” William Carlos  Williams 
  “In the end all we have are stories and methods of finding and using those stories.” Roger C. Shank, from ‘Tell Me A Story’ 
Ten Terrific Talking Tips to use in your Stories!   
Patricia Fripp says: "Wisdom comes from reflection."
Below are questions for you to reflect upon when creating and delivering your stories.
  • Truthful/Trustworthy: Is this my own story, or am I relating someone else’s ensuring I give credit to the original source? If it IS my own story, am I going deep, or do I play it 'safe' by only staying on the surface and avoiding to impart tough truths about myself with which they may identify and may have also experienced...truths that will make you similar to them, endear you to them and consequently be able to move forward themselves? 
  • Take away message: Do I have a clear, concise message/point to make from my story? Can I state my 'you-focused' (audience focused) message in fewer than 10 words? Can I possibly make it rhythmic to make it memorable? ie The phrase determines what stays or Your attitude determines your altitude)
  • Trigger: Do I trigger curiosity, interest, mental engagement at the start of a story by asking a you-focused question, using a quotation or making a profound statement? (Refer to a past newsletter on the 4T's to connect)
  • Tension: Do I introduce the conflict in my story early and build the tension to hold my audience’s interest, having them anxious to hear the resolution?  
  • Touch Base: Do I create moments to touch base with the audience through rhetorical questions?  (4 T's to connect newsletter)
  • Timely pauses: Do I pause and not trample on their thoughts? Are the pauses timed appropriately giving them the opportunity  to ponder a point and hear their own inner voice applying that thought to their own lives? 
  • Tangible technique: Do I have tangible, doable technique to offer my audience in order for them to act upon the message? We need to not just mention the WHY they need to do something but also the HOW.
  • Tone: Is my tone of voice varied and demonstrate the intended natural attitude, feelings, ambiance I wish to create and is it also in sync with the words I speak, my facial expressions, my body language?
  • Touch hearts: Do I realize that people are moved to action, not only intellectually but more so emotionally, and therefore I tell stories that have emotional shifts from bad to good, negative to positive, struggling to successful, to which audiences can relate? ("Emotion is the fast lane to the brain." Doug Stevenson)
  • Take them, don’t tell them:  Do I use many of the above techniques to bring them into my story by inviting them in (as in "If you had been with me...or...I wish you could have seen me when..." etc etc ) thereby taking them with you into the story?
   Until next month, succesfsul speaking and happy new year to you and yours!     Cool(sending this from Florida...had enough winter in Toronto this past month!)
Attention: toastmasters in SWF...I'm here for the season if you're seeking coaching for a contest
 Individual Speech Coaching or Group Instruction
  • if you're a toastmaster wanting a competitive edge over average speakers
  • if you wish your group to be more effective presenters to successfully sell their services, products or ideas and increase profit margin
  • if you're in business and need to confidently address a group with a powerful, professional presentation but don't know how to prepare or present it
call 416 489 6603 (Toronto) Leave a message with phone number; I'll respond within 48 hours
or in Florida at 239 315 3362
We work together via SKYPE, phone and emails and me sending you work sheets. 

Let's first discuss your needs or those of your group
 (no fee for consultation) 
Kathryn MacKenzie, M.Ed. DTM
Presentation Skills Instructor/Author
  Keynote Speaker/Coach

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